SHARPE'S LONDON JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT AND INSTRUCTION FOR GENERAL READING. With Elegant Steel Engravings. VOL. XV. LONDON: VIRTUE, 11ALL, & VIRTUE, 25, PATERNOSTER ROW. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Fifteenth Half-Yearly Volume of SHARPE'S LONDON MAGAZINE being completed, custom makes it necessary to accompany it by a few prefatory remarks. Its Subscribers will have seen that a change in the management of the Work has already commenced; hereafter it will be placed more directly under the conduct of Mrs. S. C. HALL; and, in announcing this arrangement, the Publishers feel assured that the accomplished lady, whose writings have been so eminently useful, and who is so greatly popular among readers of all classes, will give to this Magazine a high character among the Periodical Publications of the age and country. Several marked improvements will be introduced into future Parts: the articles will be more skilfully arranged; the work will be printed from new type, upon better paper than heretofore; and the Publishers express their anxious wish to sustain the efforts of the Editor in the endeavour to give to the London Magazine a more enlarged sphere of usefulness, by increasing its circulation. 25, PATERNOSTER Row, June 1, 1852. |