| 1719 - 456 páginas
...bis Office^ and jvou'd five farther Order for bit eftBu.il Prpfecution. Hereupon it was order'd, i/?. That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, to return the Thanks cf the Houfe to his Majefty for his faid gracious Anfwer; ancj that the fame be prefented by the Lord*... | |
| 1724 - 400 páginas
...Affection to me. The Commons being return'd to their Houfe, it was re? folv'd, Kemine Ctntraditente, That an humble Addrefs be prefented to. his Majefty, to return the moft humble and dutiful Thanks of this Houfe to his Majefty, for communicating to his Parliament, the... | |
| 1787 - 690 páginas
...of the higher and more important duties of his public cnaraftcr.as the common father of his people. He then moved, That an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, afluring his Majefty how fenfibly this Houfe, at all times, feels the gracious proofs of bis Majefiy's... | |
| Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1763 - 608 páginas
...nation ought to ftand by and fupport his majefty againft all his enemies whatfoever. And therefore he moved, * That an humble addrefs be prefented to his majefty, to return his majefty the thanks of this houfc for his great goodnefs in communicating the treaties of peace... | |
| Nicolas Tindal - 1763 - 608 páginas
...nation ought to ftand by and fupport his majefty againft all his enemies whatfoever. And therefore he moved, ' That an humble addrefs be prefented to his majefty, to return his majefty the thanks of this houfe for his great goodnefs in communicating the treaties of peace... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1772 - 656 páginas
...papers relating to the difpute about Falkland's Ifland, and for the Lords to be fum* moned ; It was moved, " That an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, to return his Majefty our thanks for his grar cious communication to this Houfe, of the declaration iigned by... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1776 - 550 páginas
...commonly called the four and a half per cent, duties, have been granted to his Majefty. Agreed to. He then moved, that an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, that he will be gracioufly pleafed to give directions that there be laid before this Houfe an account... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1777 - 388 páginas
...defperately exchanged for all the calamities of war, and ths arbitrary tyranny of their chiefs. Mr. Neville moved, that an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, to return his Majefty the thanks of this Houle for 'his moft gracious fpeech from the throne : A. 1776.- JB ^... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1782 - 708 páginas
...affeñion, and honefty j^ of both kingdoms, in bringing it to a happy, a fpeedy, and a permanent conclufioq. He then moved, That an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, to return his Majefty the thanks of this Houfe, for his moil gracious meflage ; and to affure his Majefty, that... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1783 - 304 páginas
...States of America ; and contribute to promote the happinefs and eftablifhed tranquillity of Europe. He moved, " That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, to return his Majefty the thanks of this Houfe for his gracious condefcenfion in ordering to be laid before us... | |
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