Imágenes de páginas


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In France, a General wish for Peace.But the Popularity of the War with
England fill continued.-Overture of Peace from England to the French
Republic.-Negociation for Peace at Paris. Abruptly broken off.→
Affairs, Maritime and Colonial, French and British.-Infidelity of the
French Government to their Engagements with the Dutch.-French Prepara

tions and Expedition for an Invafion of Ireland.-Defeated.The Death

of Catharine II.-And the Refignation of General Washington

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Circular Letter to the Lieutenants of Counties on the Sea Coafts, Nov. 5,

Letter from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the Lord Mayor, Dec. 1,

The like to the Bank

Account of the total nett Produce of all the Taxes for one Year, ending Oober

10, 1796


Account of Wheat fold in the Corn-Market, Mark-Lane, from Christmas, 1795,
to Christmas, 1796

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Proteft of Earl Fitzwilliam

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Articles by which the British Troops took Poffeffion of Porto Ferrajo
Proclamation by General Forbes to the Planters of the Spanish Part of St.

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The like, Oct. 12

The like, Nov. 9

The like, Dec. 28


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Anwer of the British Government to the Spanish Declaration of War
Official Correfpondence published by the British Government, relating to the
Negociation for Peace between Great Britain and the French republic 147
Credentials of Lord Malmesbury in Latin, with a Tranflation
Manifefto of the British Government against France, Dec. 27

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Letter from General Beaulieu to the Genoefe Government, on entering their

Address of the French Minifter to the Doge of Genoa




Note of the French Minifter to the Genoefe Secretary of State, July 10,

Letter from the Commisary Director, Suez, to the Commandant of Fort la

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Treaty of Peace between the Duke of Wurtemburg and Teck and the French

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Treaty of Peace between France and the Infant Duke of Parma

Proclamation of the French Commiffioner to the Citizens of St. Domingo, 255
of the Executive Directory to the Armies of the Sambre and

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The Executive Directory to Citizen Buonaparte, July 31

The Ambassador of Sweden to the French Minifter for Foreign Affairs

Refolutions of the Executive Directory, August 5

Note from the Minifter for Foreign Affairs to M. Barthelemi
Proclamation by the General-in-Chief of the Army of Italy
Addrefs of the French Ambassador to the Dutch Convention
Meffage from the Executive Directory to the Council of Five
August 23

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Proclamation by the Executive Directory, August 29
General Buonaparte to the Executive Directory, October 17
Gentili to Buonaparte

Gentili to the French Commiffioners

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Proclamation of the Commiffioner Salicetti, in Corfica

Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and Sardinia

Meffage of the Executive Directory to the Council of Five Hundred
The like to the Council of Ancients

The like to the Council of Five Hundred

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Addrefs of the Executive Directory to the French Armies

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Proclamation by Seepaux, in the Western Department

Megage from the Executive Directory to the Council of Five Hundred

Decree published at Modena, Oct. 18

The Congress of Cifpadana to the People of Bologna, &c.

Letter from the Pope to all the Catholics in France

Edict, published by the Pope, on the Reception which his Subjects ought to give

to the French

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