III. INTEMPERANCE AND GAMING. They were offensive to his sense of moral and religious propriety, and therefore discouraged, from principle, through every period of his life. E. C. M'GUIRE, D. D. On no occasion is there the least authority for supposing he ever transcended the bounds of moderation in the enjoyments of life, or the indulgence of those passions universally implanted in the nature of man. He consequently escaped all the delusions of excess, which consist in false, misty, and exaggerated views or designs, stimulated into action by artificial excitement, aud misleading the judgment, while they aggravate the passions and madden imagination. Thus, his intellect was always clear, and the admirable physical powers bestowed upon him by nature were never debased to bad purposes, or weakened by licentious indulgence. JAMES K. PAULDING. USE OF WINES AND SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. My chief reason for supposing the West India trade detrimental to us, was, that rum, the principal article received from thence, is the bane of morals, and the parent of idleness. 1.85. I could wish to see the direct commerce with France encouraged, to the greatest degree; and that almost all the foreign spirits which we consume, should consist of the wines and brandies made in that country. The use of these liquors would, at least, be more innocent to the health and morals of the people, than the thousands of hogsheads of poisonous rum, which are annually consumed in the United States. 1788. IMMORALITY, DISCOUNTENANCED. This, I am certain of, and can call my conscience, and, what I suppose will be a still more demonstrative proof in the eyes of the world, my Orders, to witness, how much I have, both by threats and persuasive means, endeavored to discountenance gaming, drinking, swearing, and irregularities of every other kind; while I have, on the other hand, practised every artifice, to inspire a laudable emulation, in the officers, for the service of their country, and to encourage the soldiers, in the unerring exercise of their duty. 1756 TIPPLING-HOUSES. I apprehend, it will be thought advisable, to keep a garrison always at Fort Loudoun; for which reason, I would beg to represent the number of tippling-houses in Winchester, as a great nuisance to the soldiers, who, by this means, in despite of the utmost care and vigilance, are, so long as their pay holds out, incessantly drunk, and unfit for service. 1756. PROFANITY AND DRUNKENNESS. The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of those articles of war, established for the government of the army, which forbid profane cursing, swearing, and drunkenness. 1776. GAMES OF CHANCE. All officers, con-commissioned officers, and soldiers, are positively forbid playing at cards, or other games of chance. At this time of public distress, men may find enough to do, in the service of their God and their country, without abandoning themselves to vice and immorality. 1776. Gaming, of every kind, is expressly forbidden, as being the foundation of evil, and the cause of many a brave and gallant officer's ruin. Games of exercise, for amusement, may not only be permitted, but encouraged. 1777. Avoid gaming. This is a vice which is productive of every possible evil; equally injurious to the moralsand health of its votaries. 1783. It is the child of Avarice, the brother of Iniquity, and the father of Mischief. It has been the ruin of many worthy families, the loss of many a man's honor, and the cause of suicide. 1783. To all those who enter the lists, it is equally fascinating. The successful gamester pushes his good fortune, till it is overtaken by a reverse. The losing gamester, in hopes of retrieving past misfortunes, goes on, from bad to worse, till, grown desperate, he pushes at every thing, and loses his all. Few gain, by this abominable practice; while thousands are injured. EVILS OF RUM, IN THE ARMY. The quantity of spirituous liquors, which is a component part of the ration, is so large, as to engender, where they might not before exist, habits of intemperance, alike fatal to health and discipline. Experience has repeatedly shown, that many soldiers will exchange their rum for other articles; which is productive of the double mischief, of subjecting those with whom the exchange is made, to the loss of what is far more necessary, and to all the consequences of brutal intoxication. The step having been once taken, |