CHAPTER 92 An Act to incorporate The Catholic Women's League. [Assented to February 4, 1920.] WHEREAS an association under the name of "The Catholic Women's League" has existed for some time having for its object the promotion of religious, educational, and charitable work, and the social welfare of the Catholic women, in the city of Regina, and the surrounding districts, and is governed by a constitution and bylaws which have received the assent of the members of the association; and Whereas the persons hereinafter named have requested that the said association may be vested with corporate powers for the purpose of carrying out the said objects, and it is expedient to grant such request: Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows: 1. Margaret Duggan, Winifred Macdiarmid, Mar- Incorporation garet Crottie, Katherine McGrath and Anne Mansfield, together with all such other persons as are now members of the said association, or shall hereafter become members of the corporation, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate under the name of "The Catholic Women's League," hereinafter referred to as "the corporation. hold real 2. The corporation shall have power to acquire and Power to hold real estate in the city of Regina, or any leasehold estate or other interest therein and the same or any part thereof to alienate, exchange, mortgage, lease or otherwise charge or dispose of as occasion may require: Provided, however, that the said corporation shall not acquire or hold as purchasers any land except for the actual use and occupation of the corporation or a branch thereof, or for the purposes of the corporation exceeding in the whole at any time the annual value of five thousand dollars ($5,000), and that lands, tenements or hereditaments acquired by gift, devise or bequest and not required for the actual use and occupation of the corporation or a branch thereof or for the purposes of the corporation, the annual value of which together with the other land of the corporation exceeds Not to trade in real estate Constitution and bylaws Membership Directors Personal property vested in the corporation Object of corporation Establishment of branches Contracts, negotiable instruments, etc. ten thousand dollars ($10,000) shall not be held by the corporation for a longer period than seven (7) years, and within such period the same shall be absolutely disposed of by the corporation, and in case of failure to dispose of the same within such seven years or within any further period to which the term may be extended by order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, such land shall be forfeited to the Crown in right of the province. 3. Nothing herein contained shall authorise the corporation to engage in the business of trading in real estate. 4. The constitution and bylaws of the association shall, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the laws in force in this province, be the constitution and bylaws of the corporation; but the corporation may, from time to time, alter, amend or repeal the same as may be deemed expedient. 5. The members of the association shall be members of the corporation and the officers of the association shall continue in office as members of the corporation, subject to the constitution and bylaws. 6. The corporation may by bylaw increase or decrease the number of directors and provide as to their qualifications, mode of election and the time for which they shall hold office. 7. The personal property of the association shall become the property of and is hereby vested in the corporation. 8. The object of the corporation shall be the spiritual, educational, social and physical improvement of women by the maintenance and support of meetings, lectures, and a parish hall providing reading rooms, libraries, dining rooms, and dormitories, and such other means as may from time to time be determined. 9. The corporation may establish and maintain branch associations in different parts of the city and vicinity thereof. 10. (1) Every contract, agreement, engagement or bargain made and every bill of exchange drawn or accepted and every promissory note and cheque made or drawn on behalf of the corporation by the president, vice president, and treasurer or any two of them in general accordance with their powers as such under the bylaws of the corporation shall be binding upon the corporation but promissory notes or cheques payable to the order of the corporation may be indorsed by either of these officers and in no case shall it be necessary to have the seal of the corporation affixed to any such contracts, agreements, engagements, bargain, bill of exchange, promissory note or cheque or to prove that the same was made, drawn, accepted or indorsed, as the case may be, in pursuance of any special bylaw or special vote or order; nor shall the party so acting within his authority as agent, officer or servant of the corporation be thereby subjected individually to any liability whatsoever in respect thereof. (2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorise the corporation to issue any note payable to the bearer thereof or any promissory note intended to be circulated as money or as the note of a bank. assume Assumption of liabilities 11. The corporation shall take over and any and all liabilities of and contracts entered into by the association or by any person or persons on behalf of the association before the passing of this Act and the said corporation shall be deemed to have been an original party to such liabilities or contracts. CHAPTER 93 An Act to incorporate The Convention of Baptist [Assented to December 19, 1919.] WHEREAS, within the Province of Saskatchewan Preamble the various local and independent churches established under the name of "Baptists" have duly constituted a convention known as "The Convention of Baptist Churches in Saskatchewan," but without legal status; And whereas, the executive body of that convention has presented a petition praying for the incorporation of the said convention, with the powers hereinafter defined; And it is expedient to grant their petition: Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows: 1. This Act may be cited as "The Convention of Baptist Short title Churches in Saskatchewan Act." 2. There is hereby constituted and established within Incorporation the Province of Saskatchewan a body politic and corporate under the name of "The Convention of Baptist Churches in Saskatchewan," hereinafter called the "corporation, which corporation shall consist of the accredited representatives of churches within the province that have been or may hereafter be recognised by the said convention or corporation. 3. The head office of the corporation shall be at Head office the city of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan, or at such other city or centre within the province as may be determined by vote of the corporation. officers 4. (a) The present existing constitution and bylaws of Existing the said convention shall be the rules and regulations and rules of the corporation, subject to amendment as therein provided; (b) the present officers of the said convention (and |