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(Specially from Paris.)

FIRST FIGURE.-COUNTRY TOILETS.-Silk with three steel buckles in front, anal buttons of dress, with a double skirt. The body forms in the same metal on the body. Rice-straw hat front a jacket, sloping off at the sides, so as to with a blue feather laid round the crown; long leave the hips uncovered. The outer garment blue veil hanging loose. is a short paletot of faille silk. Tulle bonnet small, and in the empire shape. It is encircled by a wreath of periwinkle flowers; inside, the periwinkles are repeated. Square veille of tulle illusion thrown behind. Collar and undersleeves with linen bands.

SECOND FIGURE.-Dress of toile de l'Inde, ornamented at the bottom by rows of ribbon plaiting set on in a trellis pattern; rows of the same trimming are laid on the seams. Body open in front, with lapels bordered by a No. 4 plaited ribbon. Sleeves half-tight. Hat in the gipsy Watteau style, with flat brims, turned downwards, and bordered with black velvet. Blue veil fastened at the side, by a swallow. Muslin under-skirt, with plaited frill. Collar, and under-sleeves with linen bands. Yack lace shawl.

Visiting toilets:-Black-silk dress, double skirt, bordered with a violet trimming, ornamented with black pearls, the upper skirt looped so as to show the under one. Body long with square skirts, cut up at the sides, and behind, so as to form four lappets. Close-fitting sleeves. Black crape bonnet, trimmed with flowers to match the coloured ornament on the dress. Long black tulle veil falling' behind. Valenciennes collar and under-sleeves.

A second model :-Dress of sky-blue satin, with satin bands wove in the stuff. Body with long lappets cut square at the bottom: Ceinture

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For seaside, and country toilets, we have robes des fantasie, innumerable. Dresses of two colours, and often two materials, are quite a rage; and the double skirts sometimes give occasion for very trenchant contrasts. I have just seen a toilet, composed of a first skirt of Mexican blue foulard cut in dents at the bottom, each dent ornamented with a flat straw button: a fine torsade of straw, borders each dent. The second skirt is of mohair, of a light shade of Havana, ornamented with two rows of blue fringe, separated by a straw trimming: the buttons relieving the second skirt are blue.

The corsage is of Havana-coloured mohair, like the second skirt, and is made with a round waist; but upon it is placed a corslet of blue foulard to match the first skirt. This corslet is cut, both at top and bottom, into round dents, on each of which is placed a little flat straw button. The lower part of the corslet is prolonged on the haunches, and forms a small basque behind. A jockey of blue foulard ornaments the upper part of the Havana sleeve. Over the corslet, one may wear a waist-band of the shade adapted to the second skirt, fastened with a buckle of matted gold. With this dress a little basquin of faille silk is worn, and a toquet of black straw, ornamented with a white wing. Linen collar with turned-down corners, and waistbands of the under-sleeves to match.

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