Imágenes de páginas

Country's Call, 268.
Courtesy, social, 244.
Courts-martial, 164, 165.
Covenant, of friendship, 242.
Cowards. Their bravery, 154.
punishment, 149.

Dress. Simplicity of, recommended, 294.
Indian, 208.

Drunkenness, 331.

Dryburgh Abbey, 338.

Their Duelling, condemned, 263.

Craik, Dr., 405, 406, 407; 408.
Credit, public, 117, 118.
Criminals, pardon of, 255.
Cropping, mode of, 130.
Crown, refused by W., 280.
Currency, 127. Speculators in, 125, 126.

Its great depreciation, 124. Evil arising
from its depression, 125. Its credit, to
be restored, 123.
Custis, Colonel Daniel

Parke, 291.

George W. P., 383: his tribute to W.,
406. John Parke, 296, 384: his wife
and daughter, 384. Mrs. Martha, 291.
Miss P.; her tribute to W., 384.


Dunham, Captain J., his tribute to W.,

[blocks in formation]

Eust, literature of the, 219.
Education. College, 231. Chief defence
of a nation, 225. Foreign, 225. Intlu-
ence of, 225. Military, 227. National,
225 ss. Popular, 225. Of a student, at
the cost of W., 893.

Dandridge, Mary, 262: her slaves, 262. Effort, uninterrupted, 101.

Martha, 291.

Danger. Two views of, 154.
Day of Fasting. See Fasting.
Dayton, Col. Elias, 253.

Death. Of Washington, 405 ss.
views of, by W., 404,
Deborre, General, 336.
Deception, 311.

Elections, 69.

Elegant simplicity, in domestic life,

Emancipation of slaves. See Slaves.

Calm Emigration, to the United States, 89.
Emulation, military, 166.


Defence. Attack, often the best,
National, 222. System of, 223. Mea-
sures of national, 222. Condition of, 223.
Delaware language, 389.
Deliverer, Divine, 346.
Democracy, evils of, 21.
Dependence, on God, 359.

Desert, distinguished from success, 316.
Deserters, British. Hiring of, 194. En-
listing of, 195.

[blocks in formation]

Endurance, 274.

Enemies. Forgiveness of, 385. Surpri-
sals of, 156. Generous treatment of,


English Convention of 1688, 142.
Enmity, and detraction, 319.
Epidemic fever, at Philadelphia, 391.
Equity, political, 310.

Erskine, Lord, his tribute to W., 340.
Escort, military, declined by W., 285.
Estaing, Count d', 114, 264, 317.
Europe. And America, S4. Calamitous
state of, in 1795, 143. Political im-
provements in, 19. Influence of the
American Revolution in, 24, 27. The
wise men of, looking on America with
admiration, 61. Its system, subject to
the caprice of Ministers, 110.
Events, disposer of, 343.
Evolutions, military, 166.
Example, of Christ, 365, 385.

Exchange. Of prisoners, 200, 201, Of
officers, 202.
Existence of God, 341.
Experience, personal, 827.
Extortioners, 126.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Families, of the soldiers in the American
army, 172, 173.

Farewell Address of W., 410.

Fasting, 885. Day of, 385.

Fate of Nations, suspended on God's
will, 349.

Father of his country, 234, 338.
Favor, popular, 316.

Federal. City, 226. Union: see Union
of the States.

Federalist. A miniature ship so called,

Fellowship, of the free, 266.
Female Patriotism, 281 ss.

Fever, epidemic, at Philadelphia, 89.
Filial love, 294.
Firmness, 277.

Fitzhugh, Colonel William, 273.
Florida, 213.
Foibles, 312.

Fontanes, M., his tributes to W., 151, 244,
307, 335.

Foreign. Alliances, 91. Commerce, 132.
Education, 225. Influence, 56, 90.
Ministers, 80. Officers in the army,
187, 185: see Officers, foreign.
Forgiveness, 385.
Forestallers, 126.
Forms, idle, 324.

Fort Loudoun, 330.

Fortitude, Christian, 401.



Founders of the United States, 87.
For, Charles, his tribute to W., 315.
France, 100. Ally of America, 115.
prehended ascendency of, 216, 217.
terest in Canada, 215. Aid of, sought
by the Colonies, 213. Danger of exces-
sive confidence in, 218. Regarded by
W., with affection, 116. King of, 358.
Promised succor to the Colonies, 38.
Her navy, 38, 112, 216. Her Admiral
d'Orvilliers, 113. Political state of, 24.
Lafayette vindicates the honor of, 263.
Treaty with the United States, 36. Dif-
ficulties with, in 1797, 410.
Franklin, Benjamin, 142.

Fraternity of the human race, 106.
Frederick of Prussia, 396.

Free. Fellowship of the, 266. Their he-
reditary privileges, 155.
Free Negroes, 195.

Freedom. Resort to arms, in defence of,
144 Spirit of, 269.

Freemen, their hereditary privileges, 155.
French. Generals, their opinion of W.,
142. And Indian War, 377, 383. Mili-
tary character, 116. In North Ameri-
ca, 213. Officers in America, 116. Rev-
olution, 20. Old French War, 183.

[blocks in formation]

Gospel. Author and spirit of the, 367.
Ordinances, 377.


Government, 17 ss. Distinguished from
influence, 17. To secure life, liberty,
and property, 17. Right of a nation to
establish its own, 18. Choice of the
form of, 43. Of the United States, its
origin and character, 52; a government
of accommodation, 41. Its branches,
Commended, 20. Officers and
agents of, 78. That of one country not
to interfere with the internal concerns
of another, 18. Republican, its advan-
tages, 20; imprudence of the people, in
expressing their sentiments, 25. Sci-
ence of, to be taught to American youth,
227. And religion, 352,
Grahame, James, 267.
Gratitude. Of the country, 174. Of W.,
to his country, 287. Religious, 361, 385,

Gratuitous censure, 321.
Great Britain. Her colonial measures
subversive of the Constitution, 35.
False and cruel policy of, 28. Baffled
for eight years, in her efforts to subju-
gate the Colonies, 26. The Colonies not
hushed by her rod, 26. Rejects the
mediation of Spain, 114. Navy of, 216.
Maritime resources, compared with
those of France and Spain, 112. Re-
sources of, 111. Debt of, 111, 112.
Trade with, 134. View of the French
in North America, 213. Supremacy of,
in Canada, 313. Scrutiny of the limit-
ed powers of Congress, 67. See Par-

Great Meadows, 250.

Guizot, M., his tributes to W., 48, 291.


Habitual religions gratitude, 385.
Half-pay Establishment, 184.
Hamilton, Alexander, his tributes to W.,
237, 306. Calls W. the Man of the Age,

Hancock, John, his tribute to W., 236.
Happiness. Dispensed by republican-
ism, 20. And duty, 308. Of the peo-
ple, 268. Political, 852. And Virtue,

Harmony among troops, 168.

Hartford homespun broadcloth, 136.
Harvard University, 879.
Hazen, General, 252.

Headley, J. T., his tribute to W, 151.
Heraldry, and republicanism, 22.
Hessians, 196, 197.

Homage to God, national, 355.

Home, 292. Home military supplies, 223.
Honesty, 309. The best policy, 92. Na-
tional, the best policy, 111. Recom-
mended, 34.
Honor, 272.
of, 311.
Hospitality of Friendship, 241.
Hostility, national, distinguished from
personal, 246.

Punctilios of, 268. Sense


House of Burgesses, of Virginia, 385.
Howe, Lord, 277. His detention in Eng-
land, 29. Sir William, 121, 199, 279.
Huddy, Captain, 255.
Human imperfection, 810.
Humanity. Commended, 248.
passion for man and beast, 248. Friends
of, deprecate war, 143. Indian claims
to, 203. And retaliation, 251. Suffer-
ing humanity, 398.
Humphrey, Rev. Dr., 225.
Hunting-shirts, 209.
Huntington, Countess of, 387.
Husbandman, 180.


Idle forms, 324.
Ignorance, and wickedness, 308.
Immorality, discountenanced, 330.
Imperfection, human, 310.
Improvements, political, in Europe, 19.
Inaugural Address of W, 355.
Inauguration of W., 410.
Independence. Liberty, the basis of, 44.
Four pillars of, 43. American, cause
of, 37; peace without it, to be deplored,
102, 103; Great Britain desires Ameri-
ca's claim to it to be relinquished, 29;
won, 40; glowing view of its happy in-
fluence, 40; Robert Burns' remarks on,

[blocks in formation]

of, 203. Dress, 208, 209. Trade, 205.
Treachery, 211. Amiable intercourse
with, 204. Claims to justice and hu-
manity, 203. Peace with, 205. W.'s
policy toward, 208. Ohio, 205. Onei-
da, 212, 379. Presents to, 206. Their
lands, 206. Their warfare, 209. To be
opposed to Indians, 210. War to be
carried into their own country, 210.
Mode of attacking, 211. Employed by
Congress, in war, 212. Christian mis-
sions among, 386, 387. Their mission-
ary, 212.

Indian, War, 865.

Sufferers in the In-

[blocks in formation]

Justice. Indian claims to, 203. Nation-
al, 353. Public, one of the pillars of
American Independence, 44.


Kalm, Peter, 213.
Kenhawa River, 409.
Key to the Bastille, 24.

King, Rufus, his tribute to W., 306.
King William county, 377, 383.
King's Trumpeter, 199.

Kirkland. Rev. J. T., 379; his tribute
to W., 340. Rev. Samuel, 212, 379, 380.
Knighthood, 22.

Knowledge among the people, 231.
Knox, General, 136, 284.


Lafayette, Marquis de la His attach-
ment to W., 237. Aid-de-camp to W.,
24. Calls himself a Missionary of Lib-
erty, and W. its Patriarch, 24. Chal-
lenges Lord Carlisle, 263, 264. Impris-
oned at Olmütz, 242. Presents to W. a
picture, and the main key, of the Bas-
tille, 24. His abolition scheme, 257.
His tributes to W., 24, 151. The Mar-
chioness, 241.

Lakes. Vessels for the, 140. Navigation
of the, 140,

Lands. Proper cultivation of, 180. Cheap,
in the United States, 131. Some of W.'s
offered for sale, 258. Indian, 206.
Languages. Indian, 889. Delaware and
Shawnese, 389.

Lashes. Number of, in corporal punish-
ment, 165.

Last moments of W., 405 ss.

Last words of W., 406-408.

Laurens, President, 191.

Lear, Tobias, 258, 405, 407, 408.
Learning, influence of, 230.

Lee, General Henry, his tributes to W.,
291, 307. William, 261.

Lenity, 335.

Leonard, Rev. Mr., 879.
Letsom, Dr., his tribute to W., 396.
Letters. Of friendship. 240. To prison-
ers, 199. Forged, of W., 30.
Lewis. George, 290. Robert, his tribute
to W., 384. Roswell W., his tribute to
W., 234. Mrs. Lewis, sister of W., 402.
Liberty, 17, 19, 20, 24 ss. Civil, 372. Its
value, how enhanced, 27. American,
19. The basis of Independence, 44. Se-
cured by Government, 17, 20. And
power, 77. Diffusion of the spirit of,
25. Love of, 25. Endangered by party
spirit, 25. To be maintained, against

[ocr errors]

British oppression, 144. Tyranny es-
tablished on the ruins of, 20. Its prin-
ciples more generally discussed in Eu-
rope, since the American Revolution,
27. Lafayette calls himself its Mission-
ary, 24; and W., its Patriarch and Gen-
eralissimo, 151. Religious, 370 ss. Uni-
versal religious, 376.

Liberty Hall Academy, 395.

Life. Cares of, 402. Secured by Gov-
ernment, 17.

Light of the age, 24. Its influence in
Europe, 24.

Linn, Rev. William, his tribute to W.,841.
Lippincot, Captain, 255.
Liquors, spirituous, 161, 329.

Literature. Importance of, 230. Periodi-
cal, 282. Of Asia, 219.
Local prejudices, evils of, 44.
Long Island, battle of, 409,
Loudoun, Fort, 330.
Love, brotherly, 374.
Loyalty, 162.

Luxuries, imported from England, dis-
pensed with by the Colonies, 31.


M'Guire, Rev. E. C., 222, 384. His trib-
utes to W., 829, 405, 406.
Magistrates, civil, 128.
Mahometans, 377.

Mails, 189. National influence of, 140.
Making enemies, 820.

Manufactures, 88, 131. And the Arts,
137. Domestic, 136, 137. National en-
couragement of, 188.
Marksmen, 210.
Marquee of W., 383.

Marriage, proposed, of John Parke Cus-
tis, 296.

Marshall, John, his tribute to W., 340.
Massachusetts, 194, 302. Humane Socie-
ty of, 398.

Massachusetts Bay, 271, 272. Measures
to deprive it of its charter, 33.
Massey, Rev. Lee, his tribute to W.,

Matrimony, advice on, 297.
Meadows, Great, 250.
Measures, and Weights, 127.
Mediterranean Sea, naval force in, 220.
Medium, the Just, 75.

Memoirs, observations on, 325.
Midshipman's warrant, obtained for
W., 409.

Mild measures, 335, 336.
Military. Academy, 228. Character,
French, 116. Discipline, 159, 160. Dis
cipline, National, 222. Education, 227.
Establishment, economy of, 187. Emu-
lation, 166. Evolutions, 166. Glory,

[blocks in formation]

Mint of the United States, 127.

[blocks in formation]

Missions. Christian, 386 ss. Among the Neutrality, 104, 105.

Indians, 386.

Mississippi River, 51.
Mob, 171.

Moderation, 278, 384.
Monarchy, 21, 73.

Views of, by the

Northern, and by the Southern, States,


Monitions, friendly, 321.
Monmouth, battle of, 410.
Monongahela, battle of, 409.

Moral. Character, 314. Maxims, 307 ss.
Morality, and civil government, 308..
Morals, Christian, 369.
Morocco, Emperor of, 131.

Morris, Gouverneur, his tribute to W.,405.
Morse, Rev. Jedidiali, his tribute to W.,

Mortality, and bereavement, 400.

Mount Vernon, 187, 249, 284, 291, 292,
300, 384, 385, 392, 405.

Mourning, 401.

Multitude, the voice of the, 72.
Munificence of God, 344.

Museum, American, a periodical, 232.
Mutiny, 161. Of Pennsylvania troops,



Napoleon Bonaparte, his tribute to W.,


Nation. Its right to establish its own
government, 18.
National. Benevolence, 353. Candor,

111. Debt, 119, 120. Defence, 222,
Education; see Education. Friend-
ship, 109. Good will to man, 266.
Homage to God, 355. Honesty, 111.
Hostility; see Hostility. Influence, 68.
Justice, 353. Military Discipline, 222.
Obligations, 110. Policy, 91. Policy,
as to foreigners, 192. Predilections,
American, 191. Prospects, 84. Pros-
perity, 82, 83. Reputation, 87.
sources, 118. Revolutions, 18. Right-
eousness, 349. Sentiments, 111. Sym-
pathy, 106.
Thanksgiving, religious,
856. University, 226, 895.
comprehensive, 73.



Neuville, the Messieurs, 190.
Newfoundland, 215.
New Hampshire, 272.
New Jersey College, 398, 400.
New Orleans, 216.

Newspapers, 139.


New York City, 249, 255, 408; evacuated
by the British, 410. Convention, 249.
Nicola, Colonel Lewis, 280.
Nobility, and knighthood, 22.
Non-importation of British commodi-
ties, 34, 145-148.
Non-intervention, 96.

North, Lord, his Bills in Parliament, 36.
Northern States, their views of mon-
archy, 21, 22.
Nova Scotia, 213.


Obedience to Congress, 271.
Obligations, national, 110.
Observation, public, 319.
Offensive War, 224.

Office, allurements of, 80.

Officers. Of Government, their appoint-
ments, 78; maxims for, 81; compensa-
tion of, 81. Foreign military, in the
American army, 187, 188; three classes
of, 190; undue prominence of, 190; na-
tional policy as to them, 192. French
military, in America, 116. Exchange
of military, 202. In the American ar-
my, to study books, 228; to discourago
vice, 153; imprudent conversation of,
160; their deportment, 153; maxims
for, 152; their personal sacrifices, 173;
their support, 173, 185; native, 189.
Official instruments, authenticated by
armorial devices, 23.
Ohio River, 407.
Oligarchy, 73.
Olmütz, 242.

Omnipotent, God, our guardian, 346.
Oneida Indians, 212, 379.
Opinion. Difference of, no crime, 246.
Public, to bo enlightened, 72.
World's, 822.

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