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Still, it was not until September in the same year that a regular prospectus was offered, for I yet fea ed the want of matter, as well as the severe labor that I was sensible would become necessary to obtain it, if to be obtained at all. This prospectus contained these paragraphs:

"Believing, as we do, that the simplicity of the truth, as held forth by those who devised and executed the severance of this country from the power of a despot, has been widely departed from, no effort on our part shall be wanting to encourage a spirit to seek after and hold on to the principles which appear essential to the preservation of the right rights and liberties of the people of the United States; under an assurance that vigilance is the condition on which freedom is granted to us. ter upon the undertaking before us with considerable diffidence-fearful of the want of a just discrimination, and also of time for research and reflection to do justice to the weighty concern. It seemed however, to be imposed on us as a duty, and we will execute the task as well as we can.

But we en

"The materials, though the stock is pretty large, are not yet sufficient for the extensive work contemplated. The editor of the REGISTER has, for several years, been a collector of scraps and rare things-several gentlemen have liberally contributed articles which they would not have parted with except on an occasion like this; and others have promised us liberty to overhaul their neglected stores of old papers: but much useful matter must be in the hands of those with whom we have not yet communicated on the subject; and every patriot is invited to give his aid to this collection, designed to record the feelings of "the times that tried men's souls." Letters may be sent to the editor at his cost for postage, and originals will be carefully returned, if requested. When copies from manuscripts are presented, it might be well to permit us to state the source from whence they were deriv. d, if necessary."

The terms were also set forth-it was promised that the volume should contain between four and five hundred pages, and cost, in sheets, the sum of three dollars. A view to pecuniary profit was disavowed-it had nothing to do with the origin or progress of the work, and if a reasonable, allowance for money and time expended is afforded by its sale, it will be as much as ever has been expected.

I had no sooner fairly committed myself than I regretted it-the patriots of the revolution did not make speeches to be unattended to by their brethren in congress and fill up the columns of newspapers*. They only spoke when they had something to say, and preferred acting to talking-very unlike the legislators of the present time. I plainly saw that great difficulties would oppose themselves to the fulfilment of my promise--I fe feared that more was expected of me than any man could do for the facts that were manifest to my mind could not be appreciated by all: my pride, (an honest one, I trust), was alarmed-but, in obedience to a fixed rule that I have adopted for my own conduct, I resolved to meet the difficulty presented and conquer it by perseverance-if I could. To give some idea of the quantity of books and papers that have been looked into to effect this compilation, I think that I do not exaggerate when I say that they were sufficient to load a cart, and hours on hours have been spent in the service without the least profit. Perhaps, I was unlucky or unwise that my attention was not directed to the proper sources; it may be so-but of this I am satisfied, that very few of the "soul-stirring" speeches of the revolutionary period remain to warm the hearts of a grateful posterity: they were pronounced to be heard, not published. With this brief narrative, I submit the work to the liberality of my countrymen, American republicans in the firm belief that, if I have not accomplished all that was hoped for by some, it will appear that others are agreeably disappointed; and I am satisfied that good will result from the publication of this collection: it will rescue from oblivion many things that were hastening to it, and lay the foundation, perhaps, of a more extensive and much more perfect work, which I shall always keep in my view.

In explanation it is necessary further to observe, that the leading object of this volume. was to shew the feelings that prevailed in the revolution, not to give a history of events; hence, all matters of the latter class have been rejected, except as immediately necessary to shew the effects of feeling. The volume, also, might have been more acceptable if a greater degree of order had been observed as to dates, &c.; but it was almost impossible to approach regularity, in this respect, as well from the nature of things as from the occasional attention, only, that I was able to give to the work -but any inconvenience on this account is obviated by the copious index, o table of contents prefixed Two articles have been, unfortunately, inserted twice---but, as they are of an excellent quality, I shall not be sorry for it, if the error causes them to be twice read. Many notices of proceedings, &c. are given only to indicate the general conduct of the people on such occasions as they have reference to.

*The eart of Dartmouth asked an American in London, (whose name we cannot call to mind at present), of how many members the congress consisted? the reply was "fifty-two." "Why that is the number of cards in a pack," said his lordship "how many knaves are there?" "Not one," returned the republican-"please to recollect that knaves are court cards!"

[blocks in formation]

Confederation, Drayton's speech on the articles of

and his project of a new bond of union, 98, 104
Congress-Virginia delegates to 201; meeting of
297; address to the inhabitants of the United
States, 1779, 407; held at New-York, in 1765,
451; ma if sto of, 1778



America, estimate of the military force of,
American and French soldiers, their comforts, 345 Connecticut-gov. Trumbull's reply to W Tryon


Andre, major, his affair with Arnold,


Arms of the Unite! States, a description of,


Army of the revolution-statements of its force,
condition, pay, &c. & 211, 433; voluntary
contributions to support it,

210; his letter to gov. Gage, 437; revolu-
tionary pensioners of, highly interesting, 363,
364; election sermon


Arnold, at New London, 330; his character, 331;
his letter to gen. Washington after his trea-
son, 591; procession with his effigy,

for the army


Asaph, St. the bishop of his speech,
Asgill, the case of, 317; letters of his mother, 318
Austin, Jonathan W. his oration at Boston, 1778, 31

[blocks in formation]

Conscience, Livingston's remarks on liberty of, 306
Contributions, (voluntary), to furnish supplies


Cornwallis-address of the abbe Bandole on his
capture, 268; a letter from gen. Washington,
as to the plans laid to capture him, 272; ex-
tract from Wraxall's memoirs respecting his
surrender, 277; further particulars 345, 362


Court martial on a spy
Cropper, gen. notice of his services and death 416
Cunningham, the infamous capt. his confession 274


Dartmouth, the earl of a letter addressed to 144

414 Davis, col. his journal kept at Yorktown


Boston, the town of-notice of many interesting
things that occurred therein, 464, 468, 470,
471, 479 to 486 and 489; battle between the
rope-makers and soldiers, 480; Whig club,
484; massacre of the 5th of March, with re-
flections, 481; persons proscribed at,


"Boston orations"-in commemoration of the 5th
of March, 1770, when a number of citizens
were killed by a party of British troops, viz.
by James Lovell, Joseph Warren, (two),
Benj. Church, Jno. Hancock, Peter Thatcher,
Bjamin Hotel,born, Jonathan W. Austin,
William Tudor, Jonathan Mason, Thomas
Dawes, jun. Geo. Richards Minot, and Thos.

1 to 59


Botta, Mr. extracts from his history
Brackenridge's eulogium on those who had fallen

in defence of their country, delivered 1779, 119
Brandt, col. his incursion, 1779,


[blocks in formation]


Dawes, Thomas, his oration at Boston, 1781,
Declaration of rights, the draught of Geo. Mason,
of Va. 123; of independence in Mecklenburg,
N. C. 1775,

132, 135

Delaware: petition to establish a militia, 1775,
257; letter from Dr. Tilton to Dr. Elmer on
the state of things, 1775, 257; correspondence
of the same, respecting toryism in Sussex co.
258, 259; letter of Z. G. to the committee at
Dover, 257; proceedings of the committee
respecting certain tea, 258; of the same, with
the satisfaction tendered to them, on account
of a disaffected article published, 260; arrest
of a member of the legislature, by the light
infantry company of Dover, and proceedings
thereon, 261; correspondence of Cæsar and
Thomas Rodney, &c.
Delaware river, passage of
Drayton, Wm. Henry, charges delivered by him
in 1776, 72, 81, 92; his speech in the general
assembly, 1778, 98; his project, 104, his ade
dress to lord Howe and gen. Howe

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Franklin, Dr. extracts from several of his letters,
313; his letter to lord Howe, 315; his intro-
duction to the French academy, 316; Jeffer-
son's letter respecting him, 317; his letter
to the people of Ireland, 1778-384; his re-
marks on holding Canada as a 'check'
French-D'Estaing's address to those in North



Gage, gen. his proclamation offering pardon to
all but Adams and Hancock, 136; his corres-
pondence with gen. Washington, on the usage

Ledyard, col. and others-of their fate, &c. at
New London


Lee, gen. his correspondence with gen. Burgoyne,
206; letter to the same, 425; the oath exact-
ed by him in Rhode Island


Lee, Richard Henry, his speech in congress 490
Lee, captain Ezra, desperate valor of
Letter from a la


a lady to a British officer 305; from
Philadelphia, 1774, to a member of parlia-
ment, 418; another from Massachusetts to a
friend in London, ibid; another from Phila-
delphia, 1775, 420; from Charleston, 1775, 423
Lexington, the battle of, mentioned in a letter
from a lady, 305; some curious particulars
of the affair, 326; receipt of the news
Livingston, gov. of New Jersey, his able and spi-
rited reply to gen. Robertson, 268; his speech
to the legislature, 1777, 270; his remarks on
the liberty of conscience



of prisoners, 266: reply to gov. Trumbull 438
Gardner, col. at the battle of Bunker's hill 370
Gates, gen. pleasing instance of his gratitude 276 Loyalists-see 'Tories.'
Georgia-speech of gov. Bullock to the provin-

Livingston; Dr. extract from one of his sermons 362
Lovel, James, his oration at Boston, 1771,



159 MacFingal, an extract from


cial congress, 1776
Germans, (old) of Penn. form a company 420 Manufactures, &c. recommended, 181, 182, 184,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

331, 366 Mary

Hancock, John, his oration at Boston, 1774, 12;
circumstances that attended its delivery 464



Hand, col. bis reply to col. Mawhood
Haslett, col. a letter of his, Oct. 5, 1776,
Hawley, major, his 'broken hints, 1774, 324; a

very interesting letter from him, 1780 374
Henry, Patrick-see 'Virginia': his famous decla-
claration, 'we must fight,' referred to, 324;
his oratory noticed




History of John Bull's children
Hitchborn, Benj. his oration at Boston, 1777,
Howe, lord and gen. their 'declaration' in 1776,

and remarks thereon by 'a Carolinian'


Humiliation and prayer, a day set apart for
Hunter, Mr. of S. C. his daring escape
Hutchinson, gov.-see 'Massachusetts."


Hyder Ali, the



[blocks in formation]


Marion, gen. his hardy escape from the enemy
377; anecdotes and adventures
Martin, gov. of N. Carolina, his proclamation, 134
Maryland-a letter from addressed to the earl
of Dartmouth, 144; various proceedings re-
specting the importation of British goods,
1769, 167; do. in relation to the Boston port
bill, 172, 173; patriotic recommendations
for a meeting of deputies respecting manufac-
tures and home industry, 181; case of James
Christie, 222; address to count Rochambeau,
398; address of the general assembly to the
people, 1780

[blocks in formation]

Massachusetts-gen. Gage's proclamation, 1775,
136; proclamation of the general court, Jan.
1776, 142; address of the legislature to gen.
Washington and his reply, 143; Boston in-
structions, 156; Malden do. 156; proceedings
at Harvard college, 158; proceedings about
the Boston port bill, 172, 173, 174, 179, 180,
191; recommendations respecting manufac-
tures and home industry, 182; parliamentary
proceedings respecting the civil government
of the colony, 1774, 194; address of the pro-
vincial congress to the inhabitants of Great
Britain, 205; gov. Hutchinson's speech to the
legislature, 1773, 279; answer of the house of
representatives, 287; address to the people
by the same, 253; resolutions adopted May
28, 1773, 294; letter to the speakers of the
assemblies of other colonies, 295; proceed-
ings in respect to certain letters, 295; ex.
tract from the governor's message and reply,
Jan. 1774, 296; message to gov. Gage, same
year, 297; address of the provincial congress,
Dec. 1774, 298; refusal of a jury to be im-
pannelled, 319; Hutchinson's divide et impera
420; recruiting service, 423; address to the
inhabitants of, 432; address of the provincial
congress to the people of Great Britain, 1775,
434; gov. Gage deposed, 435; proclama-
tion for a public thanksgiving, 436; test act,



[blocks in formation]



New-London, the attack upon and savage murders
at, by Arnold, &c.
New-York-John Jay's charge, (1777) 62; ad-
islature to their constitu-
dress from the legislature
ents, 1781, 128; proceedings on the Boston
port bill, 174; association of the sons of li-
berty, 1773, 188; letter from the committee
to the mayor, &c. of London, 439; names of
the committee, 441; address of the provin-
cial congress to gen. Washington, (1775),
and reply, 441; address of the mechanics to
the delegates in the colonial congress, 441;
resolve respecting the resignation of commis-
sions, 444; about civil suits of law, 444; pro-
ceedings for the encouragement of domestic
manufactures, 445; on the request of the
Baptists for the liberty of preaching to the
troops, 446; address to gen. Washington and
gov. Clinton, on the evacuation of the city by
the British, and replies


North-Carolina-declaration of independence in
Mecklenburg county, 1775, 132; royal pro-
clamation of gov. Martin, 1780, 134; address
of the provincial congress to the inhabitants
of the British empire, 248; reply of the same
to gov. Martin's speech



[blocks in formation]

Parliament, British-bishop of St. Asaph's
speech 160; lord Chatham's as to the sove.
reignty of G. B. over the colonies 189; gov.
Johnston's on the Boston port bill 191-of
sundry persons (see 'speeches'): on the ci-
vil government of Massachusetts 194 to 198;
examination of gov. Penn, in the house of
lords 249; speech of John Wilkes 345; of
capt. Harvey


Pennsylvania-Brackenridge's eulogium 119;
proceedings at Philadelphia about certain
teas imported 170; address of a convention
of county committees, 1774, 175; proceed-
ings on the Boston port bill 179; speech de-
livered at Carpenter's Hall 202; declaration
of the deputies, June 24, 1776, 252; remon-
strance of James Pemberton and others, con-
fined in the free mason's lodge, Sept. 4, 1777,
255; transactions in the neighborhood of
Philadelphia 333 to 335; address of the de-
puties of the colony to the people, June,
1776-379; ordinance defining treason 417;
Old men's company 420; act respecting per-
sons scrupulous of bearing arms, ib. on the
monopoly of salt


Pensioners, revolutionary, anecdotes of 363, 364;


[blocks in formation]

Rhode Island-oath exacted of the people of by
gen. Lee


Robertson, gen. his correspondence with gov.
Livingston respecting certain traitors 268
Rochambeau, count de-addressed by the peo-
ple of Baltimore and the general assembly
of Maryland, with his replies
Rodgers, Dr. extract from one of his sermons 361
Rodney, Casar-collections from his papers 335;

letters from him

339, 340

Thomas, letters from him 341, 342, 343, 344
Rush, Dr. his address to the people of the Unit-
ed States "the revolution is not over,"

[blocks in formation]

Payson, the rev. Mr. in battle!
Pemberton, James, and others-their remon- Salt, on the scarcity of

419 Salem privateers-a complete list of



[blocks in formation]

Penn, Mr. his examination in the house of lords,



Sermon, Dr. Smith's at Philadelphia, 1775, 215;
extract from Dr. Rodgers on the destruc-

Pendleton, judge-his charge to grand jurors in
S. C. 1787

[blocks in formation]

Slaves, resolves respecting the importation of 198
Smith, rev. Dr. his sermon
Soldier's daughter, narrative of a

[blocks in formation]

Tucker, commodore, interesting particulars of

215 Tudor, William, his oration at Boston, 1779
471 Tusten, Dr. a sketch of

South Carolina-Dr. Ramsay's oration 64; judge
Drayton's charge 72; others by the same
81 92; presentments by a grand jury in 1776,
79; other presentments 91 97; judge Dray-
ton's speech in the general assembly, 1778,
98; an act to prevent sedi ion and punish in
surgents, &c. 150; governor Rutledge's
speech, 1776, and reply of the legislature
152; resolves 154; thanks to Messrs. Mid-
dleton and Rutledge 157; escape of Mr.
Hunter 371, judge Pe dleton's charge 404;
address to the gov. lord William Campbell
449; resolves against the town of Poole and
about absentees 450; association of the mem.
bers of the provincial congress 450; recep-
tion of stamps

[ocr errors]


Speech of judge Drayton on the articles of con-
federation, 1778, 98; of gov. Rutledge to the
legislature and reply of the same 152; of
gov. Bullock to the provincial congress of
Georgia, 1776, 159; of the bishop of S.
Asaph, in the house of lords, 1774 160; of
lord Chatham, 1774, 189; of gov. Johnston,
same year, 191; ditto of Mr. Fuller, sir
George Sackville, Mr. Ellis, gen. Conway,
Jord North, sir George Young, gov. John-
ston, Mr. Harris, sir Edward Ashley, Mr.
Ward, gov. Pownal, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Fox,
sir Gilbert Elliott and sir Richard Sutton, in
parliament, on the civil government of Mas-
sachusetts 194; delivered at Carpenter's Hall,
Philadelphia, 1775, 202; of the earl of Chat-
ham, on removing the troops from Boston
(1775) 211, of John Wilkes, 1775, 345; of
capt. Harvey 347; fragment of one delivered
in congress, spirited 423; of a farmer to his
neighbors 428; another fragment of a
speech 431; of R. H. Lee and John Dickin.
son, in congress, from "Botta's revolution"

490 to 495

[blocks in formation]




Tyrannicide, the-the first vessel built for the
naval service of the U. S.-her battles, &c. 370


Virginia-interesting facts of George Mason-
his declaration of rights, and sundry letters
123; Dunmore's letter to Howe 138; pro-
ceedings in the convention thereon 139; co-
py of the oath extorted by Dunmore 141;
proceedings at Norfolk on the Boston port
bill 180; do. at Williamsburg, Fredericks-
burg, Hanover, & on the removal of certain
arms and munitions of war, 1775 186; asso-
ciation respecting the import of British
goods, slaves, teas, &c. and recommending
manufactures 198; ins ructions to the dele.
gates to congress 201; do. to the delegates of
Cumberland county 211; further instruc-
tions to the delegates in congress-respect.
ing a bill of rights-toasts drank and the
Union flag unfurled, May 15. 1776, 251; de-
bate on Henry's motion to po the colony in
a state of defence, 1775 307; the people
called to arms. 1779, 381; the test of 1776,
446; instructions to Messrs. Lewis and



Warren, Dr. Joseph-his oration at Boston 1772,
4; another, in 1775, 17; notice thereot 468;
oration on the re-interment of his remains
59; eulogium upon him


Washington-his proclamation on taking posses-
sion of Boston, 1776, with the address of the
assembly and his reply 143; the honors of
Harvard college conferred on him 158, his
correspondence with gen. Gage on the usage
of prisoners 266; his letter explaining the
plans laid respecting Cornwallis 273; Miss
Seward's lines upon 303; correspondence
with gen. Lacey 333; interesting letters to
C. Rodney, respecting exchanges, want of
clothing, violations of parole, and want of
food 335, 337, 338; to congress shewing his
embarrassments, June, 1780, 337; acceptance
of the command of the army 350; his letter
to congress, 1776, 350; general orders, 1783,
353; circular to the states, 1783. 354, resig-
nation of his command 359; first speech to
congress under the constitution 359; his or-
ders to gen. Sullivan, on passing the Dela-
ware 361; in want of a pen knife 369; address
to the inhabitants of Canada 423, his procla-
mation on the bombardment of New York
434; addressed at New York


Wayne, gen. his orders previous to the attack on
Stoney Point



23 Weight of several great men in the revolution 376
Welsh, Thomas, his oration at Boston, 1783
470 Woman, sentiments of an American, 1780
373 Wraxall's memoirs, an extract from respecting
the surrender of Cornwallis

ry to congress
Ticonderoga, capture of, returns, &c.
Tilton, Dr. see Delaware: his letter from Wil-

[blocks in formation]



Yankee doodle-the occasion on which the air
was first played in the United States 372
417 Yorktown, interesting particulars of affairs at
345, 362; additional 371; extracts from a
journal kept at the siege of


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