newspapers of general circulation, published in the county-seat of said county, representing the two dominant political parties in said county, of the time and place of letting said contract or contracts; at which time and place the bids shall be publicly opened, and the contract or contracts awarded to the lowest and best bidder for the same. Section 3. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with Repeal. the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. APPROVED The 23d day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. No. 83. AN ACT To repeal an act, entitled "An act to authorize the election of district treasurers in Clearfield county," approved the ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and an act, entitled "A supplement to an act, entitled 'An act to authorize the election of district treasurers in the county of Clearfield,'" approved the ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and approved the twenty-seventh day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and an act, entitled "A further supplement to the act relating to district treasurers in Clearfield county," approved the twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. District treasurers. Act of April 9, 1872. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That an act to authorize the election of district treasurers in Clearfield county, approved the ninth day of April, Anno Domini Clearfield county. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and the two supplemental acts thereto, namely, one entitled "A supplement to an act, entitled an act to authorize the election of district treasurers in the county of Clearfield, approved the ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two," and approved the twenty-seventh day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy- Act of February three, and an act, entitled "A further supplement to 27, 1873. the act relating to district treasurers in Clearfield county," approved the twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, be and the same are hereby repealed. APPROVED-The 23d day of April, A. D. 1907. Act of March 27,. 1873. Repeal. EDWIN S. STUART. Appropriation. Furnishing. No. 84. AN ACT Making an appropriation to the State Hospital for the Insane, at Warren, Warren county, Pennsylvania. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That whereas the State Hospital for the Insane at Warren, Warren County, Pennsylvania, has erected three buildings to accommodate two hundred and fifty patients, which buildings are now completed and ready for use, except the furnishing of the same, and whereas the necessity for their immediate occupancy is great on account of the overcrowded condition of said hospital, therefore the sum of thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the furnishing of said buildings. This sum to be paid out of any money in the Treasury, and not otherwise appropriated at the time of the passage of this act. This appropriation is to become available immediately on the approval of the Governor. APPROVED-The 23d day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. Appropriation. Costs, fees and expenses. Warrants. Report. No. 85. AN ACT Making an appropriation to the Capitol Investigation Commis sion. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby specifically appropriated to the Capitol Investigation Commission, for the purpose of paying costs, fees, and expenses of inquiry into the expenditures in the erection, construction, furnishing, finishing, and completing the State Capitol building. Section 2. That the Auditor General shall, upon presentation of vouchers and statements properly attested by Honorable John S. Fisher, chairman of said Commission, or the vice-chairman thereof, draw his warrants upon the State Treasurer for the respective amounts of said vouchers and statements, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of one hundred thousand dollars. And be it further provided, that the said Commission shall file an itemized statement of all expenditures incident to the faithful performance of its duties, the same to be attached to and made a part of its report to the General Assembly. APPROVED-The 23d day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. No. 86. AN ACT Making constables of boroughs and townships, and their deputies, and the employes of the Department of Forestry ex officio fire-wardens, for the extinguishment of forest or wild land fires; prescribing the duties of such fire-wardens, and their punishment for failure to perform the same; empowering them to procure the assistance of others in the extinguishment of such fires, and providing for the compensation of the said wardens and their assistants, and making an appropriation therefor. Fire-wardens. Constables, depu Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That all constables of boroughs and townships, and their deputies, and the employes of the Department of Forestry are hereby ties et al. constituted ex officio fire-wardens, whose duty it shall be, when fire is discovered in or approaching forests or Power and duties. wild land, whether the same be owned by individuals, corporations or by the Commonwealth, immediately to take such measures as are necessary for its extinguishment; and who shall have, and are hereby given, authority to employ such other persons as in their ploy assistance. judgment may be necessary to render assistance in the extinguishing of such fires. Authorized to em Section 2.. The said fire-wardens, with the exception of the employes of the Department of Forestry, shall, while engaged in performing the duties imposed by this act, receive twenty-five cents per hour, and the persons so employed to assist such wardens shall receive twenty cents per hour, as compensation for their services. Compensation. Warden' state Section 3. All such fire-wardens shall render to the commissioners of the respective counties, within two months from the date of any fire, an itemized statement, ment. under oath or affirmation, giving the location of the fire, the names of the persons engaged, the number of hours each was employed, the amount of expense incurred in the extinguishment of each fire, and, if possible, stating the origin of the fire; and the commissioners of the said counties, upon presentation thereof, shall immediately pay to the fire-warden, for the use Payment. of the persons so entitled, the respective amounts in full so ascertained to be due. Commissioners statement. Section 4. At the end of each calendar year, after all fire bills shall have been received for the current year and settlements made by the county commissioners, the said commissioners shall furnish, under oath or affirmation, to the Auditor General of the Commonwealth a written, itemized statement of all such payments made; and the said Auditor General after the same is approved by him, shall draw his warrant Warrants. upon the State Treasurer, in favor of the said county commissioners, for two-thirds of the total expense incurred by the said commissioners, in manner provided by this act, for the extinguishment of forest or wild land fires. Jurisdiction of Powers. Fires in two or more counties, Payment for services, Deputy constables. Disability of firewardens. Substitute. Provise. Unauthorized services. Proviso. Investigations. casa Return, in of death or disability. Section 5. The said ex officio fire-wardens shall not be limited in their jurisdiction as fire-wardens to the townships, boroughs, and counties for which they were elected, or within which they may reside or are stationed; but shall have power and authority to enter adjacent or other townships, boroughs, or counties, and there to exercise the authority and perform the duties conferred and imposed by this act. Section 6. Whenever any such fire-warden or his assistants shall have rendered service in two or more counties, in extinguishing any fire which shall have burned in two or more counties, said warden shall render statements to the commissioners, respectively, of the counties wherein such service was rendered; setting forth the facts required to be stated by section three of this act, as accurately as may be, which said amounts, so ascertained to be due, shall be paid by the respective commissioners, in like manner as is provided by section three of this act. Section 7. Constables of boroughs and townships are hereby empowered to appoint such deputies as are or may be necessary, not exceeding five in number, who shall be vested with the same authority as constables have under this act; and whenever any fire-warden, by reason of physical disability, unavoidable absence from home, or imperative necessity, shall be unable to perform the duties required by this act, said warden is hereby empowered to appoint a suitable person to act in his stead, who shall be paid twenty-five cents per hour for his services thus rendered, and who, when so appointed, shall be charged with all the duties and liabilities of said warden: Provided, That in making returns to the county commissioners, said returns shall be made by the warden upon report rendered, under oath or affirmation, by the person so appointed. Section 8. Whenever, in the absence of a fire-warden, a forest or wild land fire shall be extinguished or combatted by persons without first having been employed by said warden, such persons shall receive the compensation provided by this act: Provided, That after a thorough investigation by the fire-warden, wherein he shall have power and authority to examine persons under oath or affirmation, he shall have ascertained, if possible, as a result of his investigation, the origin of the fire, the amount of services rendered by such persons, and that such service was necessary for the extinguishment of the fire, and shall certify the facts to the county commissioners, in like manner as hereinbefore provided. Section 9. In case of the death of a fire-warden, before the making of any return to the county commissioners as provided for by this act, or in case of his total physical disability, said return may be made by another warden, after first ascertaining the facts; and in making such examination or investigation, said other warden is hereby empowered to examine persons under oath or affirmation. Section 10. If any such ex officio fire-warden or other officer shall fail to perform his duty as set forth Failure to perin section one of this act, or shall wilfully or negligently refuse to perform such duty, or shall render a false and fraudulent statement of services alleged to have been performed, under the provisions of this act, etc. or shalt fail or refuse to pay the respective amounts due those who have assisted him in extinguishing fires, after said amounts shall have been paid him by the county commissioners, such fire-warden or other officer shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon Misdemeanor. form duty. T False statement, conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars, or undergo imprisonment not Fine and penalty. exceeding three months, both or either, at the discretion of the court. Section 11. That the sum of forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the Appropriatic same is hereby specifically appropriated for the payment of the Commonwealth's share of the expense incurred under the provisions of this act. APPROVED-The 25th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. No. 87. A SUPPLEMENT To the act of April third, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled "An act regulating boroughs," providing for the election of a borough solicitor, fixing the term of office and prescribing his duties, and authorizing the town council to fix his compensation. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the town coun- Borough solicitor. cil of each of said boroughs, on the first Monday of March, nineteen hundred and seven, or as soon thereafter as practicable, may elect, by the vote of a ma- Election. jority of the members, one person, learned in the law, who shall be styled the borough solicitor, and shall serve for the term of three years from the first Monday Term. of March succeeding his election, and until his successor shall be duly qualified; and the said town council shall also fix the compensation he shall be allowed for Compensation. said term. Vacancies in said office shall be filled by vacancies. the town council, for the unexpired term. He shall give a lawful bond to the corporation, with two or more Bond. sufficient sureties, to be approved by the town council, in such sum as they shall by ordinance direct, conditioned for the faithful performance of his official duties as the same are or may be defined by law or ordinance. |