Imágenes de páginas


UNITED STATES.-Congress-Inaugural Address of the new President-

BRAZIL.-Extraordinary Meeting of the Legislative Assembly-Pro-

posed Reformation of the Bank-Ordinary Meeting of the Assembly-

Reductions in Expenditure-Finances-Attempted Impeachments of the

Ministers of Justice and of War for their Proceedings on occasion of an

Insurrection at Pernambuco.-BUENOS AIRES.-General Lavalle, at

the head of his Troops, overturns the Government-Dorego, the Gover-

nor of Buenos Ayres, raises Troops in the Country to oppose him-

Lavalle marches against him, defeats him, takes him Prisoner, and puts

him to Death without Trial-Civil War-The Provinces of Santa Fe

and Cordova declare against Lavalle-He marches against them-In his

absence the Federalists under Rosas approach Buenos Ayres-Lavalle

returns to defend the City-Buenos Ayres is besieged-Lavalle con-

cludes a Treaty with the Federalists-Reverses of the Federalists in

Cordova The influence of Lavalle prevails in the Elections at Buenos

Ayres The Federalists refuse to acknowledge them-A new Con-

vention is concluded, annulling the Elections, and naining a Senate to

conduct the Government. - COLOMBIA. - War with Peru-The Peruvians

blockade Guayaquil, and make an unsuccessful attack upon it-It

afterwards capitulates-The Peruvians are defeated at Tarqui, and

Preliminaries of Peace are signed-The Peruvian Governor of Guaya-

quil refuses to give it up, and the Campaign is renewed-In consequence

of a Revolution in Peru, Guayaquil is given up to the Colombians, and

Hostilities are suspended, that a Peace may be negotiated-Bolivar con-

vokes an Assembly to meet in 1830-He forces by a Decree the Rights

of the Electors and the mode of Election-Santander's sentence of

Death is commuted into Banishment-Decree against secret Societies

-An Insurrection against Bolivar breaks out in Popayan, but is quelled

-Another Insurrection against his unlimited power breaks out in the

province of Antioquia-A Revolution in Bolivia in favour of the Co-

lombian party.-PERU.-A Revolution-The President, Lamar, is sent







The Catholic Question-Public Conduct of the leading Members of the Cabinet as to that Measure-Their secret change of PolicyMeeting of Parliament-Speech from the Throne-The Address.

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of the Parliamentary discussions of the Catholic Question during the session of 1828.* That result did not in itself contain any thing calculated to excite, among the Protestant part of the community, apprehensions of an approaching change, and still less of the king's ministers being ready to propose and support such a change, as a cabinet measure. The majority of six, which had carried the resolutions in favour of the Catholics in the House of Commons, was smaller than that which had carried the third reading of Mr. Plunkett's Relief Bill in 1821, and of Mr. Canning's bill in 1822, and

Vide vol. lxx, chap. 4.


the second reading of sir Francis Burdett's Bill in 1825; while the majority of forty-five, which had rejected them in the House of Peers, was larger than the majorities on the first and second of these former occasions, and only three votes smaller than that of 1825. The Catholic leaders themselves, indeed, pretended to know, that government was inclined to lend a more willing ear to their demands; but, on the one hand, they did not act as if they believed their own statements, for they immediately proceeded to do their utmost to rouse Ireland into almost open rebellion; and, on the other, there was nothing in the state of the cabinet, nothing in the expressed sentiments of its principal members, nothing in the complex, [B]

ion of public feeling, that seemed to justify such a prospect. The ministry continued to be, as for years it had been, divided upon the question; but its head, the duke of Wellington, and Mr. Peel, the most influential of his colleagues, were precisely the men who had distinguished themselves by their opposition to the Catholic demands, on every ground both of right and of expediency. During the discussions of 1828, both of them, along with the lord chancellor, had expressed no inclination to desert the principles which they had uniformly defended, and which had gained for the former two, on this particular question, the unlimited confidence of that large majority of the community which regarded concession to the Catholics as dangerous and unconstitutional. On the 10th May, 1828, Mr. Peel, in his place in parliament, had ranked himself among those "in whose minds no disposition to change existed, but who rather found their original belief strengthened by consideration." He had concluded a speech, in which he had proved the danger and unreasonableness of these demands in every point of view, with stating, that he had now gone over "the grounds on which he had acted, and on which he had avowed his intention of still acting." During the autumn, indeed, the Catholic leaders had produced alarm over Ireland, as they had often done before, and had organized the disaffected into a body ready for confusion and rebellion; but the country had not yet learned that an aptitude to yield to clamour and intimidation was one of the qualities of a wise and energetic government; and the long-tried opponents of

the Catholic claims had just been repeating their settled convictions that for this, and other evils affecting that part of the empire, concession would afford no remedy. The speech of Mr. Dawson at Londonderry, on the 12th August, was the first public symptom of the influence of the Association in terrifying its opponents; but although the sentiments of that gentleman derived additional importance from the relation in which he stood to the Home Secretary, and although they were, therefore, eagerly caught at by the friends of concession, as betokening a change of opinion in more powerful men, yet the vacillations of an Irish member, trembling for his seat, under the remembrance of the Clare election, could lead no one to anticipate sudden defection among those who had less reason to dread, and whose first duty it was to restrain, the Catholic demagogues. Though Mr. Peel's brotherin-law had announced, at a public dinner, his change of opinion, Mr. Peel himself accepted, during the autumn, the public banquets of the gentry and manufacturers of Lancashire, as the champion of the Protestant cause, without allowing a syllable to escape from him, which could raise any suspicion that he was more inclined to surrender the Protestant constitution than he had been three months before. Above all, the correspondence between the duke of Wellington and Dr. Curtis, which was given to the public in December, justified the most entire confidence on the part of the country, that his grace, and his grace's ministry, entertained no purpose of yielding. The duke had written, in express words, that he " saw no prospect of a settle

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