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Above all, he was influenced by the more permanent and operative principle of religion; by the firm and active persuasion of an All-seeing, All-powerful Deity; by the high consciousness of future accountability, and the assured hope and prospect of immortality. JOHN DAVIS, 1800. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences.

I am not surprised at what George has done, for he was always a good boy. MARY, the Mother of Washington.


When you speak of God, or his attributes, let it be seriously, in reverence.


It will ever be the first wish of my heart, to inculcate a due sense of the dependence we ought to place in that All-Wise and Powerful Being, on whom alone our success depends.


We have abundant reasons to thank Providence,

for its many favorable interpositions in our behalf. It has, at times, been my only dependence; for, all other resources seemed to have failed us.


If I should, unluckily for me, be reduced to the necessity of giving an answer to the question, I would fain do what is, in all respects, best. But how can I know what is best, or on what I shall determine? May Heaven assist me, in forming a judgment; for, at present, I see nothing but clouds and darkness before me.


I know the delicate nature of the duties, incident to the part I am called upon to perform; and I feel my incompetence, without the singular assistance of Providence, to discharge them in a satisfactory man



To trust altogether in the justice of our cause, without our own utmost exertions, would be tempting Providence.


Liberty, honor, and safety, are all at stake; and, I trust, Providence will smile upon our efforts, and establish us, once more, the inhabitants of a free and happy country.


* Whether he would accept the office of President of the United States

I trust in that Providence, which has saved us in six troubles, yea, in seven, to rescue us again from any imminent, though unseen dangers. Nothing, however, on our part, ought to be left undone.


The honor and safety of our bleeding country, and every other motive that can influence the brave and heroic patriot, call loudly upon us, to acquit ourselves with resolution. In short, we must now determine, to be enslaved or free. If we make freedom our choice, we must obtain it, by the blessing of Heaven on our united and vigorous efforts.


It is not a little pleasing, nor less wonderful, to contemplate, that, after two years' manoeuvering, and undergoing the strangest vicissitudes that, perhaps, ever attended any one contest since the creation, both armies are brought back to the very point they set out from, and that the offending party at the beginning, is now reduced to the use of spade and pickaxe, for defence.

The hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in this, that he must be worse than an infidel, that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations.


My friends may believe me sincere, in my profes

sions of attachment to them, whilst Providence has a just claim to my humble and grateful thanks for its protection and direction of me, through the many difficult and intricate scenes which this contest has produced; and for its constant interposition in our behalf, when the clouds were heaviest, and seemed ready to burst upon us.


To paint the distresses and perilous situation of the army, in the course of last winter, for want of clothes, provisions, and almost every other necessary essential to the well-being, I may say, existence, of an army, would require more time and an abler pen than mine; nor, since our prospects have so miraculously brightened, shall I attempt it, or even bear it in remembrance, further than as a memento of what is due to the Great Author of all the care and good that have been extended, in relieving us in difficulties and distress.


Although guided by our excellent Constitution in the discharge of official duties, and actuated, through the whole course of my public life, solely by a wish to promote the best interests of our country; yet, without the beneficial interposition of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, we could not have reached the distinguished situation which we have attained with such unprecedented rapidity. To Him, therefore, should we bow with gratitude and reverence, and endeavor to . merit a continuance of his special favors.



That the metropolis of your colony is now relieved, from the cruel and oppressive invasions of those who were sent to erect the standard of lawless domination, and to trample on the rights of humanity, and is again open and free for its rightful possessors, must give pleasure to every virtuous and sympathetic heart; and its being effected without the blood of our soldiers and fellow-citizens, must be ascribed to the interposition of that Providence, which has manifestly appeared in our behalf, through the whole of this important struggle, as well as to the measures pursued for bringing about the happy event.

May that Being who is powerful to save, and in whose hands is the fate of nations, look down with an eye of tender pity and compassion, upon the whole of the United Colonies; may he continue to smile upon their councils and arms, and crown them with success, whilst employed in the cause of virtue and mankind.

May this distressed colony and its capital, and every part of this wide extended continent, through his divine favor, be restored to more than their former lustre and once happy state, and have peace, liberty, and safety, secured upon a solid, permanent, and lasting foundation.


* Boston.

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