CHAPTER 85 An Act respecting a Supply of Water from the South [Assented to February 4, 1920.] HEREAS it is desirable that steps be taken to provide Preamble means whereby an adequate supply of water may be furnished from the South Saskatchewan river to that portion of the province lying between the said river and the cities of Regina and Moose Jaw, including the said cities, and within an area to be more definitely fixed and described at a later period under the provisions of this Act; And whereas it is expedient as a preliminary step to the installation of a water supply system that certain inquiries be made and information obtained for submission to the government of the province and to this assembly: Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows: of 1. The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint a Appointment commission to be known as the Saskatchewan Water commission Supply Commission composed of not more than three members, whose duty it shall be to cause all inquiries, surveys, and tests to be made and all other measures to be taken which in their opinion may appear necessary and advisable in order to ascertain the feasibility of providing an adequate supply of water from the South. Saskatchewan river to the area outlined in the preamble to this Act and which shall later be more definitely fixed and described by the commission subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. commission 2. Among the duties to be performed by the com- Duties of mission under the provisions of section 1 hereof it shall be incumbent upon them to ascertain what franchises or other privileges for the use of the water of the South Saskatchewan river have already been granted by the government of Canada and still exist, and generally to conduct all negotiations that may be necessary with the said government for the purpose of securing adequate rights in the said river for the construction and maintenance of the proposed system of water supply. Remuneration Report of cost of construction Vote of electors Employment of clerks, etc. Advisory board Powers of Governor in 3. Each member of the commission shall receive such remuneration as may be provided by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. 4. Upon being satisfied of the practicability of a system of water supply being undertaken as above set out, the commission shall submit a report to the Lieutenant Governor in Council showing the probable cost of the construction of the same and the means which in its opinion should be adopted to meet the said cost, and to provide for the maintenance, operation and management of the system and the charges for service and other expenses necessarily incidental thereto, provided that any report to be submitted under this section shall provide that all moneys required for the erection and maintenance of the system, whether for principal or interest, shall be a specific charge against and shall be levied within the area to be served by the said system upon a fair and equitable basis. 5. Upon receiving the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council to the scheme devised by them, the commission shall proceed to have a vote taken of the municipal electors in the area to be served by the system, in order to ascertain whether it is the desire of the said electors that the erection of the said system be proceeded with. Such vote shall be taken separately in each municipal unit or in such other unit as may be created for the purpose; and the voting unit so to be created, the question or questions to be submitted to the electors and the information to be laid before them, the date of the said vote and the mode of taking the same, and all other matters necessarily incidental to the said vote. shall be determined by the commission subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. 6. For the better carrying out of their powers and duties the commissioners shall have power to employ all necessary expert, clerical or other assistance, and shall possess all the powers conferred upon commissioners by chapter 18 of The Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan 1909, being An Act respecting Inquiries Concerning Public Matters. 7. There shall be associated with the commission for advisory purposes a board to which one member may be appointed by each of the railway companies operating in Saskatchewan and by each of the cities of Regina, Saskatoon and Moose Jaw. 8. The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall have power to make all provisions not inconsistent with this Act for the better carrying its purposes into effect. H CHAPTER 86 An Act respecting Automobile Repairs [Assented to February 4, 1920.] IS Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts. as follows: 1. This Act may be cited as "The Automobile Repairs Short Act, 1920." title 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, Interpretation, the expression: 1. "Vendor" means any person, firm, company or "Vendor" association selling or offering for sale automobiles on his or its own account. file list 3. All vendors shall file with the provincial secretary Vendors to on or before the first day of February in each year a list of the automobiles which they have for sale, with the prices at which they are sold, both for cash and on credit, and showing also in the latter case the usual length and terms of credit and the rate of interest charged. file list of 4.-(1) Such vendors shall also file with the provincial Vendors to secretary annually, on or before the said date, a list of repairs all repairs required for the automobiles sold by them, stating the cash selling price thereof and the places in Saskatchewan where the same may be purchased. (2) It shall be unnecessary to include in such list standard bolts and nuts or straps or other iron or wooden parts usually made by blacksmiths or carpenters. lists 5. In the event of any changes from time to time in Supplementary matters mentioned in the lists referred to in the two preceding sections, the vendors shall within thirty days of making such change, file a supplementary list or lists, as the case may be, with the provincial secretary, corrected to date. neglecting 6. Any vendor neglecting to file a list, as and when Penalty for herein before required to do so, shall be guilty of an to file list offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding $5 for every day the default continues. Sale price not to exceed list price Warranty Coming into force 7. No repair shall be sold at a higher price for cash than the price stated in the list so filed, as required by section 4 or section 5, as the case may be, and any person charging a higher price for cash for any repair than the price so stated shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine of $25. 8. Every vendor who sells an automobile within Saskatchewan shall be responsible to the purchaser as upon a warranty that all necessary repairs for the automobile sold by him, other than standard bolts and nuts or straps or other iron or wooden parts usually made by blacksmiths or carpenters, will for a period of five years from the date of sale be kept at a place within Saskatchewan to be named in the contract, and that at said place the purchaser will be able to obtain them within a reasonable time. 9. This Act shall come into force on the first day of May, 1920. CHAPTER 87 An Act for the Protection of Property and Interests of Sailors and their Dependents. W [Assented to February 4, 1920.] HEREAS by certain enactments hereinafter mentioned protection is given to the property and interests of soldiers and the dependents of soldiers who served in the recent war between Great Britain and her allies and Germany and her allies; and Whereas it is desirable that the benefit of such legislation should be extended to sailors and the dependents of sailors and other persons who have served in the said war: Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows: reservist" 1. The expression "volunteer or (and) reservist" in "Volunteer and The Volunteers and Reservists Relief Act, being chapter 7 of the statutes of 1916, as amended from time to time, or in any other Act of this Legislature, and the word "soldier" where it appears in any Act of this Legislature "Soldier" shall include and are hereby declared always to have included persons who served in the military, naval or air forces of Great Britain or any of her allies in the recent war with Germany and her allies. 2. Nothing in this Act contained shall prejudice any Saving proviright, title or interest acquired or any action or other sion proceeding pending at the date when this Act comes into force except in so far as such right, title or interest or action or other proceeding falls expressly or by necessary implication within the provisions of any of the above enactments. |