Sunday school lessons from the book of the Acts of the, 2012 M08 1 - 84 páginas This Bible Study guide and Devotional contains 21 lessons, that have been pulled from the pages of the Book of Acts. They are designed to promote spiritual growth, and right living to those who choose to read and incorporate these lessons into their everyday lives. These lessons are simple and straightforward, and, are most helpful in understanding church behavior and structure, and in developing good Christian living practices, among the brothers and sisters in the body of CHRIST.These lessons will also help the reader to develop knowledge, fear and reverence for the ONLY WISE GOD, WHO is our SAVIOR, through JESUS CHRIST. |
Términos y frases comunes
Acts chapter Ananias angel Antioch Antioch of Syria Apostle Paul apostles and elders baptized Barnabas become behold believers Book of Acts brethren Caesarea called CHRIST JESUS Christian Church Christian journey Church at Antioch circumcised COMMENTARY Cornelius Cyprus Damascus DEVOTIONAL PASSAGES disciples early Church earth Ephesus eunuch faith Gentiles GOD's GOD’s word Gospel Greek hath heard heart Heaven Herod Herod Agrippa HOLY GHOST HOLY SPIRIT House Church Israel James Version Acts Jerusalem JESUS CHRIST Jewish Jews Judaism Judea KEY VERSE King James Version lives LORD and SAVIOR LORD JESUS Lystra man’s ministry miracles missionary journey Moses Paul and Barnabas Paul and Silas Paul’s Pentecost persecutions PERSONAL APPLICATION Peter and John Philip Pray prayer preaching Priscilla and Aquila prophet received Salvation Samaria Saul saying SCRIPTURE Simon spiritual prison Stephen synagogue Syria teaching tells temple Testament Thessalonica things thou Timothy worship