Endorsement of. Non-acceptance of award. Liability of bidders. Form of proposals. Advertising of. Allotment to next lowest bidder, etc. Contract. them; said bond shall have endorsed thereon and annexed thereto the certificate of the president or additional law judge of the district or districts in which such sureties may reside, or, in case of the absence or other inability of such president and additional law judge, with the certificate of the associate judges of the county or counties in which such sureties may respectively reside, that the said bond and sureties are sufficient to secure the Commonwealth to the amount of the penalty thereof; and the said bond shall contain the further condition that, in case the contract is awarded to the person or persons bidding at his or their bid, and the said person or persons refuse or neglect to accept the same, he or they, with his or their sureties, aforesaid, shall be liable to the Commonwealth for the difference between the amount of his or their bid and the bid of the person or persons to whom the printing and binding shall be awarded after such neglect or refusal, as provided in the third section of this act. Section 2. All proposals authorized to be received by this act shall be submitted upon a blank to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. They shall be sealed up and delivered to the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding, and shall be endorsed "Proposals for the public printing and binding," and the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall advertise for such proposals, in eight daily newspapers in the State of Pennsylvania, for at least twelve days; of which, one shall be published in Philadelphia, one in Pittsburg, one in Harrisburg, and the remaining five in such sections of the State as the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall deem necessary; immediately prior to the time fixed by this act for alloting the public printing and binding. Section 3. That, in case the person or persons to whom the contract for public printing and binding shall be allotted shall refuse or neglect to accept the same, the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall allot it to the next lowest bidder or bidders; and, if he or they refuse or neglect to accept the same, then it shall be allotted to the next lowest bidder or bidders; and so on shall he make allotments, as often as necessary, until said contract is given to the lowest bidder or bidders, according to the true meaning and intent of this act, each allotment to be void unless approved by the Governor, Auditor-General and State Treasurer, as hereinafter provided; but no allotment shall be made to any person or persons whose proposal is not accompanied with a bond, as required by the provisions of the first section of this act, nor to any person or persons known to be irresponsible. Section 4. The Superintendent of Public Printing samples of maand Binding shall procure samples of all material that may enter into the binding for the State, as provided in this act, have the same at his office for at least twelve days prior to the time for awarding the contract for printing and binding, for the inspection of Inspection of. those desiring to submit bids, and in all cases must the material used in executing the binding be equal to the samples submitted by the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding at the time of awarding the contract. Quality and terials. quantity of ma Section 5. That the person or persons to whom the printing and binding shall be allotted shall be required to execute the same in the manner provided for by this act, and shall procure good and sufficient materials for executing all printing and binding authorized by law, or that may be ordered by the legislature or chief clerk of either branch thereof, or by the executive or head of any of the departments of the government, and to keep the same at the State Capital, and be at all times in readiness to execute the printing and binding, aforesaid, in a neat and workmanlike workmanship. manner, with the utmost dispatch. Section 6. In order to carry out the provisions of the foregoing, there is hereby established in Pennsylvania a Department to be known as the Department Department or of Public Printing and Binding, which shall be charged and Binding. with the supervision and execution of the printing and binding of this Commonwealth. Public Printing of. Section 7. The chief officer of this Department shall be denominated Superintendent of the Department of Superintendent Public Printing and Binding, and shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, within thirty days after the final passage of this act, and every four years thereafter, who shall be commissioned by the Governor to serve a Commission. term of four years from the date of his appointment, and until his successor is duly qualified, and receive an annual salary of three thousand dollars; and in case Salary. of vacancy in the office of the Superintendent of Pub- Vacancy. lic Printing and Binding, by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, the Governor shall appoint a qualified person to fill such vacancy for the unexpired balance of the term. Term. Section 8. The Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe to the oath of the office Oath. prescribed by the constitution, the same to be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and give a bond in the penal sum of ten thousand dol- Bond. lars, with surety to be approved by the Governor, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Duties of Superintendent. Printing and binding. Failure to comply with contract. ing, binding, etc. Record of. Section 9. That it shall be the duty of said Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding to receive and take charge of all the reports made to the Governor by the heads of departments, and have the same printed by the contractor or contractors, and delivered to the proper departments. He shall also arrange all matter to be printed for the Legislature, or either branch thereof, and supervise the printing and binding of the same, causing it to be done in a prompt and workmanlike manner; and whenever the contractor or contractors fail to comply with his or their contract, either in quality of work or in such manner as shall occasion inconvenience to the Legislature, or either branch thereof, or detriment to the public interest, the said Superintendent may reject the work altogether, and, with the advice and consent of the Governor, Auditor-General and State Treasurer, employ another printer to execute such part of the work, and charge any excess of cost to the contractor or contractors. Section 10. That it shall be the duty of the said Orders for print- Superintendent to receive orders for all blanks, blankbooks, and miscellaneous printing and binding that may be needed by the Legislature, or either branch thereof, or any of the departments of the Commonwealth, or any commission created by an act of Assembly, not otherwise provided for; have them executed by the contractor or contractors, and deliver such work to the officers ordering the same, he entering in a book kept for that purpose a record thereof. In case any order or orders received from the heads of departments or from commissions shall appear to the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding as unnecessary or unreasonable, he shall refer it or them to the Governor, for approval or disapproval. The Commonwealth shall supply all paper required for such work, and, when the Superintendent makes an order on the contractor or contractors for any work, he shall at the time make a requisition on the person or persons to whom the contract for furnishing the State with paper and other supplies shall be awarded, as hereinafter provided, for the amount and quality of paper necessary for the said work: Provided, That no material for binding of any description shall be furnished by the Commonwealth, except the cover paper required for documents in paper cover and the paper required for blank-books. Approval of orders. Proviso. Record of supplies. Certificate as to work. Section 11. The said Superintendent shall keep a record of all supplies furnished by the Commonwealth for any work ordered to be done by the contractor or contractors, and shall examine his or their accounts, comparing the item with his record of the amount of the work done, and shall give a certificate of the cor rectness thereof before payments shall be made; he shall receive copy for all the documents, blanks, blankbooks and miscellaneous work that may be ordered by the Legislature or any of the departments of the Commonwealth, or for any Commission created by law, and see that the printing and binding are, in quality and quantity, as ordered; and before the final settlement of the bills of the contractor or contractors for any year, he shall ascertain by computation whether all the paper and other supplies furnished by the Commonwealth have been exclusively used for the public printing, and, if any be found not so used, he shall certify the fact to the Auditor General, who shall hold the said contractor or contractors responsible for the same. Settlement of bills. pamphlets, etc. Section 12. The contractor or contractors shall furnish, daily, to the Superintendent of Public Printing and binding a copy of each and every bound report, pamphlet or piece of miscellaneous printing, except in Copies of reports, case of blank- or record-books, when one leaf of each will be sufficient, in lieu of a full-bound book, as the work is completed. These samples the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall cause to be placed in a suitable form for preservation in his office, designating thereon the date of the completion, and Record of. file with same a duplicate receipt from the person or persons to whom said work had been delivered by the contractor or contractors. At the same time the contractor or contractors shall furnish the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding with a statement as to the cost, according to schedule herewith annexed, of each and every report, book, pamphlet, and order for cost. miscellaneous printing and binding, as completed, which statement shall be filed with the sample heretofore referred to. Statement of Section 13. The Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding shall have an office in the Capitol building, which shall be kept open and accessible through- Office of the Su perintendent. out the year to all persons interested in the performance of his official duties, and he shall not be interested, directly or indirectly, in the public printing and binding, or in furnishing the State material therefor, or in supplying stationery, blanks or blank-books to any department or office of the State government. Annual report of Section 14. The said Superintendent shall make a report to the Governor, annually, of the printing and binding done for the State, materials furnished, to- Superintendent. gether with the cost of the same, and of all other matters connected with his office. Section 15. The Superintendent of Public Printing Contracts for and Binding shall make contracts for paper, cardboard, parchment, and all other supplies of like character required by the contractor or contractors for paper, cardboard, supplies, etc. Book paper, Paper for bills. executing the public printing. He shall also make contracts for all half-tone cuts, electrotypes, steel plates, or any other plates required for the execution of the public printing. Section 16. The book paper shall be of the following size and weight, viz., twenty-six by forty inches, sixty pounds. It shall be used for the printing of the laws, journals, documents, and all reports and other matter printed in book form, except the Legislative Hand-book, Archives, and any other work of such character that the aforesaid size and weight will not be in harmony with the same; and the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding may increase the size and weight, or either, or decrease the size and weight, or either, of the paper required for such work, as in his judgment will be best suited to the character of the same. The paper on which the bills of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be printed shall weigh twenty-four pounds to the ream, and measure Paper for blank- seventeen by twenty-six inches. Paper for blank books, etc. Samples of paper, etc. Sealed proposals for paper, supplies, etc. Advertisement books, books of record and miscellaneous printing shall be of a size, weight and quality best suited for such work, and all envelopes, cardboard, parchment and other supplies shall be of the best quality. Section 17. The said Superintendent shall procure samples of paper, envelopes, parchment and other supplies required for the executing of the public printing and binding, and shall exhibit the same, at his office, to all persons who may propose to bid for the contract for supplying the Commonwealth with such articles, as provided in section eighteen of this act. The said samples to remain in the possession of the Superintendent of Public Printing and Binding. Section 18. That, on the first Monday of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and five, and on the first Monday of June every two years thereafter, the Superintendent shall receive sealed proposals, at his office at the State Capitol, for furnishing the State with book, bill, cover, bond, flat, and ledger paper, parchment, envelopes, cardboard, and other supplies, required to be furnished the contractor or contractors for executing the public printing, at certain rates at or below maximum rates, fixed by him in an advertisement of the time and place of receiving such proposals. He shall, at the same time, advertise, but under a separate advertisement, for sealed proposals for furnishing the State with half-tone cuts, electrotypes, steel plates and other plates required for the execution of the public printing. Said advertisement shall be published for twelve days, immediately preceding said first Monday of June, in eight newspapers published in the State of Pennsylvania; one of which shall be published in Philadelphia, one in Pittsburg, one in |