Climates, Local.. Industrial and Commercial Meteorology. .152 .115 .129-130 .78, 103 .46, 120 .114 92-93 80 Forecasting.. .17-18, 165-166, 169-170 Forecasting, Long-Range...19-22, 34-37, 69-70, 137-138, 146-148, 148-150 Forest Ecology.. 163-164 Gulf Stream. .49-50, 54-56, 75, 86-87, 142-150, 175 Marine Meteorology. Marvin, C. F. Meisinger, C. LeRoy. Meteorological Instruction. Meteorological Stations in High Latitudes.. 66-67, 73-76 ..90-91 58, 74-76, 77-78, 78-79, 97, 98-99 Meteorology, International Conferences on 1 Meteorological Magazine.. Meteorological Society of Japan, Publications of. 4 Mexico Normals, Computation of. North America, Seasonal Weather. North Atlantic Region. Northern Plains. Nunn, Roscoe. Snow-cover, Effects of. .31 27-28 Snow Surveying in United States. 32 60 Solar Radiation. .33-37, 62-63 Sonora Storms. Sunspots and Rainfall. .135-137, 138 37-38 Sunspots and Weather. Sun, Effects of.... St. Elmo's Fire.. .66-67, 68 .120-123 .117 Stupart, Sir Frederic. .1 ..12 ...United States...45-46, 60, 68, 118, 119, 122-123, 135-136, 157-158, 163-173 148 United States Weather Bureau.. .17-18, 19-22, 65-66, 115, 159-160 .58-59 .29 .48 .56-57 in the Newspapers. 1631 Weather Maps.. -67, Weather Records. 021 Weather Types. Why the Weather? Wind. ... Winters World Meteorological Foundation. 2 World Weather. .91 Wyatt, B. H. 41-1 23-1 87 .79-80, 115-116, 119-120, 140 .19-20, 73-76, 86-87 .139-141 3-7 .170-172 93-95 .79-80 .157-158 .41-44, 157-158 .60 22-23 .19-22, 49-50, 73-76, 148-150 .154-156 |