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before said justice of the peace, magistrate or alder. Oath. man, before whom claim was made, that due diligence was made to ascertain whose dog or dogs did such damage, and that the carcasses of the sheep killed, and Burial of carfor which damages have been assessed, were buried within twenty-four hours after the assessment of damages by the auditors aforesaid: Provided further, That owners Proviso. of sheep killed by dogs shall be paid fifty cents each for burial of sheep killed, and paid as other damages.

APPROVED-The 1st day of March, A. D. 1905.


No. 8.


For the creation of a Commission for the purpose of co-operating with the authorities of the State of New Jersey in regard to the propagation of sturgeon, shad, bass, perch, and other fish, and the adoption of concurrent laws relevant thereto, by both states.

Whereas, There has been established on the banks of the Delaware river, at Torresdale, a State Fish Hatchery, for the propagation of sturgeon, shad, bass, perch, and other fish, the shad-hatchery buildings located at Bristol, Bucks county, having been removed from that point to Torresdale; and

Whereas, It is proposed to begin the propagation of shad at the opening of the season, beginning about April fifteenth, and it is desirable that the State of. New Jersey should co-operate with Pennsylvania in the maintenance and operation of this hatchery, so far as the propagation of shad and other river fishes is concerned; and

Whereas, It is also desirable that concurrent fishery laws governing the Delaware river should be enacted by both States:

Therefore be it Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That a commission shall be created, consisting of three members of the House, to be appointed by the Speaker; two members of the Senate, to be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, and the Commissioner of Fisheries, who shall request the New Jersey authorities to appoint a similar Commission, who shall meet together, at such times and places as may be desirable, with a view to carry out the objects and purposes as hereinbefore set forth.

That for the purpose of said Commission the sum of two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby specifically appropriated, to be

paid on the warrant of the Auditor General drawn in favor of the chairman of said Committee.

APPROVED-The 1st day of March, A. D. 1905.


No. 9.

Department of




To fix the number and salaries of officers, clerks and other employes in the Department of Mines.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the number and salaries of the officers, clerks and other employes in the Department of Mines, which the Chief of the Department of Mines is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint, shall be as follows:

One deputy chief of the Department of Mines, at a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars per


One chief clerk, at a salary of sixteen hundred dollars per annum.

Three clerks, each at a salary of fourteen hundred dollars per annum.

One messenger, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum.

One stenographer, at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum.

Section 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed.

APPROVED-The 1st day of March, A. D. 1905.

Counties of over 500,000 and less than 1,000,000.

No. 10.


To provide for the appointment, by the district attorneys of the several counties of this Commonwealth having a population of over five hundred thousand and less than one million, of a special detective officer, and assistant special detective officers, not exceeding ten in number, making said special detective officers general police officers, with the same powers conferred on constables in cases of crime and criminal procedure, and defining their duties and fixing the salaries of the same, and authorizing the payment of necessary traveling expenses.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the district attorneys of the several counties of this Commonwealth having a population of over five hundred thousand

Special detectives may be ap

and less than one million, may appoint an officer as a special detective, and assistant officers as assistant pointed by dis

special detectives, not exceeding ten in number, in connection with their said offices; whose duties it shall be to assist in obtaining such evidence as shall be directed by the district attorneys, for the Commonwealth, in all criminal cases, and perform such other duties, within the scope of their powers, as hereinafter defined, as may be directed by the said district attorneys.



police officers.

Section 2. The said special detective and assistant To be general special detectives shall be general police officers, and shall have all the powers that are now conferred on Powers. constables by the existing laws of this Commonwealth, in so far as they relate to crime and criminal procedure.

Section 3. The said special detective and assistant special detectives, so appointed, shall be subject to the orders of the district attorneys of the respective counties of this Commonwealth, and may be removed Removals. by them; and the said district attorneys may fill the vacancies so created by such removal or removals. Vacancies. Said special detective and assistant special detectives shall be entitled to receive no fees, whatever; but Compensation. said special detective shall receive a salary of twentyfive hundred dollars per annum, and the assistant special detectives shall receive a salary of one hundred dollars per month, each, together with all necessary traveling expenses, which said expenses shall be verified by the affidavits of the special detective or assistant special detectives incurring same, and approved by the district attorneys; the whole to be paid out of the treasury of the said counties of this Commonwealth, on a certificate issued by the respective district attorneys thereof, to the comptroller of said counties, who shall order warrants for said amounts so certified according to law.

Section 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent Repeal. herewith are hereby repealed.

APPROVED-The 1st day of March, A. D. 1905.


Department of Public Instruction,


No. 11.


Authorizing the Superintendent of Public Instruction to employ an additional skilled stenographer and typewriter in the Department of Public Instruction.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That on and after the passage of this act, the Superintendent of Public Instruction be and he is hereby authorized to employ one person, in addition to the one already employed, who shall be a skilled stenographer and typewriter, in the Department of Public Instruction, at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum.

APPROVED-The 2nd day of March, A. D. 1905.

No. 12.


To provide for the participation, by the National Guard of Pennsylvania, in the inaugural ceremonies of Theodore Roosevelt, President-elect of the United States, to be held in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, March four, one thousand nine hundred and five; and making an appropriation to pay the expenses of a provisional brigade, selected for that purpose.

Whereas, The Committee in charge of the inaugural parade following the inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt, President-elect of the United States, in Washington, March four, one thousand nine hundred and five, have expressed a desire to have a brigade of troops of the National Guard of Pennsylvania participate in said parade; therefore,

Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representa tives of the General Assembly, that the Governor of the Commonwealth be authorized to provide for the participation, by a provisional brigade of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, in the inaugural parade at Washington, District of Columbia, March four, one thousand nine hundred and five; and to defray the expenses incident thereto, the sum of twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated. The expenditures from this appropriation to be for transportation, subsistence at the rate of one dollar per day, for two days, for each officer and enlisted man, horse-hire, quarters, and music, and for which specifically itemized vouchers shall be filed with the Auditor General.

APPROVED-The 2nd day of March, A. D. 1905.


No. 13.


Authorizing the Commissioner of Banking to appoint five additional examiners, and providing for their compensation and expenses.

bank exam

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the Commissioner of Banking be and he is hereby empowered to appoint five additional examiners, who shall receive such com- Additional pensation as may be fixed by said Commissioner, for iners. each day actually employed in making examinations of corporations under the order of said Commissioner, not to exceed ten dollars per day, and also actual Compensation, etc. expenses incurred in making such examinations, which compensation and expenses shall be paid by warrant drawn by the Auditor General upon the State Treas


APPROVED-The 7th day of March, A. D. 1905.


No. 14.


To prevent and punish the stealing of wire forming part of a line for the transmission of electricity.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That if any person Electric wire

shall steal or attempt to steal, or cut or break with
intent to steal, any wire forming part of the line or
system of any telegraph company, telephone company,
electric light company, electric traction company, elec-
tric railway, or of any other company, individual, part-
nership, or corporation, engaged in transmitting elec-
tricity by wire for any purpose; or shall be accessory,
before or after the fact, to such stealing, attempt to
steal, or cutting or breaking with intent to steal, any
such wire; such person shall be deemed guilty of a Felony.
felony, and, being thereof convicted, shall be sen-
tenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars
and to undergo an imprisonment, by separate or soli- Penalty.
tary confinement at labor, not exceeding seven years.

APPROVED-The 8th day of March, A. D. 1905.


3 Laws.

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