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Speech of Sir Thomas D. Ackland at the

"You will, I trust, my Lords and Gentlemen, excuse these observations, which, however perhaps in some degree unusual, de not surely infringe upon our excellent principle, of abstaining from the introduction of peculiar sentiments of religion; and believe, that they are prompted by an ardent attachment to the Bible cause, and an earnest desire, that it may be all fair within, as it is assuredly all glorius without."


Sir Thomas, on rising, being desired to draw nearer to the Chair, said, that of course he could feel nothing but increased gratification in a nearer approach to the centre of that Christian union which was then assembled before him; and considering the purpose for which he was desired to address his Lordship, he might be allowed to recall to the recollection of the assembly the words of one of the most beloved, as well as most eloquent of their members, who had once said, on a similar occasion, "My Lord, you are the centre of the greatest circle that this world ever knew, a circle that encompasses the whole world, not limited by earth, but commensurate with heaven, continually expanding, not only through all time, but to all eternity."-He could add nothing to the effect of these words; and to those who had had the happiness of hearing them first uttered by his excellent friend, the slightest allusion must be sufficient to recall the delightful impression they excited. To himself the recollection had been peculiarly gratifying and encouraging at that moment, because, feeling deeply, as he did, the value of his Lordship's services to the Society, and infinitely more of affection and respect than he could permit himself publicly to express in his Lordship's presence, he felt also how utterly inadequate any words of his own must be to describe the unfeigned sentiments of approbation and regard for his Lordship, which pervaded the whole of that assembly, which animated the breast of every Member of the Society throughout the world, and with the expression of which, on their behalf, he had charged himself, by seconding the motion just read. He was glad, therefore, that an accidental circumstance, at his rising, had enabled him to avail himself of the eloquent sentiment of his Honourable Friend, and, in return, he would take the liberty of confirming, from his own experience, a statement, in the Report, of that morning, so feelingly noticed by that friend.

He alluded to the co-operation and sympathy of that happy land of liberty and simplicity, of loyalty and religion, which had so admirably seconded the efforts of the Society, and whose best feelings were almost identified with our own. In his progress through that country, he had frequently the happiness to hear his native land mentioned in a manner most gratifying to his national feelings. Her public spirit, and generous conduct; her successful struggle in the cause of justice, and the glory of her arms, were topics which called forth continually a well-earned praise; but praise, in some countries, is diminished by the imputation of selfish interest, or grudgingly yielded from somewhat of jealousy of

th Anniversary of the Br. & For. Bible Society.

eminence, and anxiety respecting her influence and authout there were two topics which, in Switzerland especially, unqualified admiration; first, the emancipation of Africa = slavery of the body; and, secondly, the emancipation of d from the darkness and ignorance of the mind. When it 1, with gratitude and praise, that England had abolished e Trade, and established the Bible Society, there remained no petty sorrow for her acknowledged superiority, but a imitate her conduct, and emulate her benevolence. The spirits, and providential instruments of these two achievevere then present before them; and he could add, from experience, and he believed there were those dear to his , who, at this moment, experienced the same, that the his Lordship, as President of the Bible Society, was a , not through Switzerland alone, but he believed through every nation in Europe.

ad now, for the second time, had the honour of seconding, ame, and on the behalf, of every man who heard him, witheption, the unfeigned thanks and acknowledgments of the

to their Noble President, for that patronage, and those as, which had so materially contributed to maintain the re, and extend the influence, of the Society: but he hoped might yet be his lot, and that of many others then present, ould please God so to prolong their lives,) to approach his p, not merely as the centre of that holy union, and the elchat band of Christian brethren, but, in the course of years, e more endearing appellation, which earliest attachment, g-continued kindness, would entitle them to give, and him ive, and which, in common parlance, was often bestowed first, the oldest, and the best of any association-that of FATHER of the Society. He was extremely happy to have at opportunity of again expressing his regard and esteem Lordship; and the only difficulty he had had in undertaking sing a part in the proceedings of the day, was, that by thus ning, in the name of the Society, to honour his Lordship, it possible for him not to feel, that he was, at the same time, ring himself.

ED TEIGNMOUTH, in reply, said : - Gentlemen,

n returning my cordial and grateful acknowledgments for the r conferred on me by your resolution, I cannot but feel that - abilities to promote the interests of the Institution were equal ardent wishes for its prosperity, I should better deserve the bation of my services, which you have been pleased to ex- For thirteen years it has been my pleasing office to report rogress of an Institution continually advancing in interest, ectability, and usefulness-such, by the divine favour, has the effect of the disinterested benevolence of its principle, catholic spirit of its constitution, the restrictive wisdom of its lations, and the integrity with which its concerns have been

Speech of Lord Teignmouth.

administered. The British and Foreign Bible Society is no longer an experiment: experience has decided for it more favourably than its warmest advocates ever anticipated, and has pronounced it one of the greatest blessings to the human race that Christian charity ever devised.

"Permit me for a moment to take a slight view of that magnificent scene which it has been the means of exhibiting to the world, and which has been most amply delineated in the Report. Princes and potentates, the noble, the wise, the learned, and valiant of the earth, proclaiming their homage to the word of God, and aiding and encouraging the circulation of it, by their influence and example. Dignitaries and pastors of every church, Christians of all confessions, cordially uniting, and contributing, according to their several means, their talents, their time, their labour, their wealth, or their pittance, to promote this beneficent work, animating and encouraging each other in the career of benevolence, themselves animated and supported by the prayers and benedictions of thousands who have benefited by their charitable labours. If I were to name a particular instance, out of many, in which the benevolent spirit of our Institution shines with particular lustre, I would advert to the affectionate intercourse which it maintains with kindred Societies all over the world, exciting emulation without envy, and provoking each other to love and good works. And may we not hope that this kind and harmonious feeling, so cordially displayed in the Correspondence and Reports of Foreign Bible Societies, may gradually extend its benign influence, softening the asperity of national jealousies, and insinuating that spirit of conciliation and good will among nations towards each other, which the whole tenour of the Gospel inculcates, and the interests of humanity require. If such should ever be the blessed result of our endeavours to promote the happiness of mankind, through the medium of that holy Book, in which only the knowledge for obtaining it is to be found, the British and Foreign Bible Society will then have acquired a triumph more splendid, more honourable, more useful, than ever was achieved by arms; and the word of God, which has had such free course, will then indeed be glorified. But, without expatiating on this cheering hope, which all present will, I am sure, be inclined to participate, I may venture to affirm, that, if it were possible to trace, in all its variety and extent, the good produced by the British and Foreign Bible Society, the result would incontestably prove, that public liberality was never more profitably directed, than to support an Institution which breathes peace and good will to men, without distinction of colour or country, Christian or Heathen-was never applied to better or holier uses. But so much of that good has appeared, that I cannot but offer my devout thanksgiving to Almighty God, who has been pleased to make me in any degree instrumental to the production of it; and if I were to name a day of my life attended with a peculiar blessing, I should fix on that in which I became a Member of this Institutions” dow




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twenty-third Report of the London Missionary Society.


the last letter received from the Missionaries, dated Sep3, 1815, it appears that the number of those who have eneir names, at Eimeo, as professed disciples of Christ, to 362, and the scholars to 600 or 700; among whom are ersons of consequence: many more requested admission, teachers were waiting for elementary books, which have een supplied.

of the Chiefs in Otaheite, observing the rapid increase of Sure Atua," or "Praying People," as the converts are alled; and conceiving, from the present of a book made by g to his daughter, that he intended to educate her as a n, and that probably in process of time idolatry would be overthrown; formed a resolution, by one sudden blow, to the rising sect. To effect this, several of the idolatrous who had been previously rivals and enemies to one another, red in a plan to fall on the new converts in the night of Ju1815), and to exterminate them altogether But some of rties having been rather dilatory, and secret information happily been given to the people whose ruin was intended, ere enabled to get on board their canoes, and sail for Eimeo, they safely arrived the next morning.

disappointed chiefs, reproaching each other for neglect, and to mind their ancient animosities, fell on one another with Many, especially of those who first concerted the mischief, illed, and a large portion of their country was laid waste. uestion of religion was lost sight of; and the party feuds of - times were revived; and those who thought themselves in , withdrew to Eimeo. The king, who was then at that sent repeated messages of a pacific nature to the conquerrty, who assured him that they had no quarrel with him, but ey had not yet settled their old differences. e king has been fully restored to his former sovereignty. e brethren repeat their earnest desires for a reinforcement of numbers, especially as they had been deprived by death of f their most useful members, Mr. Scott. Mr. Crook, who is acquainted with the language and customs of the people, and years past resided at Port Jackson, has, with his fa

or some

removed to Eimeo. meir work will also be facilitated by the reception of the books ed for their use at Port Jackson; and by the addition of EIGHT arers, who, together with their wives, have been sent out to them. A printing-press has also been forwarded, which one e Missionaries is qualified to use; so that the Scriptures which have translated, Tracts, and school-books, will be printed, as sions require.

The Directors cannot refrain from inviting all their brethren of 10 23d Report of the London Missionary Society.

this Society to unite with them in grateful admiration of the grace of God, so eminently displayed in the Otaheitan Mission. When the hopes of all were nearly exhausted, then it pleased God to evince that the excellency of the power by which the change was effected was solely divine: then it was, that, in the district where the Missionaries resided, the principal priest openly renounced heathenism, publicly committed his idol to the flames, and united himself to our Christian friends: others followed his example, both in Eimeo and Otaheite: Morais were destroyed, the altars overthrown, and the materials employed to dress their ordinary food, of which different classes and both sexes partook, at one common meal; thus practically renouncing their ancient and established cus


It is stated in the Sydney Gazette, that "the number of candidates for Christianity exceeds 1000; and that idolatry has received a universal shock, and totters from its foundation, throughout all the islands. Some of the opposing chiefs, with the priests and their followers, endeavour to prop up the rotten fabric, but their efforts tend to the acceleration of its fall."


The obstacles, which impede the full and free diffusion of the truths of Revelation in China, have lately been increased by the unsettled state of political affairs in that country, and the jealousy entertained of all religious efforts.

The letters received during the last year, detail various and new difficulties with which Mr. Morrison has had to contend. He has however commenced new and large editions of the Chinese New Testament, both in octavo and duodecimo, which will probably be executed at Malacca rather than at Canton. Mr. M. is enabled to print his duodecimo Testament at the cost of only about two shillings and six pence each. He has translated the whole of Genesis, and a great part of the Psalms, as was mentioned in our last Report.

To the Embassy lately sent by the British government to the Court of Pekin, Mr. Morrison's attainments as a linguist recommended him as one of the interpreters to his Excellency Lord Amherst. He embarked for that purpose in the month of July last, on board the Alceste Frigate.

By our American brethren, through the good offices of Mr. Bethune of New-York, and Mr. Ralston of Philadelphia, the sum of £400. sterling was collected, in aid of translating the Scriptures into the Chinese, and transmitted to Canton.

Closely connected with this Mission is that at


Mr. Milne informs us, that the wishes of Mr. Morrison, of himself, and of the Society, respecting the formation of a settlement for the Extra Ganges Mission, have been in a good measure accomplished.

In the month of January, 1816, Mr. Milne paid a visit to Pe

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