Statistical par ticulars. Statement of facts. Medical certificate. (13) Occupation. The occupation to be reported of any person who had any remunerative employment, women as well as men. (14) Signature and address of informant. (15) Date of death, including the year, month and day. (16) Statement of medical attendance on decedent, fact and time of death, including the time last seen alive. (17) Cause of death, including the primary and immediate causes, and contributory causes or complications, if any, and duration of each. (18) Signature and address of physician or official making the medical certificate. (19) Special information concerning deaths in hospitals and institutions, and of persons dying away from home, including the former or usual residence; length of time, and place of death, and place where the disease was contracted. (20) Place of burial or removal. (22) Signature and address of undertaker. (23) Official signature of registrar, with date when certificate was filed, and registered number. The personal and statistical particulars (items one to thirteen) shall be authenticated by the signature of the informant, who may be any competent person acquainted with the facts. The statement of facts relating to the disposition of the body, shall be signed by the undertaker, or person acting as such. The medical certificate shall be made and signed by the physician, if any, last in attendance on the deceased, who shall specify the time in attendance, the time he last saw the deceased alive, and the hour of the day at which death occurred. And he shall further state the cause of death, so as to show the course of disease or sequence of causes resulting in death, giving the primary and immediate causes, and also the contributory causes, if any, and the duration of each. Indefinite and unsatisfactory terms, indicating only symptoms of disease or conditions resulting from disease, will not be held sufficient for issuing a burial or removal permit; and any certificate containing only such terms as defined by the State Registrar shall be returned to the physician for correction and definition. Causes of death, which may be the result of either disease or violence, shall be carefully defined; and, if from violence, its nature shall be stated, and whether (probably) accidental, suicidal, or homicidal. And in case of deaths in hospitals, institutions, or away from home, the physician shall furnish the information required under this head (item nineteen), and shall state where, in his opinion, the disease was contracted. Death without medical attend coroner. Section 8. That in case of any death occuring with out medical attendance, it shall be the duty of the un- ance. detaker to notify the registrar of such death, and when so notified the registrar shall inform the local health officer, and refer the case to him for immediate investigation and certification, prior to issuing the permit: Provided, That when the local health officer Proviso. is not a qualified physician, or when there is no such official, and in such cases only, the registrar is authorized to make the certificate and return from the statement of relatives or other persons having adequate knowledge of the facts: Provided, further, That if the circumstances of the case render it probable that the death was caused by unlawful or suspicious means, the registrar shall then refer the case to the coroner Reference to for his investigation and certification. And in the city and county of Philadelphia, it shall be the duty of the coroner to hold an inquest on the body of any deceased person who shall have died a violent death, or whose death shall be sudden, if said sudden death shall be after an illness of less than twenty-four hours and no physician shall have been in attendance within said time, or if suspicious circumstances shall render the same necessary, which said suspicion shall first be sworn to by one or more citizens of said city. And any coroner whose duty it is to hold an inquest on the body of any deceased person, and to make the certifi- Coroner's certicate of death required for a burial permit, shall state in his certificate the nature of the disease, or the manner of death; and, if from external causes or violence, whether (probably) accidental, suicidal or homicidal, as determined by the inquest; and shall, in either case, furnish such information as may be required by the State Registrar to properly classify the death. Violent or sudden deaths. ficate. Section 9. That the undertaker, or person acting as Duty of under takers. undertaker, shall be responsible for obtaining and filing the certificate of death with the registrar, and securing a burial or removal permit, prior to any disposition of the body. He shall obtain the personal and statistical particulars required from the person best qualified to supply them, over the signature and address of his informant. He shall then present the certificate to the attending physician, if any, or to the health officer or coroner, as directed by the registrar, for the medical certificate of the cause of death and other particulars necessary to complete the record, as specified in section eight. And he shall then state the facts required relative to the date and place of burial, over his signature and with his address, and present the completed certificate to the registrar, Filing of certiwithin the time limit, if any, designated by the local cate. Delivery of permit. Proviso. Wording of burial permit. Duty of sextons. Return of permits. Record of interments. Births. Certificate. board of health for the issuance of a burial or removal permit. The undertaker shall deliver the burial permit to the sexton, or person in charge of the place of burial, before interring the body; or shall attach the transit permit, containing the registrar's removal permit, to the box containing the corpse, when shipped by any transportation company; said permit to accompany the corpse to its destination, where, if within the State of Pennsylvania, it shall be taken up by the local registrar of the district in which interment is made, who shall issue a burial permit thereon: Provided, That in cities of the first class, the method of collecting the information required in all certificates of death may be regulated by the local health authorities. Section 10. That if the interment, or other disposition of the body, is to be made within the State, the wording of the burial permit may be limited to a statement by the registrar, and over his signature, that a satisfactory certificate of death having been filed with him, as required by law, permission is granted to inter, remove, or otherwise dispose of the deceased; stating the name, age, sex, cause of death, and other necessary details upon the form prescribed by the State Registrar. Section 11. That no sexton, or person in charge of any premises in which interments are made, shall inter, or permit the interment or other disposition of any body, unless it is accompanied by a burial, removal or transit permit, as herein provided. And each sexton, or person in charge of any burial-ground, shall indorse upon the permit the date of interment, over his signature, and shall return all permits so indorsed to the local registrar of his district, within ten days from the date of interment, or within the time fixed by the local board of health. He shall also keep a record of all interments made in the premises under his charge, stating the name of the deceased person, place of death, date of burial, and name and address of the undertaker; which record shall at all times be open to public inspection. Section 12. That all births that occur in the State shall be immediately registered in the districts in which they occur, as hereinafter provided. Section 13. That it shall be the duty of the attending physician or midwife to file a certificate of birth, properly and completely filled out, giving all of the particulars required by this act, with the local registrar of the district in which the birth occurred, within ten days after the date of birth. And if there be no attending physician or midwife, then it shall be the duty of the father or mother of the child; householder or owner of the premises, manager or superintendent of public or private institution, in which the birth occurred; to notify the local registrar, within ten days after the birth, of the fact of such a birth having occured. It shall then, in such case, be the duty of the local registrar to secure the necessary information and signature to make a proper certificate of birth. Section 14. That the certificate of birth shall contain the following items: tificate of birth. (1) Place of birth; including State, county, town- Contents of cership or town, village or city. If in a city, the ward, street, and house number; if in a hospital or other institution, the name of the same to be given, instead of the street and house number. (2) Full name of child. If the child dies without a name, before the certificate is filed, enter the words "died unnamed." If the living child has not been named at the date of filing the certificate of birth, the space for "full name of child" is to be left blank, to be filled out subsequently by a supplemental report, as hereinafter provided. (3) Sex of child. (4) Whether a twin, triplet, or other plural birth. A separate certificate shall be required for each child in a case of plural birth, giving number of child in order of birth. (5) Whether legitimate or illegitimate. (6) Full name of father. (7) Residence of father. (8) Color or race of father. (9) Birthplace of father. (10) Age of father at last birthday, in years. (11) Occupation of father. (12) Maiden name of mother, in full. (13) Residence of mother. (14) Color or race of mother. (15) Birthplace of mother. (16) Age of mother at last birthday, in years. (17) Occupation of mother. (18) Number of child of this mother, and number of children of this mother now living. Certificate of phy. wife. (19) Certificate of attending physician or midwife sician or midas to attendance at birth: including statement of year. month, day, and hour of birth, and whether the child was alive or dead at birth. This certificate shall be signed by the attending physician or midwife, with date of signature and address: if there is no physician or midwife in attendance, then the father or mother of the child, householder or owner of the premises, or manager or superintendent of public or private institution, or other competent person, whose duty it shall become to notify the local registrar of such a birth, as required by section thirteen of this act. (20) Exact date of filing in office of local registrar, 22 Laws. ! When child is Registry of phy- attested by his official signature, and registered number of birth, as hereinafter provided. All certificates, either of birth or death, shall be written legibly, in unfading ink; and no certificate shall be held to be complete and correct that does not supply all of the items of information called for therein, or satisfactorily account for their omission. Section 15. That when any certificate of birth of a living child is presented without statement of the given name, then the local registrar shall make out and deliver to the informant a special blank for the supplemental report of the given name of the child, which shall be filled out as directed, and returned to the registrar as soon as the child shall be named. The original certificate of birth shall not be considered complete until the supplemental report is filed or the blank returned with the statement "died unnamed." Section 16. That every physician, midwife and unand undertakers. dertaker shall, without delay, register his or her name, Return of regis- Proviso. Officials of hos- Record to be address and occupation, with the local registrar of the district in which he or she resides or may hereafter establish a residence; and shall thereupon be supplied by the local registrar with a copy of this act, together with such rules and regulations as may be prepared by the State Registrar relative to its enforcement. Within thirty days after the close of each calendar year, each local registrar shall make a return to the State Registrar of all physicians and midwives who have been registered in his district during the whole or any part of the preceding calendar year: Provided, That no fee or other compensation shall be charged by local registrars to physicians, midwives or undertakers for registering their names under this section, or making returns thereof to the State Regis trar. Section 17. That all superintendents or managers, or other persons in charge of hospitals, almshouses, lying-in or other institutions, public or private, to which persons resort for treatment of disease, confinement, or are committed by process of law, are hereby required to make a record of all of the personal and statistical particulars relative to the inmates in their institutions, at the date of approval of this act, that are required in the form of the certificate provided for by this act, as directed by the State Registrar; and thereafter such record shall be by them made for all future inmates at the time of their admission. in case of persons admitted or committed for medical treatment of disease, the physician in charge shall specify, for entry in the record, the nature of the disease, and where, in his opinion, it was contracted. The personal particulars and information required by this section shall be obtained from the individual him And |