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An Act to amend The Reclamation Act, 1917.


[Assented to February 4, 1920.]

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:


1. The Reclamation Act, 1917, being chapter 69 of the The Act statutes of 1917 (second session), is amended as hereinafter set forth.

2. Section 3 is repealed and the following substituted New therefor:

section 3

drainage works

Crown lands

"3. When application is made to the Dominion Small government by an applicant other than the government affecting vacant of Saskatchewan for permission to drain small lakes or swamps in order that owners of, or entrants for, fractional quarter sections of land thereby affected may be able to reclaim the submerged or swampy portions thereof and secure patent for the full area of such quarter sections, or where such application is made in order that the land reclaimed may be purchased, or where the Dominion government itself desires to reclaim vacant Dominion land by drainage, neither the applicant nor the Dominion government shall be required to comply with the provisions of The Private Ditches Act, being chapter 25 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909, but shall proceed as provided by this part of this Act:

"Provided that, when the Dominion government so proceeds, the land shall when reclaimed, be disposed of in the manner prescribed by section 16 of this Act."


3. Section 4 is amended by inserting after "applicant" Section 4 in the first line the words "or the Dominion government, as the case may be."


4. Section 5 is amended by inserting after "applicants" Section 5 in the second line the words "or the Dominion government, as the case may be."

5. Section 8 is amended by striking out the expression Section 8 "$2,000" in the last line and substituting the expression



New section 16

Disposal of lands

6. Section 16 is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

*16.- (1) Lands so reclaimed by the Dominion government shall be offered for sale at public auction within five years after the completion of the drainage works, except as hereinafter provided, upon such conditions, if any, as to residence, cultivation or utilisation as may be prescribed by the minister of the interior and agreed to by the minister, and upon the purchasers thereof becoming responsible for the maintenance of the works in accordance with the provisions of The Drainage Act.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section the minister of the interior may:

(a) transfer any lands so reclaimed to the Soldier Settlement Board at a valuation to be fixed by the Governor General in Council;

(b) lease the whole or any part of the said lands, and also any land unsold after it has been offered for sale at public auction; or

(c) dispose of any fractional portion of any quarter section of land so reclaimed under regulations to be prescribed by him:

Provided that persons taking under any such transfer, lease or other disposition shall be made responsible for the maintenance of the works in the same manner and to the same extent as purchasers under subsection (1) of this section."


An Act to amend An Act respecting Housing in
Urban Municipalities.


[Assented to February 4, 1920.]

IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:


1. An Act respecting Housing in Urban Municipalities, 1918-19, e being chapter 45 of the statutes of 1918-19, is amended in the manner hereinafter set forth.

2. Section 1 is repealed and the following substituted New section 1 therefor:

to make loans

"1. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may authorise The treasurer the provincial treasurer to apply to the government of Canada for loans for the purpose of promoting the erection of dwelling houses of a modern character in towns and cities in Saskatchewan and putting within the reach of all working men in, such towns and cities, particularly returned soldiers, the opportunity of acquiring their own homes at actual cost of the building and land acquired at a fair value, such loans not to exceed in the aggregate $1,800,000."


3. Section 2 is amended by striking out the word Section 2 "revenues" in the third line and substituting therefor the word "credit."

4. The following section is inserted after section 5:

New section 6

and town

6. The council of every city and town may pass Powers of city all bylaws and do all other things necessary or conducive councils to the effective carrying out of the provisions of this Act and of any regulations made thereunder; and, without thereby limiting the generality of the powers by the preceding terms of this section conferred, it is hereby declared that such council may:

(a) borrow upon the security of the general credit.
of the municipality or upon such other security
as may be agreed upon any sum of money
advanced under this Act;

"(b) repay the moneys advanced, with interest, according to agreement or as provided by regulations made hereunder;

"(c) make all provisions required for carrying out any housing scheme approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under this Act, including the expenditure of moneys borrowed by the municipality, the acquisition of property, the erection of buildings and improvements thereon and the disposition of all such property and buildings;

"(d) levy each year upon all the rateable property in the municipality such sums as may be required to make up any deficiency in the amount available for payment of principal or interest or both of moneys borrowed under this Act, after applying to such purpose the moneys derived from sales or leases of houses erected under the housing scheme."


An Act to amend The Infants Act.

[Assented to February 4, 1920.]


IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the
Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts




1. The Infants Act, being chapter 82 of the statutes of 1918-19, c. 82. 1918-19, is amended in the manner hereinafter set forth.

2. Section 2 is repealed and the following substituted New section 2 therefor:

"2. In the absence of an order to the contrary, the mother Custody shall have the custody of her infant children until they attain the age of fourteen. On the death of the mother or on a child attaining the age of fourteen, the custody of the child shall belong to the father, if living."

3. Section 3 is repealed and the following substituted New section 3


custody of and

to infant

3.(1) The court of king's bench, upon the application Order as to of the father of an infant or of the mother, who may apply right offaccess without a next friend, may make such order as the court sees fit regarding the custody of the infant and the right of access thereto of either parent having regard to the welfare of the infant and to the conduct of the parents and to the wishes as well of the mother as of the father, and may alter, vary or discharge the order on the application of either parent, or, after the death of either parent, of any guardian appointed under this Act, and in every case may make such order respecting the costs of the application as the court may deem just.

"(2) The court may also make an order for the maintenance of the infant by payment by the father or mother, out of any estate to which the infant is entitled, of such sum from time to time as according to the pecuniary circumstances of the father or mother, or the value of the estate, the court deems reasonable."

4. Subsection (1) of section 4 is repealed and the follow- Section ing substituted therefor:


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