Imágenes de páginas

letters and papers. Arrange my accounts, and settle my books, as you know more about them than any one else; and let Mr. Rawlins finish recording my other letters, which he has begun.*

I am afraid I fatigue you too much.†

Well, it is a debt we must pay to each other; and I hope, when you want aid of this kind, you will find it.

Doctor, I die hard, but I am not afraid to go. I believed, from my first attack, that I should not survive it. My breath cannot last long.

5 P. M.

I feel myself going. I thank you || for your attention. But I pray you to take no more trouble about me. Let me go off quietly. I cannot last long.

* "He then asked, if I recollected any thing which it was essential for him to do, as he had but a very short time to continue with us. I told him, that I could recollect nothing, but that I hoped he was not so near his end. He observed, smiling, that he certainly was, and that, as it was the debt which we must all pay, he looked to the event with perfect resignation." - ТоBIAS LEAR.

↑ "In the course of the afternoon, (Saturday,) he appeared to be in great pain and distress, from the difficulty of breathing, and frequently changed his posture in the bed. On these occasions, I lay upon the bed and endeavored to raise him, and turn him with as much ease as possible. He appeared penetrated with gratitude for my attentions." TOBIAS LEAR.

† Dr. Craik, his family physician.

|| The three physicians at his bedside, Dr. Craik, Dr. Dick, and

Dr. Brown.

6 Р. М.

I am just going. Have me decently buried. And do not let my body be put into the vault, in less than three days after I am dead.

Do you understand me? [Addressing Mr. Lear.] [Upon Mr. Lear's replying, Yes, he added,] 'Tis well.

10 P. M.

[Mrs. Washington was at the bedside, where she had often been "seen kneeling" with "her head resting upon the Bible;" Mr. Lear and Dr. Craik were leaning over the bed; and four of the domestics were in the room. "He raised himself up, and casting a look of benignity on all around him, as if to thank them for their kindly attention, he composed his limbs, closed his eyes, and, folding his arms upon his bosom," expired, saying,] FATHER OF MERCIES, TAKE ME TO THYSELF.






Feb. 22.

Apr. 12.

His birth, in Westmoreland county, Virginia.
Death of his father, at the age of 49 years.
His brother Lawrence obtained for him a mid-
shipman's warrant, in the British navy.



Oct. 31.

July 9.

Aug. 14.


Jan. 6.



May 10.

June 15.

1775 43

July 3.



Mar. 17.

[blocks in formation]

Mar... Surveyor of Lord Fairfax's lands on the Potomac

Military Inspector, with the rank of Major, to protect the frontiers of Virginia against the French and Indians.

He sailed for Barbadoes, with his brother Law

[blocks in formation]

Commissioner for settling the military accounts of the colony.

His tour to the Ohio and Great Kenawha rivers.
Member of the Virginia Conventions, on the points
at issue between Great Britain and the Colonies.

Member of the first Continental Congress.
Member of the second Continental Congress.

Commander of the army at Cambridge.

Boston evacuated by the British army.

Declaration of American Independence.

Battle of Long Island.

Battle of Trenton.

Congress invested him with dictatorial powers.

Battle of Princeton.

Battle of Germantown.







[blocks in formation]



1781 48

1781 49

Oct. 19

1753 51

1/. 19.

1783 51

Non. 2.

1783 51

No. 25.

1783 51

Des. 23.

1784 52


[blocks in formation]

Mutiny of the Pennsylvania troops.

Surrender of Yorktown and Gloucester.

Peace proclaimed to the army.

His farewell to the army

New York evacuated by the British army.

He resigned his commission.

His tour to the Western Country.

Delegate to the General Convention at Philadelphia, to form a Constitution. President of the Convention.

President of the United States.

His inauguration, at New York.

Death of his mother, at the age of 82 years.

His tour through the Eastern States.

His tour through the Southern States.

President, for a second term.

M. Genet, Minister from France to the United

Sept. 17. His Farewell Address to the people of the United

He retired to private life. Difficulties with France.
Preparations for war.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Abbey, Dryburgh, 338.

Abolition of slavery, see Slavery.
Academy, Military, 228. Of Arts and Sei-
ences, American, 230. Liberty Hall, 395.
Alexandria, 394.

Accommodation, Spirit of, 63.
Acquaintances, shaking off, 245
Actions, not words, 240.

Adams, John, President; his tributes to
W.. 16.

Address, Inaugural, of W., 355.
Adversity, Friendship in, 242. Its salu
tary effect, 27.

Advice, friendly, 239.

American. The common name of all
citizens of the United States, 47, 166,
169. Academy of Arts and Sciences,
230. Character, 95. Commerce, 219.
Flag, 219. Independence, 409. Mu-
seum, a periodical, 232. National Pre-
dilections, 191. Revolution, its influ-
ence in Europe, 27. Revolution, sce
Revolution, American.

Americans. Their influence on other na-
tions, 25. United in name, sympathy
and interest, 47.

Ames, Fisher. His tributes to W., 267,

Amity, and concession, 247.
Anarchy, and tyranny, 20.

Aged, infirm, and infant slaves. 259. André, Major John, 251. His tribute to

Fund for them, 261.

Agents, Indian, 207.

Agreeable recollections, 302.

Agreements, 313.

Agriculture, 83, 132. Its importance,
129. Proper cultivation of lands, 130.
Speculation and agriculture, 131. The
husbandman, 130. Societies, 129. War
and agriculture, 131.

Alexander, the Great, 396.

Alexandria, in Virginia, 242. Academy
at, 394.

Alliances, Foreign, 91. Permanent Na-
tional, 92.

Ally, excessive confidence in, 218.
America. And Europe, St. See Colo-
nies, American.

W., 334.

Antidote to slanders, 320.

Antipathies, national, 93.

Appeal to the archives of Congress, 328.
Approbation. Public, 32S. Of the wise
and good, 315.

Arbitrary power, 20.

Archives, appeal to, 328.
Aristides, 315.
Aristocracy, 13.

Armies, God of, 349. Of the United
States, their character and sufferings, 40.

Arming slaves. 15.
Armorial devices, 23.
Arms, and accoutrements, of the Patriot
Army, 178.

Army. Agents of civil power, 152. A

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