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Real estate.

Titles to certain lots in borough of Warren.

Description and boundaries.

Validation, etc., of titles.

street (now Pennsylvania avenue, aforesaid), between the said Suspension bridge and Liberty street in said borough, and thence to a point where said line prolonged would strike the westerly side of Market street; and

Whereas, Said burgess and town council of said borough sold lots to various purchasers, in fee, for a valuable consideration; and

Whereas, The original purchasers, their heirs or assigns, paid the purchase price therefor, took possession thereof, and made valuable and permanent improvements thereon; and

Whereas, Doubt has been raised as to the validity of the title to said land, so laid out and sold, because the same was a part of the said Water street in said borough; now, therefore,

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That all titles to lots, laid out and sold by the burgess and town council of the borough of Warren, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the bank of the Conewango Creek, between Market street, on the east, and the Suspension bridge crossing the Allegheny river, on the west, and between the said creek, on the south, and the southerly line of Water street (now Pennsylvania avenue, west), as said line of said Water street (now Pennsylvania avenue, aforesaid) is now recognized by said borough authorities, and as evidenced by the permanent buildings erected on said lots, along said Water street (now Pennsylvania avenue, aforesaid), between the said Suspension bridge and Liberty street in said borough, and thence to a point where said line prolonged would strike the westerly side of Market street, under an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, aforesaid, entitled "A further supplement to an act, entitled 'An act erecting the town of Warren in the county of Warren into a borough and township, and for other purposes,' passed the third day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred thirty-two," and approved the sixth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred forty-five, are hereby validated, approved, ratified, and confirmed, whenever that part of said Water street, within the limits above designated, and covered by said lots so laid out and sold, shall be vacated by the authorities of the borough of Warren, under existing laws.

Section 2. This act shall not affect any suit or suits now pending.

APPROVED The 21st day of March, A. D. 1907.


No. 20.


Supplementary to an act, entitled "An act enabling the burgess and council of any borough or incorporated town, by ordinance, to annex to the borough or incorporated town adjacent territory, upon petition of a majority of the freehold owners thereof," approved the twenty-second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and three; enabling the burgess and council of any borough or incorporated town, by ordinance, to annex to the borough or incorporated town adjacent territory, in the same or an adjoining county, upon petition of a majority of the freehold owners thereof.

corporated towns.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That section one of an Boroughs or inact, entitled "An act enabling the burgess and council of any borough or incorporated town, by ordinance, to annex to the borough or incorporated town adjacent territory, upon petition of a majority of the freehold owners thereof," approved the twenty-second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and three, which reads as follows:

"Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the burgess and council of any borough or incorporated town shall have power, on petition of a majority of the freehold owners of any lot or outlots of any section of land lying adjacent to said borough or incorporated town, to declare, by ordinance, the admission of such lots or outlots. Whenever the borough or town authorities shall extend the limits of such borough or town, as aforesaid, they shall file, in the court of quarter sessions of the proper county, a plan or plot, showing the boundary both of the original borough or town and of the section admitted, together with the certified copy of the ordinance, and a description of the boundaries both of the original borough or town and of the borough or town as extended, giving the courses and distances in words at length; which section shall, after the filing of the matter as aforesaid, be deemed part of said borough or town, and subject to its jurisdiction and government," be and the same is hereby amended so it shall read as follows:

Section 1, act of cited for amend

April 22, 1903,


Annexation of ad

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the burgess and council of any borough or incorporated town shall jacent territory. have power, on petition of a majority of the freehold owners of any lot or outlots of any section of land lying adjacent to said borough or incorporated town, in the same or an adjoining county, to declare, by ordinance, the admission of such lots or outlots. Whenever the borough or town authorities shall extend the limits of such borough or town, as aforesaid, they shall file in the court of quarter sessions of the proper county, or counties, a plan or plot showing the boundary of the borough or town and of the section admitted, together with the certified copy of the ordinance, and a description of the boundaries of the borough or town, and of the borough or town as extended, giving

Plan of plot.


the courses and distances in words, at length; which section shall, after the filing of the matter as aforesaid, be deemed part of said borough or town, and subject to its jurisdiction and government.

Section 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

APPROVED-The 21st day of March, A. D. 1907.


Assistant Deputy
Attorney General.



No. 21.


Creating the office of Assistant Deputy Attorney General in the Attorney General's Department, and authorizing the appointment of an additional stenographer in the Attorney General's Department, and fixing the salaries thereof.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, the Governor be and he is hereby authorized to appoint an Assistant Deputy Attorney General, at a salary of thirty-five hundred dollars per annum; and the Attorney General is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint an additional stenographer in the Attorney General's Department, at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum.

Section 2. All acts or part of acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.

APPROVED-The 21st day of March, A. D. 1907.

Philadelphia county.

Associate judge of orphans' court.


No. 22.


Providing for another associate judge of the separate orphans' court of the County of Philadelphia.

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall be the duty of the Governor to appoint a competent person, learned in the law, to be associate judge of the separate orphans' court of the County of Philadelphia, in addition to the judges now composing said court, who shall hold his office until the first Monday of January next following his appointment, and who shall have the same powers, authority, and jurisdiction as the other judges of said court.

Section 2. That at the next general election to be held in November, and thereafter at such time and times as may be prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, the qualified electors of the County of Philadelphia shall elect a competent person, learned in the law, to serve as associate judge. who shall be commissioned and hold his office for the term as now provided by law, and shall have the same powers, authority, and jurisdiction, and shall receive the same compensation as the other judges of the said Compensation.

court are now paid.

APPROVED-The 22d day of March, A. D. 1907.


No. 23.


Providing a method for the removal of township officers, for failure to properly perform their duties of office, and providing a remedy in case of complaint.


Failure to per

form duties.


Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That if any township Township offiofficer shall refuse or persistently neglect to perform his duties as provided by law, the court of quarter sessions of the proper county may, upon complaint in writing by any twenty-five citizens, owners of real estate, residing in the district, issue a rule upon the officer complained of to show cause why his office should not be declared vacant and another appointed Rule of court. in his stead, which rule shall be made returnable not less than two weeks from its date of issue. And upon hearing, and due proof that the facts alleged in the Hearing. aforesaid complaint are just and true, the court may declare the office of said officer vacant, and appoint another in his stead, to hold office during the term of the officer deposed.

Court may ap

Section 2. If the aforesaid complaint shall allege that the public roads and highways of any township point examiners. are not maintained in accordance with law, the court may in its discretion appoint three suitable persons, who shall examine said highways and report to the court their findings in the premises: Provided, That in all such cases the complainants shall first enter security, in such sum as the court may fix, to pay all costs.

APPROVED -The 22d day of March, A. D. 1907.



No. 24.


To establish county associations of school-directors; and providing for the payment of certain expenses, incident thereto, by the respective school districts and counties of the Commonwealth.

Whereas, The authority of different counties and Preamble. school districts of the Commonwealth to contribute to the payment of the expenses incident to the estab

County association of school directors.

Annual meetings.

Duty of school directors.

Per diem and mileage.




Program committee.

lishment of county associations of school-directors, as provided for in the act of Assembly approved the twenty-first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and three (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred and twenty-seven), and an amendment thereto approved the tenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and five (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred and thirty-nine), have been questioned as in violation of article three, section three, of the Constitution, for the reason that neither the title of said first mentioned act of Assembly, nor the title to the said amendment thereto, give notice that the counties and school districts of the Commonwealth are required by said acts to pay certain expenses incident to said establishment of county associations of school-directors; therefore,

Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall be the duty of each county superintendent of schools to call together, during the school year beginning June, one thousand nine hundred and five, and annually thereafter, at the county seat, or some other suitable place in the county, all the school-directors of the county, for the consideration and discussion of questions pertaining to school administration.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of each school-director, in each of the districts of each county, to attend each annual meeting of school-directors, called by the county superintendent for the purpose of considering and discussing questions pertaining to school administration; and each school-director attending such annual convention shall receive, for his necessary expenses, compensation at the rate of two dollars per diem, and mileage at the rate of three cents per mile, to be paid out of the funds of the district which he serves. But the expenses shall not be paid for more than two days at any annual meetings.

Section 3. When the directors have assembled in such annual convention, they shall proceed at once to organize, by electing, from the directors present, a president, two vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer, which officers shall continue for one year, and shall severally perform such duties as usually devolve upon such officers.

Section 4. The officers of the directors' association shall serve also as a program committee; and shall prepare a suitable program for each annual meeting, secure competent speakers, and perform such other duties as may be necessary to the success of the meeting. The county superintendent shall be ex officio a member of the program committee, and shall render such assistance to the oficers of such association as they may require of him.

To prepare a program for the first meeting, each county superintendent shall appoint, from among the

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