VII. THE NAVY. In a short time, we shall have at least thirty ships of war, from thirty-eight guns downwards, besides (if the ministry carry on their piratical war) a great number of privateers. THE REMEMBRANCER, Pt. III. p. 31. 1776. Navigation will carry the American flag around the globe itself; and display the thirteen stripes and new constellation, at Bengal and Canton, on the Indus and Ganges, on the Whang-ho and the Yang-tse-kiang; and with commerce will import the wisdom and literature of the East. EZRA STILES, Pres. of Yale College, 1783. COMMERCE AND THE NAVY. To an active external Commerce, the protection of a naval force is indispensable.. SHIPS OF WAR. Will it not be advisable to begin, without delay, to provide and lay up the materials, for the building and the equipping of Ships of War, and to proceed in the work by degrees, in proportion as our resources may render it practicable, without inconvenience; so that a future war of Europe may not find our com.. merce in the same unprotected state in which it was found by the present? 1796. NATIONAL IMPORTANCE OF A NAVAL FORCE. It is in our experience, that the most sincere neutrality is not a sufficient guard against the depredations of nations at war. To secure respect to a neutral flag, requires a Naval Force, organized, and ready to vindicate it from insult or aggression. This may prevent even the necessity of going to war, by discouraging belligerent powers from committing such violations of the rights of the neutral party, as may, first or last, leave no other option. A NAVAL FORCE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. From the best information I have been able to obtain, it would seem as if our trade in the Mediterranean, without a protecting force, will always be insecure, and our citizens exposed to the calamities from which numbers of them have just been relieved. 1796. THE GRADUAL CREATION OF A NAVY. Various considerations invite the United States to look to the means, and to set about the gradual creation of a Navy. The increasing progress of their navigation, promises them, at no distant period, the requisite supply of seamen; and their means, in other respects, favor the undertaking. It is an encouragement, likewise, that their particular situation will give weight and influence to a moderate naval force in their hands. VIII. NATIONAL DEFENCE. While Washington sought peace, and urged a faithful discharge of every duty toward others, he recommended, that prompt measures should be taken, not only for defence, but for enforcing just claims. JARED SPARKS. War was not a game in which he sought amusement at the expense of others, but a LAST RESORT, in whose dangers and toils he always bore his full share, and from which he sought release, as soon as conscience and honor would permit. The spirit in which he contended, was that which secured the favor of a righteous Providence, and the approbation of all good men. E. C. M'GUIRE, D. D. MEASURES FOR DEFENCE. To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. NATIONAL MILITARY DISCIPLINE. A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined. To this end, a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite. HOME MILITARY SUPPLIES. Our safety and our interest require, that we should promote such manufactures, as tend to render us independent of others, for essential, particularly military, supplies. A SYSTEM OF NATIONAL DEFENCE. The safety of the United States, under Divine protection, ought to rest on the basis of systematic and solid arrangement, exposed, as little as possible, to the hazards of fortuitous circumstances. 1791. A CONDITION OF DEFENCE. I cannot recommend measures for the fulfilment of our duties to the rest of the world, without pressing the necessity of placing ourselves in a condition of complete defence, and of exacting from them the fulfilment of their duties towards us. 1793. READINESS FOR WAR. The United States ought not to indulge a persuasion, that, contrary to the order of human events, they will for ever keep at a distance those painful ap |