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An Act to amend The Game Act.

[Assented to February 4, 1920.]

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:


1. The Game Act, being chapter 30 of the statutes of The Act 1916, is amended in the manner hereinafter set forth.


2.-(1) Clause (d) of the first subsection of section 4, as Section 4 amended by section 52 of chapter 34 of the statutes of 1917 and section 2 of chapter 55 of the statutes of 1918-19, is further amended by inserting after the word "female" in the first line thereof the words "other than caribou."

(2) Section 4 as amended by section 3 of chapter 40 of the statutes of 1917 (second session) is further amended by inserting the following as subsection (4):

"(4) Every person who accidentally, by mistake, or otherwise unlawfully kills a female of any age, or a fawn under the age of one year, of any of the animals mentioned in this section, other than caribou, shall properly dress the carcass immediately and take away the meat and the hide, and keep them in a good state of preservation, and deliver the same to the agent at the nearest railway station to the order of the chief game guardian, and shall at once report the killing and delivery of such animal to the chief game guardian, Regina."


3. Clause (e) of section 7, as enacted by section 52 of Section 7 chapter 34 of the statutes of 1917, is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

"(e) any bird of the order Gallinae commonly known.

as sharp-tailed grouse or prairie chicken, pin-
nated grouse or prairie hen, between the
first day of November in any year and the
fifteenth day of October of the following year,
nor shall more than six of these birds be killed
by one person in any one day, nor more than
thirty in one season; and no other species of
this order including ruffed grouse or partridge,
Canada grouse or spruce grouse, sage grouse
or grouse of any other variety shall be hunted,

Section 11 amended

Section 30 amended

New section 31a

License to hunt furbearing animals

New section 32a

trapped, taken, shot at, wounded or killed at any time."

4. (1) Clause (c) of section 11 is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

"(c) Muskrats in townships 1 to 52 inclusive between the first day of May and the first day of March of the year following, and in the territory north of township 52 between the first day of December and the first day of March of the year following and between the fifteenth day of May and the first day of November; and at no period of the year shall a muskrat be speared, shot or shot at."

(2) Clause (d) of section 11, as enacted by section 5 of chapter 40 of the statutes of 1917 (second session), is amended by adding to the proviso the words "and at no period of the year shall a beaver be speared, shot or shot at."

5. Section 30 is amended by striking out the words "of a city, town, village or hamlet" in the first line thereof and by adding thereto the following proviso:

"Provided that an owner or occupant of any land outside the limits of a city, town, village or hamlet actually domiciled and living upon such land shall have the right, during the time when it is lawful to kill such game birds, to hunt within the limits of such land without a license."

6. The following is inserted immediately after section 31:

"31a. No resident other than a Treaty Indian shall hunt, trap, take, shoot at, wound or kill any of the fur bearing animals mentioned in section 11 of this Act without having in his possession a license therefor in his own name, which shall be known as a resident trapper's license and which may be procured on payment of two dollars from such agents as may be appointed by the minister.

"(2) Every licensee shall, on or before the thirty-first day of May, return such license to the chief game guardian, Regina, accompanied by a statement showing the kinds of fur bearing animals and the numbers of each kind trapped or otherwise taken by him during the season."

7. The following is inserted immediately after section 32:

"32a. Any trapper, fur buyer, taxidermist or other Neglect to person failing or neglecting to make out and forward returns as provided in this Act shall forfeit the right to obtain a license for the next ensuing year."

8. Subsection (4) of section 33 is repealed.

make returns

Section 33 amended

9. The following is inserted immediately after sec- New section tion 33:


License to be

"33a. A license issued under this Act shall be valid signed by only when the signature of the person to whom it is holder issued is indorsed thereon.”


10. The first subsection of section 60 is amended by Section 60 inserting after the word "game" in the third line thereof the word "fur" and by striking out the word "or" in the sixth and seventh lines thereof and substituting therefor, the words "fur or fur bearing."


11. That portion of schedule B describing the area Schedule B of the Porcupine Game Preserve is amended by striking out the following words, commencing at the fifth line thereof: "southerly limit of the land taken for right of way of the Canadian Northern Railway in township 44 as said right of way is shown on a plan registered in the land titles office for the Prince Albert land registration district as number N4293; thence westerly and following along the southerly limit of said right of way" and substituting therefor the words, "northerly boundary of township 43 thence westerly and following along the northerly boundary of township 43."


12. This Act shall come into force on the first day of Coming inte June, 1920.



An Act for the Licensing and Regulation of
Produce Commission Merchants.

[Assented to February 4, 1920.]

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as



1. This Act may be cited as "The Produce Commission Short Merchants Act, 1920."



2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, Interpretathe expression:

1. "Minister" means the minister of agriculture;


"Minister "

2. "Person" includes a partnership, an association or "Person an unincorporated company;

3. "Produce" means any agricultural product or farm "Produce" produce, except milk, cream and grain and except live stock when sold in a public stock yard in Saskatchewan;


4. "Produce commission merchant" means a person "Produce who by himself, or his clerk, servant or agent, as his merchant" principal business, receives produce for sale either on commission or for account or credit of the consignor.


for license

3.—(1) Any person desiring to carry on the business Application of a produce commission merchant in Saskatchewan shall make application in writing to the minister for a license for that purpose, stating the locality or address where he intends to carry on business.

(2) The application shall be in such form as may be prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.


4. (1) Where the application is approved the appli- Bond by cant shall enter into a bond for two thousand dollars to His Majesty with sufficient surety or sureties conditioned as set forth in regulations to be prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, such bond to be approved by the minister.

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