order,) was slain by Messer Beccio da Caprona. His father | received the intelligence without tears, pardoned the homicide, collected his brother friars, and at the burial of his son preached a sermon recommending resignation and forgiveness to the relatives, and peace to the populace. "TWAS in dark days of feud and strife, Christ wanted not some servants mild, The raging of their pride, however fierce its flame. In Pisa's streets, throughout the day, A cross of blood on snow-white shield,- And bid her trusty sons upon her foremen fall. He sought, and all too soon he found! His son lay weltering on the ground; But not a tear bedewed his cheek, Nor one rebellious murmur was he heard to speak. The corse is placed upon a bier, They bear it to a Convent near, That in the Church it may abide ; But there they find the homicide! The Altar's shelter had he sought E'en where the murdered man they brought. Before the slayer of his son The injured father stood, nor did his presence shun. Upon his cheek a burning spot A moment glowed, and then was not ; An ashy paleness took its stead; And of his eye the fire was dead, The brothers of his band he brought, The youth they were too late to save, And bid them vengeance due on foul aggression take. So deemed the crowd who round him stood; The outraged father thus began, And still his words on mercy ran: "O God! who gave to us Thy Son, By whom our hope of heaven is won, Assist me with Thy Spirit meek, While to assauge the wrath of these fierce men I seek!" He paused; he cast one piteous glance How bright and beautiful this face was yesterday. "Then pause ;-restrain your kindled rage, Another mangled form I see He also is an only Son, Smitten, scourged, and spat upon! Pierced are His hands, and pierced His feet; His ears revilings loud, and scoffs, and mockings greet. "See how his bleeding brows around, A crown of platted thorns is bound. And thus have marred His visage mild- Saying: Now save thyself, and we will homage show? "Oh! if His Father thus sustain The spectacle of Jesus' pain,- No! this bleeding clay I bring Unto the Altar's foot, an offering to my King! "Oh! Thou, who didst for sinners die, Cast upon me now Thine eye; Gave in haste, Thy hand did heal. E'en Lord, for Thy dear sake, as sweet compassion show." To Heaven he lifts his streaming eyes. By the corpse he still doth stay; His prayer is answered-he hath peace! And all rude threats of strife and hate around him cease. Miscellaneous. "I have here made only a nosegay of culled flowers, and have brought nothing of my own, but the string that ties them."-Montaigne. WHATEVER withdraws us from the power of car senses; whatever makes the past, the distant, or the future, predominate over the present, advances us in the dignity of thinking beings. Far from me, and far from my friends, be such frigid philosophy as may conduct is indifferent and unmoved over any ground which has been dignified by wisdom, bravery, or virtue. Th man is little to be envied whose patriotism would ne gain force upon the plain of Marathon, or whose piety would not grow warmer among the ruins of Iona.-D. Johnson. Most men are deceived in being too reasonable; con cluding that reason will prevail with those men to sulmit to what is right and just, who have no other con sideration of right and justice but as it advance their interest, or complies with their humour and passion And so easy it hath always been to do harm, and to mislead men; and so hard to do good, and reduce them to reason!-Clarendon. BEER BREWED FROM SUGAR. THE scarcity in, and consequent high prices of, grain, have of late led to the suggested substitution of sugar and molasses in breweries and distilleries. There are various fiscal considerations connected with this measure, to which we may hereafter advert; but first we shall glance at the employment of sugar in domestic brewing, that is, brewing upon a small scale. A popular writer on domestic economy, (Mr. Donovan,) observes:-"For making excellent ale or table beer it is not absolutely necessary to use malt. To conceive this subject rightly, we must consider that it is the sugar of the malt which undergoes fermentation, and that any other sugar will ferment just as well, although no other sugar is so cheap." To this statement we request especial attention. Economy and long habit," continues the writer just quoted, "have established malt sugar as a brewing material, but cane sugar will afford an excellent drink. To persons residing in the country, and far from breweries, as well as to those who do not choose the great trouble of managing malt, this is a valuable fact. Another advantage of cane sugar is, that the apparatus necessary for converting it into beer is much more simple: all that is required is a cask which has no bung-hole, or has it well stopped up. This is to be placed standing upon either of its ends: a cock is to be fixed in one of the staves, about an inch above the bottom chimb, so that, in drawing off the liquor, the sediment cannot also run. In the centre of the top of the cask, that is, in the centre of its other end, a hole is to be bored, of such size as will admit a large bottlecork. "Let us suppose that the cask holds ten gallons, and that the drink is to be tolerably strong ale. The proper quantity of hops required for ten gallons of ale, in this process, will be about a pound and a half. On this quantity, contained in any convenient vessel, pour eleven gallons of boiling water; or, what is much better, boil the hops in the water for about five minutes, and no more; then strain off the hops; in the strained liquor dissolve fourteen pounds of sugar, and mix in a pint of yeast of the best quality. Pour the whole into a cask; it will soon begin to ferment; it will throw up its yeast through the corkhole at top, and then, being retained within the external rim of the chimb, it will, for the most part, fall back into liquor, and run back into the cask. It will require, at the ordinary temperature of summer, as much as three weeks or a month to complete the fermentation. For the last fortnight, the cork may be generally kept in the hole; but it should, once every two days, be removed, to give vent to the fixed air; and then it should be replaced. When the fermentation appears at an end, the taste of the sugar will almost have disappeared. The cork may then be permanently driven in, and in four days the ale will be fit for draught or bottling. As to the quality of the sugar, it is a matter of little consequence; white sugar will afford an ale scarcely coloured: brown sugar will impart proportionate colour, and not quite so pure a flavour. Should colour be an object, it may be communicated by the raspings of an over-baked loaf, or by scorched treacle; but this is a matter of little moment. The drink will spontaneously fine itself. "To persons who have acquired an inveterate predilection for the abominable and varied flavour which the skill of the brewer enables him to communicate, this pure and simple drink may be less pleasing: but it is singular how soon the consumer acquires a high relish for it, and prefers it to every other. There is a purity of taste belonging to it quite different from the indescribable jumble of tastes so perceptible in common ales; while it has a slight sharpness combined with tenacity, which is much more agrecable than the glutinous or mucilaginous softness of even the best ales But it has one advantage which places it above all cor petition, and that is its lightness on the stomach; this when compared, with the sickly heaviness of malt ale. is remarkable. The whiter the sugar the lighter w be the ale; and age greatly conduces to the same c provided that the drink be sound, which is best insured by bottling." Thus far Mr. Donovan's method: we have tasted beer made by it, though not with the requisite attention to the several stages of the process. It by no means came up to Mr. Donovan's standard; but we have known beer thus made to prove excellent. Thus, to half a bushel add four pounds of treacle, ar : There is, likewise, a mode of economising mat three quarters of a pound of hops; this will twenty-five gallons of beer, the cost of which will be i twopence per gallon, where the materials are purchases. to the best advantage. This beer will be fit to drink in a fortnight, but will not keep in warm weather. four pounds of coarse sugar, and three ounces of heps Table-beer may be made without malt, by boiling in ten gallons of water, in a covered copper, for thes quarters of an hour: ferment the strained liquor in usual manner, keep it for a week or ten days, and will be fit for use. Or, a pleasant and wholesome beer may be made follows:-to a quarter of a peek of sweet wheat brit add three handfuls of hops, and ten gallons of wate boil the whole together in a copper until the brand hops sink to the bottom: then strain it through a bar sieve into a cooler, and when lukewarm add two quars of molasses, this will be sufficient for a nine gallon ca Before you pour in the liquor, which must be done a soon as the molasses is dissolved, put two table spo fuls of good yeast into the barrel; bung it up when the fermentation has subsided, and in four days it will fit for use; it will, however, be improved by bottling in which case it will be ready to drink in six or sev days. Molasses has been mentioned as a substitute for me. as well as sugar; and we shall now proceed to consider the economy of these substitutes, as determined upʊs a large scale. In "the Art of Brewing," an admirable treatise the late Mr. David Booth, who was, at one period, a common brewer, it is stated that "of all the substitu for malt, raw grain is the principal; if, indeed, that ext be called a substitute which is merely malted in mash-tun in place of the floor." The process by which conversion of barley, or other grain. into malt, is the rapidly performed, is detailed in Mr. Booth's welk while we warn the public brewer of the legal danger its adoption, we strenuously recommend its use private families. Were the practice to become genera a deduction of the duties on beer would indubita follow. "Pure sugar and water, (it has been said,) will not ment; but raw sugar, or molasses, will make very beer, either alone, or mixed with mait-worts. There's however, no saving from the use of these materials less when malt becomes much dearer than in ordina years; in which case they are occasionally permitted be used under the authority of the Lords of the T sury. A weak beer from molasses is frequently Lade in private families, and drunk in a half-fermented stat but it is too luscious for the taste of those who are a customed to the small beer of malt. Molasses, mixed with a weak malt-wort, would, when fermented, he much more palatable." A receipt of this class is given above. Such a "permission" as Mr. Booth refers to, has ef late been mooted by Government; and, with the vi of determining its policy in the present scarcity oʻ grain, the Board of Excise have reported to the Lords of the Treasury on the comparative value of grain and sugar in brewing and distilling : 323 What may be the result of these financial deductions, that malt is by no means necessary to the production in the reduction of the duty on sugar so employed, remains to be seen. Meanwhile, it must be conceded, of wholesome agreeable beer. this beer. " Before the Select Committee of 1831, 'On the Use of MoLasses,' various estimates were made of the weight of sugar equivalent to a quarter of malt in brewing. Of course, they varied much, according to the allowance made for the quality of the grain and the skill of the brewet the lowest being 17316. half a hundred weight of the roots, and boiling them an Beer from mangold wurzel may be made by cleansing of sugar to the quarter of malt, and the highest 22616. The hour and a half in fourteen gallons of water; then, average is 199 lb. It is a general opinion, that the saccharine slice the roots, pulp them through a sieve, and add the produce of barley has been increased of late years by the culti-juice to the water they were boiled in, which boil for vation of a superior description of grain, and by improved an hour and a half with four ounces of hops; strain it, modes of working in breweries; and the mean (2001b. to the and work it for a day with half a pint of yeast; then, quarter) adopted in the bill brought in lately by the Chancellor skim off the yeast, and put the beer into a barrel, keepof the Exchequer seems, therefore, to be a safe one for the ing back the sediment. About two pounds of molasses average of years. The most common estimate is that 180 pounds boiled with the mangold wurzel, will much improve of sugar is equal to a quarter of malt; but the experiments recently made fix it very near the average struck in 1831; this seems by far the most likely to be correct. By the 52d and George III., c. 3, it is assumed, as to distilleries, that a hundredz of sugar will yield, upon an average, about 11 gallons of proof spirit. The evidence before the Committee of 1831 ducts us to the same conclusion. And the experiments now de quite confirm it. The value of molasses in brewing has now been tried by only two experiments; and the general condnsion is, that about 300lb. of molasses will yield the same quantity of beer of a given strength as a quarter of malt. The question of comparative value must remain in some degree unided until it shall be ascertained, in practice, whether the beer brewed from the former necessarily retains any peculiar favour. In distilling, the common opinion is, that a hundredweight of good molasses will yield eight gallons of proof spirit. The average of ten experiments by the Excise gives about seven nd one-third gallons. But, if we allow for the different results invariably obtained in fermenting large and small quantities of wash, it must be allowed that here the common estimate is more kely to be found correct in practice. The Commissioners, however, seem inclined to adopt the minimum of 74 gallons; and, assing that the quarter of malt yields 18 gallons, would fix its equivalent in molasses at 278lbs." The following deductions are from an article in The Globe newspaper of Feb. 2: tured; although, at present, this would be but substiBeer from potatoes has been successfully manufactuting one scarce article for another. We, however, give the receipt as practised in France. Boil one hundred weight of peeled potatoes in eleven gallons of water, and mix them into a batter. At the same time, let seven pounds of malt be mashed in a gallon of tepid of 144 degrees; stir the whole well together, cover it, water, which add to the potatoe vat at the temperature half an hour with two pounds of hops, strain it through and let it remain three or four hours. Then boil it for a sieve, and when at 59 degrees of heat, set it with a quarter of a pint of yeast; when fermentation commences, skim the beer, and draw it off into a cask, where the fermentation should be completed. The beer thus produced, after being bottled, has been found greatly to resemble Paris beer. the foregoing, except that no malt is used; the bitter In certain parts of Ireland, an excellent beer has been brewed from parsnips, by a process somewhat like employed is hops. Chemistry has, of late, contributed to the economy of malt in a beautiful research. Thus, Mr. Septimus be increased by simply adding diastase to the second Riesse suggests, that the weight of extract of malt may wort, to convert the remaining starch into sugar. This contains diastase,) previous to mashing a second time. is done by the addition of a portion of the malt, (which twenty-nine quarters for the first mash, and add the In a brewing of thirty quarters, Mr. Riesse would take such an increase as to warrant him in advising its adoption by all brewers and distillers. remaining quarter to the second; and there would be FRANK FAIRLEGH; OR, OLD COMPANIONS IN NEW SCENES, "To apply these calculations to the present state of the markets for grain and sugar-First, as to the distiller. The London average price of barley, by Friday's Gazette, (Jan. 29,) was 5. 3. per quarter. Its price has since receded from 2s. to 58. per quarter in all the principal markets of the kingdom; and it cannot, for practical purposes, now be taken at more than 56s., 50 much. Admitting, then, that a quarter of barley will yield 30 gallons of proof spirit (a full estimate), one gallon will cost about 28. 94d. The average price of West India sugar, so obtained duty paid, was, last week, about 52s. 6d. per hundred-weight. If one hundred-weight yield 11 gallons of spirit, a gallon of such spirit will cost about 4s. 7d. And the average price of molasses, at the same time, being about 28s. 6d. per hundredweight, it follows that if that quantity yields eight gallons of spirit, the cost per gallon will be about 3s. 6d. But the use of molasses is not yet permitted. It follows that the distiller has Lo inducement, at present prices, to substitute sugar for grain. "As to the brewer, the Report before us states the relative Vares of sugar and malt for brewing, in reference to every price of the latter, from 50s. to 90s. per quarter. Taking the present price of malt at 80s. per quarter, if its equivalent in sugar be 2001b., the value of a hundred-weight of sugar to the brewer will be 44s. 9d.; and if the equivalent be 150lb., as is Fore commonly supposed, the relative value of the sugar will 49.9d. The average price of West India sugar is now 52s. 6d. Sure sugars are quoted much lower, but no large quantity could be bought for a new purpose at a less price than that stated. At present, therefore, there is little, for the brewer, to substitute sugar for malt. The free use of any, inducement, even Tosses in breweries, under the present duties, would, undoubtedly, yield a profit, assuming that its flavour did not reduce the value of the beer. But this arises from the duty on moLasses being lower in proportion to its brewing value than the molasses would therefore cause a loss to the revenue." To this we may add, that in 1807, when the price "Only that Lizzie Maurice, the pastry-cook's daughter, of malt was 823. per quarter, it was shown that the disappeared last night, and old Maurice is going about duce distillers to use that article in their trade in pre- any tidings of her." price of sugar should be from 328. to 338. per cwt. to in- like a distracted creature this morning, and can't learn ference to malt. CHAP. XI. WHAT HARRY AND I FOUND WHEN WE LOST OUR WAY. party, Oaklands and I were walking down to the ON the afternoon of the day after Lawless's winestables, where his horses were kept, (he having, in purmyself, beguiled me into a promise to ride with him,) suance of his plan for preventing my over-reading when we encountered Archer "I suppose you have heard the news par excellence," said he, after we had shaken hands. "No," replied I, "what may it happen to be?" What, that pretty girl with the long ringlets, who used to stand behind the counter?" asked I. is supposed to have become of her?" 66 "What Yes, that's the young lady," returned Archer: "and all that's known about her is, that she waited till her father went out to smoke his pipe, as he usually does for an hour or so every evening, and then got the urchin who runs of errands to carry a bundle for her, and set After she had out without saying a word to any one. proceeded a little way, she was met by a man muffled up in a cloak, who took the bundle from the boy, threw him a shilling, and told him to go home directly. Instead of doing so, however, he let them go on for a minute or two, and then followed them. They went at a quick pace along one or two streets; at length turned down a lane, not far from the Magdalene, at the bottom Another man, also of which a gig was waiting. muffled up, was seated in the gig, into which the girl was handed by her companion, who said to the second man in a low tone, All has gone well, and without attracting notice,'-he then added in a warning voice -Remember, honour bright, no nonsense, or'-and here he sank his voice, so that the boy could not catch what he said; but the other replied, On my word, on my honour!They then shook hands, the second man gathered up the reins, drew the whip across the horse, which sprang forward at speed, and they were out of The man who was left gazed after sight in a moment. them for a minute or so, and then, turning briskly on his heel, walked away, without perceiving the boy, who stood under the shadow of a door-way. On being questioned as to what the men were like, he said that the first kept his face entirely concealed, but he was rather tall, and had black hair; the second was a stout man, with light hair, and a high colour-for a dark lantern which he had with him happened to throw its light on his face, as he was lighting it." "At what time in the evening did all this take place," inquired Oaklands. 46 Between nine and ten," replied Archer. Oaklands and I exchanged glances; the same idea had evidently struck us both. Has any one seen Wilford this morning?" asked Oaklands. "Seen him!" returned Archer, "yes, to be sure, he and Wentworth have been parading about arm in arm all over the town; they were with me when I met poor old Maurice, and asked him all sorts of questions about the affair. Wilford seemed quite interested in it." "Strange!" observed Oaklands, musing. "I don't make it out. I would not willingly wrong, even in Archer," he continued, thought, an innocent man. "you have a shrewd keen wit, and sound judgment; tell me, in confidence, man, who do you think has done this?" "Nay, I am no diviner, to guess other men's secrets," replied Archer; "and these are subjects about which it is not over safe to hazard conjectures. I have told you all I can learn about it, and it is for you to draw your own conclusions; it is no use repeating things to you, of which you are already aware: I might as well tell you dogs bark and cats mew; or that Wilford has black hair, and Wentworth is a stout man with a high colour; or any other well-known truism,-but I am detaining you-good morning." So saying, he shook hands with us, and left us. After walking some distance in silence, Oaklands exclaimed abruptly, "It must be so! it is Wilford who has done this thing-you think as I do, do you not, Frank?" "I am sure we have not evidence enough to prove it," replied I; "but I confess I am inclined as a mere matter of opinion to agree with you, though there are difficulties in the way, for which it is not easy to account. For instance, why should Wilford have gone to that party last night, instead of remaining to carry out his schemes himself; by which he incurred the additional risk of entrusting their execution to another?" VE. "That is true," said Oaklands, thoughtfully, "I do not pretend to understand it all clearly, but somehow I feel a conviction that Wilford is at the bottom of it." "You should recollect, Harry, that you greatly dislike this man,-are, as I conceive, prejudiced against him, and are therefore, of course, disposed to judge him harshly." 66 'Yes, I know all that, still you'll see it will come out Her poor sooner or later that Wilford was the man. old father! I have often observed how he appeared to It is fearful to doat upon her, and how proud he was of her-his pride will be converted into mourning now. think," continued Oaklands, "of what crimes men are guilty in their reckless selfishness! Here is the fair promise of a young girl's life blighted, and an old man's grey hairs brought down with sorrow to the grave, in order to gratify the passing fancy of a heartless libertine." He paused, and then continued, "I suppose one can do nothing in the matter, having no stronger grounds than mere suspicion to go upon?" "I should say, nothing likely to be of the slightest benefit," replied I. Then the sooner we get to horse the better," re turned Oaklands; "hearing of a thing of this kind always annoys me, and I feel inclined to hate my species a good gallop may shake me into a better humour." "And the dolce-far-nicnte?" I inquired. "Oh! don't imagine me inconsistent," was the reply; "only somehow, just at present, in fact ever since the breeze last night, I've found it more trouble to re main quiet than to exert myself; so if you would ret tire me to death, walk a little faster, there's a good fellow." After a brisk ride of nearly two hours along cross roads, we came out upon a wild heath or common of considerable extent. "Here's a famous place for a gallop," exclaimed Oaklands; "I never can make up my mind which is the fastest of these two horses; let's have a race, and try their speed-do you see that tall poplar tree, whị seems poking its top into the sky, on the other side the common? that shall be the winning post; now, are you ready?" "All right, go ahead," replied I, bending forward, and giving my horse the rein. Away we went merrily the high-couraged animals bounding beneath us, a the fresh air whistling by our cars, as we seemed to cut through it. For some time we kept side by side. the horse Oaklands rode was, if anything, a finer, tainly a more powerful animal than the one on which was mounted, but this advantage was fully compensate by the fact of his riding nearly a stone heavier than i We were therefore on the whole very fair, did. matched. After riding at speed, as well as I could reckon, ale t two miles, Oaklands to his great delight had gained nearly a horse's length in advance of me, a space whic it seemed beyond my powers of jockeyship to recover. Between us, however, and the tree he had fixed on a our goal, lay a small brook or water-course, along th banks of which the ground became soft and marsh In crossing this, the greater weight of man and horse told against Oaklands, and gradually I began to cre up to him. As we neared the brook, it struck me tha his horse appeared to labour heavily through the su clay; now or never, then, was my opportunity, shouting gaily, "Over first, for a sovereign; good by Harry," I gave my horse the spur, and putting him well at it, cleared the brook splendidly, and alighted safely on the farther bank. Determined, if possible, not to be outdone, Harry considerably selected a place in which by crossing he could contrive to cut off a corner, and thus gain upon me In order to accomplish this, it was necessary for him to take his leap at a spot where the brook was some feet wider than ordinary; relying, however, on the know good qualities of the animal he rode, he resolved to |