er in Chief on the Subject-Expedition against the
Indians under General Sullivan-He destroys their
Towns The American Army posted for the de-
fence of the High Lands on the North River, and
for the protection of the Country against the incur-
sions of the British-Sir Henry Clinton moves up
the Hudson, takes possession of Stony and Verplank
Points, and fortifies them-Arrangements made for
Assaulting these posts-General Wayne carries
Stony Point by Storm-The Attac✦ upon Verplank
fails-Congress vote their thanks to General WASH
INGTON and to the brave Troops employed in this
service-They vote General Wayne a Medal-
Evils of short Enlistments-Plan of the General's to
remedy them-The Army in two Divisions erect huts
for winter quarters, one near West Point, and the oth-
er at Morristown in New-Jersey-The troops suffer
through the scarcity of Provisions-Colonel Wads-
worth resigns his Office-Confusion in the Commis
sary's department-The Commander in Chief is ne
cessitated to apportion supplies of Meat and Flour
upon the Counties of New-Jersey-The winter ex
cessively cold, and the waters around New-York
frozen over; but the Commander in Chief is too
weak to avail himself of this opportunity to Assail
the British Posts-Expedition to Staten Island