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" The bell strikes one. We take no note of time, But from its loss. To give it then a tongue, Is wise in man. As if an angel spoke, I feel the solemn sound. If heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours: Where are they? "
Studies in Poetry and Prose: Consisting of Selections Principally from ... - Página 278
por A. B. Cleveland - 1832 - 480 páginas
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The Scots Magazine, Volumen5

1743 - 642 páginas
...vain dreami time, Sut from its laß. Is wife in man. As if an angel fpoke, ¡feel thefolemn found. If heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours ; Where are they ? wait h the years beyond the flood: It is the lignai that demands di (patch j ttrw much is to be done?...
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The Complaint: Or, Night-thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. : To ...

Edward Young - 1750 - 350 páginas
...But from its Lofs. To give it then a Tongue, Is wife in Man. As if an Angel fpoke, I feel the folemn Sound. If heard aright, It is the Knell of my departed...Years beyond the Flood. It is the Signal that demands Difpatch ; . ^ How much is to be done ? my Hopes and Fears Start up alarm'd, and o'er Life's narrow...
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The Complaint: Or, Night-thoughts on Life, Death, & Immortality..

Edward Young - 1750 - 416 páginas
...But from its LOfs. To give it then a Tongue, Is wife in Man. As if an Angel fpoke, I feel the folemn Sound. If heard aright, It is the Knell of my departed...Years beyond the Flood. It is the Signal that demands Difpatch ; How much is to be done ? my Hopes and Fears Start up alarm'd, and o'er Life's narrow Verge...
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The Works of the Author of the Night-thoughts: In Four Volumes, Volumen3

Edward Young - 1762 - 292 páginas
...its lofs. To give it then a tongue, Is wife in man. As if an angel fpoke, 1 feel the folemn found. If heard aright,. It is the knell of my departed hours...are they ? With the years beyond the flood; \ It is tiMftgnal that demands difpatch : How much is to be done ? My hopes and fears Start up alarm'd, and...
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The Beauties of English Poesy, Volumen2

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 274 páginas
...lofs. To give it, then, a tongue, Is wife in man. As if an an angel fpoke, I feel the folemn found. If heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours: Where are they i With the years beyond the flood. It is the fignal that demands difpatch : How much is to be done...
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Poems for Young Ladies: In Three Parts : Devotional, Moral, and Entertaining ...

1770 - 268 páginas
...its lofs. To give it then a tongue, Is wife in man. As if an angel fpoke, I feel the folemn found. If heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours...they ? With the years beyond the flood. It is the fignal that demands difpatch ; How much is to be done ? my hopes and fears btart op alarm'd, and o'er...
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The Lady's Magazine: Or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex ..., Volumen38

John Huddlestone Wynne - 1807 - 748 páginas
...Young's excellent lines on Time to my recollection; they are, in my estimation, uncommonly beautiful. ' We take no note of Time, But from its loss ; to give it then a tunguo Is wise in man. As it' an angel spoke, 1 feel the solemn sound. It heard aright, It is the knell...
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The Complaint: Or, Night-thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality: To which ...

Edward Young - 1775 - 408 páginas
...its lofs. To give it then a tongue, Is wife ia man. As if an angel fpoke, I feel the folemn found- ff heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours: Where are they? with the years beyond the flooJ. It is the fignal that demands difpatch: How much is to be done? my hopes and fears Start up...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces ..., Volumen51,Página 2

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 288 páginas
...its lofs. To give it then a tongue, Is wife in man. As if an angel fpoke, I feel the folemn found. If heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours...: Where are they? With the years beyond the flood. 60 It is thejigxal that demands difpatch : How much is to be done ? My hopes and fears Start up alarm'd,...
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The Weekly entertainer; or agreeable and instructive ..., Volúmenes3-4

1784 - 1280 páginas
...from its lofs. To give it then a tongus Is wife in mao. As if an angel fpoke, I feel the folemn found. If heard aright, It is the knell of my departed hours...Where are they ? With the years beyond the flood. Youngs Night Thoughts. The brilliant gems of the ftupendous expanfe begin to Icflen. and difappear,...
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