period in which I have any thing to do with the administration of this government. 1790. AMICABLE INTERCOURSE WITH THEM. It is sincerely to be desired, that all need of coer cion in future may cease, and that an intimate intercourse may succeed, calculated to advance the happiness of the Indians, and to attach them firmly to the United States. It seems necessary, that they should experience the benefits of an impartial dispensation of justice; that the mode of alienating their lands, the main source of discontent and war, should be so defined and regulated, as to obviate impositions, and, as far as may be practicable, controversy concerning the reality and extent of the alienations which are made; that commerce with them should be promoted, under regulations tending to secure an equitable deportment towards them, and that such rational experiments should be made, for imparting to them the blessings of civilization, as may, from time to time, suit their condition; that the Executive of the United States should be enabled to employ the means to which the Indians have long been accustomed, for uniting their immediate interests with the preservation of peace; and that efficacious provision should be made, for inflicting adequate penalties upon all those who, by violating their rights, shall infringe the treaties, and endanger the peace of the Union. 1791. PEACE WITH INDIANS. A disposition to peace, in these people, can only be ascribed to the apprehension of danger, and would last no longer than till it was over, and an opportunity offered to resume their hostility, with safety and success. This makes it necessary, that we should endeavor to punish them severely, for what has passed, and by an example of rigor, intimidate them for the future. 1779. INDIAN TRADE. A trade with the Indians should be established, upon such terms, and transacted by men of such principles, as would at the same time redound to the reciprocal advantage of the Colony and the Indians, and effectually remove the bad impressions which the Indians have received, from the conduct of a set of villains, divested of all faith and honor; and give us such an early opportunity of establishing an interest with them, as would insure to us a large share of the fur-trade, not only of the Ohio Indians, but, in time, of the numerous nations possessing the back country westward. 1758. To prevent this advantageous commerce from suffering in its infancy, by the sinister views of designing, selfish men, in the different provinces, I humbly con ceive it advisable, that Commissioners from each of the colonies should be appointed, to regulate the mode of that trade, and fix it on such a basis, that all the attempts of one colony to undermine another, and thereby weaken and diminish the general system, might be frustrated. 1758. PURCHASE OF INDIAN LANDS. There is nothing to be obtained but the soil they live on; and this can be had by purchase, at less expense, and without that bloodshed and those distresses, which helpless women and children are made partakers of, in all kinds of disputes with them. 1783. PRESENTS TO INDIANS. The plan of Annual Presents, in an abstract view, unaccompanied with other measures, is not the best mode of treating ignorant savages, from whose hostile conduct we experience much distress; but, it is not to be forgotten, that they in turn are not without serious causes of complaint, from the encroachments which are made on their lands by our people, who are not to be restrained by any law now in being, or likely to be enacted. They, poor wretches, have no press, through which their grievances are related. And it is well known, that, when one side only of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it, insensibly. The annual presents, however, are not given so much with a view to purchase peace, as by way of contribution for injuries not otherwise to be redressed. 1795. Such is the nature of Indians, that nothing will prevent their going where they have any reason to expect presents; and their cravings are insatiable. RESIDENT INDIAN AGENTS. To enable, by competent rewards, the employment of qualified and trusty persons, to reside among them as Agents, would contribute to the preservation of peace and good neighborhood. If, in addition, an eligible plan could be devised, for promoting civilization among the friendly tribes, and for carrying on trade with them, upon a scale equal to their wants, and under regulations calculated to protect them from imposition and extortion, its influence, in cementing their interests with ours, could not but be considerable. 1792. INDIAN DRESS: ITS ADOPTION IN THE ARMY. My men are very bare of regimental clothing, and I have no prospect of supply. So far from regretting this want, during the present campaign, if I were left to pursue my own inclinations, I would not only order the men to adopt the Indian dress, but cause the officers to do it also; and be the first to set the example myself. Nothing but the uncertainty of obtaining the general approbation, causes me to hesitate a moment, to leave my regimentals, and proceed, as light as an InIdian in the woods. It is an unbecoming dress, I own, for an officer. But convenience, rather than show, I think, should be consulted. The reduction of bat-horses alone, would be sufficient to recommend it; for, nothing is more certain, than that less baggage would be required, and the public benefited in proportion. 1758. It is evident, that soldiers, in that trim, are better able to carry their provisions, are fitter for the active service we must engage in, less liable to sink under the fatigues of a march; and we thus get rid of much baggage, which would lengthen our line of march. These, and not whim or caprice, were my reasons for ordering this dress. 1758. Baggage-horses. |