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" Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. "
American Annals of Education and Instruction - Página 32
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Athenian Sport: Or, Two Thousand Paradoxes Merrily Argued, to Amuse and ...

John Dunton - 1707 - 584 páginas
...Angular in that ielf-conceited Opinion of his own Wifdom and Judgment. Seefl thou л Man wife in hit own Conceit ? there is more hope of a Fool than of him, faith Solo mon. Lipftm was fo pufPd up wich his Pedantick Learning, that he brag'd he only fow'd Wifdom...
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The Nature, Folly, Sin, and Danger of Being Righteous Over-much: With a ...

Joseph Trapp - 1739 - 80 páginas
...upon Religion ? But to come more clofely and dire&ly, to the Perfons themfelves. Seeft thou a Man wife in his own Conceit ? There is more hope of a Fool, than of him^ iays the wifeft of Men, the Author of my Text, in another Place, Tro-v. xx vi. -ri. And we fee that...
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A System of Practical Duties, Moral and Evangelical

Thomas Stackhouse - 1760 - 360 páginas
...Obfervation, this Diftemper of his precludes all Means of his growing wifer : For feeft thou a Man wife in his own Conceit ? There is more Hope of a Fool, than of him ; and the Reafon is evident, becaufe he difcards the two great Inftruments of Inftruction, Admonition...
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A Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians: Consisting of ...

Hugh Gaston - 1764 - 560 páginas
...Great Men are not always wife, neither do the Aged underftand Judgment. xxvi. 12. Seeft thou a Man wife in his own Conceit, there is more Hope of a Fool than of him. Ver. 16. The Sluggard is wifer in his own Conceit, than fevenMen that can render a Reafon. Jer. viii....
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Monthly Review; Or New Literary Journal, Volumen41

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1769 - 600 páginas remembered only for its defeats.' Is not this man's ftate dcfpcrate ? " Seeft t'nou à man wife in his own conceit, there is more hope of a fool than of him." Thé article in the Review in which this Author's work is con« fidcred, has not, as he,...
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The new Whole duty of man [&c.].

Whole duty - 1777 - 584 páginas
...never fo much as once dreams that it is poffible he may be deceived and deluded. Seeft thou a man wife in his own conceit ? there is more hope of a fool than of him. Finally, this felf// karJtni conceit hardens a man in his tins, and makes him •/*»«•• deaf...
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Addresses to Young Men, Volumen2

James Fordyce - 1777 - 390 páginas
...fon heareth his father's " inftrucHons : but a fcorner heareth not " rebuke. Secft thou a man wife in his " own conceit ? there is more hope of a " fool than of him." Mere folly may be brought to liften, to learn, to fubmit : but he who thinks himfelf wife enough already,...
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Lessons in Elocution: Or, Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Verse, Selected ...

William Scott (teacher of elocution, Edinburgh.) - 1781 - 470 páginas
...indifcretion, into the midft of all the dangers with which life abounds. " Seeft thou " a yaung-tnan wife in his own conceit? There is " more hope of a fool, than of him." — Pofitive as you now are in your opinions, and confident in your affertions, be afFured, that the...
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Sacred Extracts: Or, Books and Chapters Selected from the New and Old ...

1788 - 598 páginas
...tranfgreflbrs. 11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, fo a fool returneth to his folly. 12 Seeft thou a man wife in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. 13 fl The flothful man faith, -There is 'a. lion in the Way? alien is in the ftreets. 14 As the door...
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Sermons preached in the abbey church at Bath, by a late dignified clergyman ...

John Chapman (archdeacon of Bath.) - 1790 - 664 páginas
...beforehand thofe very avenues, by which truth fliould find admittance to the mind. " Seeft thou a man wife in his own conceit ? there is more hope of a fool than of him." And it will ever be found in fa6t an eafier tafk to inftil knowledge of any kind into the moft ignorant...
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