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ed to the Governor for a military post. They also gave the intelligence, that a force was then marching from that place to the Great Meadows. Although hos tilities had not commenced, yet it was considered that the French had invaded the English territory; and many circumstances rendered it probaole, that a force was approaching with hostile views. It appeared that the party had left the direct road, and had encamped in a valley, a few miles to the west of the Great Meadows, as a place of concealment. Colonel WASHINGTON, under the guidance of the Indians, set out in a dark, rainy night, and surrounded the encampment At day break his men fired, and rushed upon the French, who, being completely surprised, surrendered One man only made his escape, and Mr. Jumonville, the commander, alone was killed.

The other companies of the regiment were, at this time, in march to join those in advance; before these reached the camp Colonel Fry died, and the command devolved on Lieutenant Colonel WASHINGTON. TWc companies of British troops, one from South-Carolina, and the other from New-York, also joined the regiment. at the Great Meadows, making a force of four hundred effective men. The regular captains reluctantly placed themselves under the command of a provincial officer; but pressing circumstances induced them for the time, to wave dispute about rank, and to act under the orders of Colonel WASHINGTON.

For the security of their stores he erected a small stockade, and then marched towards Fort du Quesne, to dislodge the French. At the foot of Laurel Hill, thirteen miles on the way, he was met by a number of friendly Indians, who informed him, that the enemy were hastily approaching with a strong detachment. A confidential chief assured him, that he had seen a reinforcement arrive at du Quesne, which place ha left two days before, and had learned that a body con

ing of eight hundred French and four hundred In

dians, would immediately march to attack the English. The previous information of deserters from the enemy confirmed the Indian's report. The troops had been already six days without bread, and had but a smali quantity of meat in store. The French might approach by water carriage, within five miles of their present encampment; and then pass them by a differ ent route and starve them into a surrender, or fight them with a great superiority of numbers.

JUNE 28. 1754.

In this critical situation Colonel WASH. INGTON called a council of war. The unanimous advice of which was, to return to thei position at the Great Meadows; because the two roads at that place united, and the country did not allow an enemy to pass them unperceived; and at this place they might wait the arrival of a supply of provisions, and reinforcement of men. The Colonel approved the advice of his officers, and immediately carried it into effect. (July 2) His first care was to sink a ditch round the stockade, which he now named Fort Necessity; but before it was completed, the enemy attacked him, (July 3) under the command of Monsieur de Viiner, whose force consisted of fifteen hundred men. The assault was gallantly made, and bravely repelled Part of the garrison fought within the fort, and part in the diteh, which was almost filled with mud and water. Colonel WASHINGTON, during the whole action, remained without the fort, by his presence and example animating his men. The attack began at ten in the morning, and was continued without intermission as long as the light of day remained. Early in the evening Monsieur de Villier demanded a parley and men. tioned the terms of capitulation which he was willing tc grant. These were rejected; but in the course of the night, articles were agreed upon and signed. By these, the fort was to be surrendered, the garrison allowed the honours of war, to retain their fire arms and baggage, and unmolested to march to the inhabited

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part of Virginia. The capitulation was the work of
haste, and written in the French language, with whick
neither Colonel WASHINGTON nor any of his officers
were acquainted, and unfortunately contained an ex
pression, which the translator, at the time, construed
to Colonel WASHINGTON to imply, that Mr. Jumonville,
in the first action was killed; but which literally
would bear the translation, was assassinated.
In an-
swer to a publication of Monsieur de Villier, Colonol
WASHINGTON, Soon after the event, made it fully ap-
pear that he did not understand the import of the word;
but during his presidency, an enemy had the audacity
to call him, upon the strength of this capitulation, an

The killed and wounded in the Virginia regiment, on this occasion amounted to fifty-eight. The enemy were stated to have had about two hundred killed and wounded.

The publick gave to this brave band, merited praise; and the assembly of Virginia expressed their sense of the resolution and judgment displayed in the above action, by a vote of thanks to Colonel WASHINGTON and his officers, and by a donation of three hundred pistoles to the soldiery.

The regiment fell back to Winchester to recruit. At this place, the companies from North-Carolina and Maryland joined the Virginia force; the whole commanded by Colonel Innes of North-Carolina.

Governor Dinwiddie, with advice of council, order ed the troops to march over the Alleghany mountains; either to drive the French from du Quesne, or to erect a fort in a favourable position. The forces were in number much infericur to those of the enemy, and were totally unprovided with articles of clothing and provisions, essential to a winter's campaign. Orderi were also given immediately to fill up the regiment

In an infamous publication in the Aurora, under the sig tature of JASPER DWIGHT.

although no morey was voted for the recruiting service. Colonel WASHINGTON pointedly remonstrated against these measures; but being adopted, did all in his power to carry them into effect. The Legislature soon rose, without providing effectual means for active service, and the troops did not march.

During the succeeding winter, regulations from the war office were published in America, which provided, that general and field officers of provincial troops, when serving with general and field officers commissioned by the crown, should have no rank; and, consequently, that senior provincial officers should be commanded by their juniors belonging to the regular troops.

The military ambition of Colonel WASHINGTON had been excited by his experience, and by the applause of his country; but he possessed the spirit of a soldier, and refusing submission to these degrading regulations, he indignantly resigned his commission. At the same time he declared, that with high satisfaction he would obey the commands of his country, when her service should be consistent with his honour.

1755. Colonel WASHINGTON had at this time succeeded to the estate of his eldest brother, on the Potomack, called Mount Vernon, in compliment to the British Admiral of that namo. On this estate he resolved to devote his life to agricultural and philosophick pursuits, a resolution that he did not long retain.


In the spring, General Braddock, who MARCH. commanded two British regiments, and a few corps of Provincials, was making preparation for an expedition to the Ohio. He invited Cclo ne. WASHINGTON to join his arm,, as his volunteer Aid de camp. The opportunity of making a campaign with a gentleman of his professional knowledge and experience was with pleasure embraced. When the General, in April, left Alexandria, Colonel WASHINGTON entered his family, and attended him to Will's

Creek, where fort Cumberland was now erected Here the army remained until the 12th of June, col· lecting horses, wagons, and provisions. Colonel WASHINGTON advised the commander in chief to use as far as possible, pack horses instead of wagons, on account of the roughness of the country. Little attention was given to his opinion at the moment, but, after the commencement of the march, the measure from necessity was partially adopted.

Soon after the army left Cumberland, Colonel WASHINGTON was attacked by a violent fever; refusing to be left behind, he was carried forward in a covered wagon. All the difficulties arising from the state of the roads, which had been foreseen by Colonel WASHINGTON, were, on the march, fully realised. General Braddock now advised with him on the most eligible measures to be adopted to secure the success of the expedition. He earnestly recommended, that the heavy artillery and baggage should be left under the charge of a subaltern officer; and, that the commander in chief, with the flower of his army, should with the utmost despatch advance to the Ohio, in the expecta tion of possessing themselves of Fort du Quesne, before the French garrison could be reinforced by the troops that were known to be on their way for that purpose. The general closed with this advice. Twelve hundred men were selected, a few wagons were attached to the light artillery, and necessary provisions were placed on pack horses. Of this body General Braddock himself took the command, leaving Colonel Dunbar to bring up the other division by slow marches.

General Braddock with his disencumbered troops did not move with the expedition that accorded with the enterprising spirit of his American aid. In a letter written at the moment, he says, "I found that instead of pushing on with vigour, without regarding a little rough road, they were halting to ievel every mole hill, and to erect bridges over every brook." In four days

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