alty imposed: Provided, That any person charged with Proviso. Receipt. Section 5. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent Repeal. with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. APPROVED--The 15th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. No. 65. AN ACT To amend section eight of an act. entitled "An act for the appointment and maintenance of a Board, to be known as the Armory Board of the State of Pennsylvania, and for the payment of its expenses; and for providing, managing, and caring for armories for the use of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, and making an appropriation for the same; authorizing the State Armory Board to receive from counties, cities, municipalities, and other sources donations or contributions for the purpose of this act," approved the eleventh day of May, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and five; by fixing the maximum amount to be expended for a company of infantry, a battery of artillery, or a troop of cavalry, exclusive of gift or donation made for the benefit of an armory. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That section eight of "An act entitled 'An act for the appointment and Armory Board. maintenance of a Board, to be known as the Armory Board of the State of Pennsylvania, and for the payment of its expenses; and for providing, managing, and caring for armories for the use of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, and making an appropriation for the same; authorizing the State Armory Board to receive from counties, cities, municipalities, and other sources donations or contributions for the purpose of this act,' approved the eleventh day of May, Anno Domini nineteen hundred and five," which section reads as follows: "The maximum amount to be expended for a company of infantry shall be twenty thousand dollars; for a battery of artillery or a troop of cavalry, thirty thousand dollars; which shall include the purchase of the necessary ground, where such ground is not donated, and which shall be exclusive of any gift or donation made to or for the benefit of any particular armory," be amended to read as follows: Section 8. act of for amendment. May 11, 1905, cited Maximum amounts. The maximum amount to be expended for a company of infantry shall be twenty-five thousand dollars; for a battery of artillery or a troop of cavalry, thirtyfive thousand dollars; which shall include the purchase of the necessary ground, where such ground is not donated, and which shall be exclusive of any gift or donation made to or for the benefit of any particular armory. APPROVED-The 15th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. Street passenger railway companies. Contracts with municipalities. Payments. Directors. No. 66. AN ACT Authorizing contracts between cities, boroughs or townships, of the one part, and street passenger railway companies, surface, elevated or underground, or motor power companies leasing and operating the franchises and property of such companies, of the other part, affecting, fixing and regulating the franchises, powers, duties and liabilities of such companies, the management of the same, the relations and respective rights of the contracting parties, and the ultimate acquisition by such cities, boroughs and townships of the property, leaseholds and franchises of said contracting companies. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall and may be lawful for any city, borough or township, of the one part, and any street passenger railway company, surface, elevated or underground, or motor power company leasing and operating the franchises and property of such company within the limits of such cities, boroughs or townships, of the other part, to enter into contracts with each other affecting, fixing, and regulating the franchises, powers, duties, and liabilites of such companies, and the regulations and respective rights of the contracting parties. Such con tracts may, inter alia, provide for payments by the companies to the local authorities, in lieu of the per formance of certain duties or the payment of license fees or charges imposed in favor of such city, borough or township by the charters of the respective companies or by any general law or ordinance, for the appointment by the local authorities of a certain num ber of persons to act as directors of such company, in conjunction with the directors elected by the stockholders of such company, and, further, may provide for the ultimate acquisition by the local authorities, upon terms mutually satisfactory, of the leaseholds. property and franchises of the contracting companies. APPROVED-The 15th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. No. 67. AN ACT To regulate the construction, maintenance, and inspection of scaffolding, or slings, hangers, blocks, pulleys, stays, braces, ladders, irons or ropes, that are used in the construction, alteration, repairing, painting, cleaning, or pointing of buildings, within the limits of cities of the first, second, and third class; and providing punishment for violation of the provisions of this act. Cities of the first, classes. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That whenever complaint is made to the mayor, director of public safety, superintendent of police, or other persons in charge of the police force, in any city of the first, second or third class in this State, that the scaffolding, or slings, Scaffolding, etc.. hangers, blocks, pulleys, stays, braces, ladders, irons, construction and or ropes of any sling or stationary scaffolding, used in the construction, alteration, repairing, painting, cleaning, or pointing of buildings, within the limits of any city aforesaid, are unsafe, or liable to prove dangerous to life or limb of any person, such mayor, director of public safety, superintendent of police, or other person in charge of the police force, shall im- Inspection. mediately cause an inspection to be made of such scaffolding, or the slings, hangers, blocks, pulleys, stays, braces, ladders, irons, ropes or other parts connected therewith. If, after examination, such scaffolding or any of such parts is found to be dangerous to life or limb, the mayor, director of public safety, superintendent of police, or other persons in charge of the Prohibition of police force, shall prohibit the use thereof, and require the same to be altered and reconstructed so as to avoid such danger. The person directed to make such in- Certificate. spection shall attach such certificate to the scaffolding, or the slings, hangers, irons, ropes, or other parts thereof, examined by him, stating that he has made such examination, and that he has found it safe or unsafe, as the case may be. If he declare it unsafe, he shall at once, in writing, notify the person responsible for its erection of the fact, and warn them Notice. against the use thereof. Such notice shall be served personally upon the person responsible for the erecting, or by conspicuously affixing it to the scaffolding or part thereof to be declared unsafe. After such notice has been so served or affixed, the person respon- etc. sible therefor shall immediately remove such scaffolding or part thereof, and alter or strengthen it in such manner as to render it safe, in the discretion of the person who has examined it, or of his superiors. haven frers access. Any person whose duty it is to examine or test any scaffolding or part thereof, as required by this act, shall have free access at all reasonable hours to any building or premises containing them, or where they may be used. second and third Inspection of. use. 6 Laws. Alterations, Examiners shall Safety-rail. Braces. Construction. Number of men. Violations, etc. Misdemeanor. Section 2. If any scaffolding or staging, swung or suspended from an overhead support or supports, shall be more than ten feet from the ground or floor, the same shall be deemed unsuitable and improper, and as not giving proper protection to the life and limb of any person employed or engaged thereon, unless such scaffolding or staging shall, when the same is in use, have a safety-rail, rising at least thirty-four inches above the floor or main portion of such scaffolding or staging, and extending along the outside thereof the entire length of the outside thereof, properly attached thereto, and unless such scaffolding or staging shall be provided with braces so as to sustain the weight of a man's body leaning against it, and prevent the scaffolding or staging from swaying from the building or structure. Section 3. All swinging and stationary scaffolding shall be so constructed as to bear four times the maximum weight to be dependent therefrom or placed thereon when in use, and not more than three men shall be allowed on any swinging scaffolding at one time. Section 4. Any person who violates, or omits to comply with, any of the foregoing provisions of this act, or who suffers or permits the use of any article or scaffolding declared by a proper officer to be defective, or who destroys or defaces any notice posted in accordance with the provisions of this act, or who hinders or obstructs any officer who may be detailed to enforce its provisions, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or Fine and penalty. by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, Repeal. at the discretion of the court. Section 5. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. APPROVED-The 15th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. Borough ordi nances. No. 68. AN ACT Validating ordinances of any borough, laying out and opening public streets, lanes, or alleys, passed since May sixteenth, Anno Domini eighteen hundred ninety-one, where such ordinances were passed by councils of such boroughs and published as prescribed by an act, entitled "An act regulating boroughs," approved April third, Anno Domini eighteen hundred fifty-one, and the streets, lanes and alleys so laid out have been opened, and traveled by the public, and wherein all damages have been paid or released, or the land conveyed to such borough, and ordained in manner aforesaid as a street, lane, or alley. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That all ordinances passed since the sixteenth day of May, Anno Domini 1891, etc. one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, by the coun- Passed since May cils of any borough of this Commonwealth, laying out or opening any public street, lane, or alley, or part thereof, in such borough, and published in the manner prescribed by an act of the General Assembly of said Commonwealth, entitled "An act regulating boroughs," approved the third day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one; where such street, lane, or alley has been laid out, opened, and is now used and traveled by the public, and the damages therein have been paid to or released by the owners of the land over which such street, lane, or alley is laid out and opened; or where such land, over which such street, lane, or alley is opened, has been conveyed to such borough, and, in the manner aforesaid, ordained by it for said purpose-are hereby validated Validation. and made good in law: Provided, This act shall in no Proviso. wise affect any suit or suits now pending. APPROVED-The 15th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART. No. 69. AN ACT Relating to the taxing as part of the costs the printing of paperbooks, upon appeals to Supreme and Superior Courts. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That in all cases, Appeals to Su preme or Superior Court. either in law or equity, wherein an appeal is taken from any judgment, decree, or order to the Supreme or the Superior Court, the party in whose favor the final decision is rendered shall be entitled to charge, and collect from the losing party as part of the costs, such amount as shall have been expended for printing Paper books, taxpaperbooks upon said appeal. Said amount to be ing cost of. taxed and collected in the same manner as costs are now taxed and collected by law. Section 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent Repeal. herewith are hereby repealed. APPROVED-The 15th day of April, A. D. 1907. EDWIN S. STUART, No. 70. AN ACT Providing for the creation and regulation of municipal liens, and the proceedings for the collection thereof, in the several boroughs of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That whenever, here- Boroughs. fofore, the council of any incorporated borough of this State has required, by ordinance, and caused to be paved, curbed, or macadamized, with brick, stone, or Paving, curbing, etc. |