Journal of the Senate of the State of Michigan, Volumen2John S. Bagg, printer to the Legislature, 1885 Includes extra sessions. |
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accepted and committee amend section announced the following Austin Belknap bill to amend bill to provide bill was laid bill was ordered Brown Carpenter Carveth Cline committee discharged committee on engrossment committee on judiciary compiled laws compiler's section CROSSMAN Curtiss DANIEL L Davenport Davis drain commissioner Edwards elect voting therefor engrossment and enrollment entitled A bill entitled An act File following entitled bill Francis further consideration George W Greiner Hawley Heisterman Henry Hertzler House of Representatives Howell's Annotated Statutes Hubbell Hueston John joint resolution Josiah W June 17 Kempf Lansing Manwaring members elect Michigan Monroe Moon motion prevailed nays as follows o'clock P. M. Pennell Phelps President also announced Pulver read a third referred House bill Report accepted Respectfully report S. W. Smith Senate concurred Senators elect voting session laws Sherwood Shoemaker SIR-I am instructed Spencer Stephenson take immediate effect Title agreed township vote of two-thirds Woodruff yeas and nays
Pasajes populares
Página 1190 - ... as the case may be; and if it shall appear to the court that the public interests and the interest of such child will be best subserved thereby, he may make an order for the return of such child to his or her parents or...
Página 1189 - Governor, and who shall be known as the county agent for the county for which he is appointed. Before entering upon the duties of his office, and within thirty days after receiving notice of his...
Página 1547 - No. 198 of the session laws of 1873, being an act entitled an act to revise the laws providing for the incorporation of railroad companies and to regulate the running and management, and to fix the duties and liabilities of all railroad and other corporations owning or operating any railroad in this State, being compiler's section 3323, of Howell's annotated statutes, as amended by act No.
Página 1190 - Girls, or to any State penal or reformatory institution authorized by law to receive such boy or girl, subject to such conditions of sex and age as are now provided by law for the reception of children in said school or institution; and in such cases the report of the agent shall be attached to the mittimus...
Página 1356 - The court shall hear the proofs and allegations of the parties, and if no sufficient cause is shown against granting the prayer of the petition, it shall make an order...
Página 1322 - An Act authorizing the formation of partnership associations in which the capital subscribed shall alone be responsible for the debts of the association, except under certain circumstances.
Página 1140 - The nurse will certify that the account is correct and just; that the services were rendered as stated, and that the patient is not related to the nurse.
Página 1189 - Charities, but not exceeding three dollars for any one day's service, which shall be audited by the Board of State Auditors and paid from the general fund...
Página 1382 - Lieutenant Governor; and the inspectors of election in the several townships and cities in this State shall prepare a suitable box for the reception of ballots cast for and against said amendment.
Página 1294 - ... sums shall be assessed, levied and collected, in the same manner as other State taxes are assessed, levied and collected, and which taxes, when collected, shall be credited up to the general fund to reimburse the same for the amount drawn therefrom, as provided in section one of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect.. APPROVED JUNE 10th, 1889.