Cortes enraged at their obstinacy, was pre by force, what he could not accomplish and was going to overturn their altars, an their idols, if father Bartholomew de Olme the expedition, had not checked his incon tuosity. He represented the imprudence tempt; and that religion was not to be pro sword, nor infidels to be converted by violen weapons were to be employed in their patient instruction must enlighten the unde pious example captivate the heart, before brought to embrace the great truths of the gion. That a monk in the sixteenth cen idea of toleration was unknown, and wher conscience were little understood, should first advocates against persecution, and ap of religious liberty, is really astonishing, a soothed with unexpected pleasure, to find and liberal sentiments avowed in those dark stition. The remonstrances of Olmedo had their with Cortes; he left the Tlascalans to th exercise of their own rites, requiring only th desist from their horrid practice of offering in sacrifice. Cortes as soon as the troops were fit for ser to continue his march towards Mexico, no the earnest dissuasives of the Tlascalans, wh Montezuma as a faithless and cruel prince, v an opportunity to destroy him. Accompanied by six thousand Tlascalans, thirteenth of October, 1519, directed their Cholula; Montezuma, who had at length co mit the Spaniards into his presence, informe he had given orders for his friendly reception lula was a considerable town, and though onl distant from Tlascala, was formerly an state: but had lately been subjected to the pire. This was considered by all the natives as the sanctuary of their gods, to which devo from every province, and a greater number o urg asion dow plain imp an as by th at othe y, tha ng, an could b an re when the ights ong th It was strongly suspected that Montezuma, either from superstitious hope, that the gods would there revenge the insults with which the Spaniards every where treated them, or that he might have a greater certainty of success, as being under the protection of his gods. The event shewed these suspicions were not ill founded. Cortes, who had been warned by the Tlascalans to keep a watchful eye upon the Cholulans, though received into the town with much seeming respect and cordiality, soon observed several circumstances in their conduct, which excited suspicion. Two of the Tlascalans, who were encamped at some distance from the town, and who were not admitted by their ancient enemies within their precincts, found means to enter in disguise, and informed Cortes that they observed the children of the principal citizens retiring in In behal great haste every night, and that six children had been samind crificed in the chief temple; a rite that indicated the execution of some warlike enterprize was near at hand. At the same time, Marina the interpreter, received information from an Indian woman of distinction, whose confidence r weigh she had gained, that the destruction of her friends was conlisturbo certed; that a body of Mexican troops lay concealed near y shock the town; that some of the streets were barricadoed, and victim in others pits and deep trenches were dug, and slightly human f super covered over, into which the horse might fall, that stones resolved and missile weapons were collected on the tops of the temstandin ples, with which to overwhelm the infantry; that the fatal hour was now at hand, and their ruin unavoidable. presented vaited fo Ty, on the se towart ted to ere. ortes the e leagues Cortes alarmed at this concurring evidence, secretly arrested three of the chief priests; from these he extorted a confession that confirmed the intelligence he had torted He therefore instantly resolved to prevent his enemies ef fecting their designs; and to inflict such an exemplary The Spaniards and Zempoallans were drawn up in a depender large square, which had been allotted them for quarters, xican em near the centre of the town: the Tlascalans had orders to advance; the magistrates and chief citizens were sent for oly place under various pretexts, seized and confined. On a signal resome given, the troops rushed out, and fell upon the multitude much as, nished that tionless, incapable of defence. As the Spania them in front, the Tlascalans attacked them The streets were filled with bloodshed and temples, which afforded a retreat to the priest of the leading natives, were set on fire, and th in the flames. This scene of horror continue at length the carnage ceased, after the slaughter sand Cholulans, without the loss of a single Sp Cortes then released the magistrates, repro bitterly for their intended treachery; declaring tice was now appeased, he forgave the offen quired them to recall the citizens who had fled order in the town. Such was the ascendancy which the Spani quired over these superstitious people, and so they impressed with an opinion that they were mortals, that they immediately obeyed the con city was in a few days repeopled, who amidst their sacred buildings yielded respectful ser who had embrued their hands in the blood c tions and friends. From Cholula, Cortes advanced directly towa which was only twenty leagues distant. As through the country, the soldiers were greatly they descended from the mountains of Chalco, the road lay: the vast plain of Mexico ope view. When they first beheld this prospect most striking and beautiful on the face of the they observed fertile and cultivated fields, st ther than the eye could reach; when they sa sembling the sea in extent, and discovered the rising upon an island in the middle, adorned w ples and turrets, the scene so far exceeded th tion, that some were induced to believe the fane tions of romance were realized, and that it palaces and gilded domes were presented to others could hardly be persuaded that this wor tacle was any thing more than a dream. As they advanced, their doubts were remov amazement increased. They were now fully the country was rich, beyond what they had and flattered themselves that they should SO Tear As they approached near the city, several circumstances occurred which made them suspect, that some design was The formed to surprize and cut them off. No enemy however Some appeared; several messengers arrived successively from Fisht Montezuma, permitting them one day to advance, requirlays ing them on the next to retire, as his hopes and fears alterthou nately prevailed; and, so strange was this infatuation, that Cortes was almost at the gates of the capital, before the monarch had determined to receive him as a friend, or to oppose him as an enemy. then as jus ut re restor ad ac ywer re than d. Th to me eir rel The Spaniards, without regarding the fluctuation of Montezuma's sentiments, continued their march along the causeway that led to the city, through the lake, with great caution, and the strictest discipline, though without betraying any symptoms of distrust of the prince, whom they were about to visit. When they drew near the city, about a thousand perruinsons, who appeared to be of distinction, came forth to meet them, adorned with plumes, and clad in garments of fine cotton. Each of these in his order, passed by Cortes, and saluted him according to the mode practised in that country; expressing the utmost respect and submission. They announced the approach of Montezuma himself; and soon after his harbingers came in sight. Mexion passe mated a ss whic to the me of the th, who Ching f lake It There appeared first, two hundred persons in an uniform dress, with large plumes of feathers, alike in fashion, marching two and two in deep silence, and barefooted, with their eyes fixed on the ground. These were followed by a company of higher rank, in their most showy apparel; in the midst of these was Montezuma, in a chair or litter, apital cichly ornamented with gold, and feathers of various colours; others supported a canopy of curious workmanimagine ship over his head, and four of his principal favourites carried him on their shoulders. Before him marched three officers, with rods of gold in their hands, which they lifted up at certain intervals; at which signal, all the people bowed their heads, and hid their faces, as unworthy to look on so great a monarch. When he drew near, Cortes its ten Tul desc enchante meir sigh Lerful spe , but to atisfied Con dismounted; and, with great appearance of respect, saluted him in the European manner. At the same time, Montezuma descended from his chair, and leaning on the He returned the salutation of Cortes, according of his country, by touching the earth with then kissing it. By this condescension of Mo subjects firmly believed that those persons, he had humbled himself were more than hum This was confirmed afterwards; as th through the crowd, the natives, to the great sa the Spaniards, frequently were heard to call t or divinities. Montezuma conducted Cortes to which he had prepared for his reception; and took leave of him with a politeness, not ur court more refined. "You are now," said he, " brothers, in your own house; refresh you " your fatigue, and be happy until I return.'” allotted to the Spaniards by Montezuma, was by the father of Montezuma: it was surrounde wall, with towers at proper distances, which defence as well as ornament; and was so lar commodate both the Spaniards and their India The first care of Cortes was to put the place of defence: he planted the artillery at every a led to it; he appointed a large division of his always on guard; and posted centinels at prop with orders to observe the same vigilance, as in sight of an enemy's camp. In the evening, Montezuma returned to visi with the same pompas at their first interview; presents of such value, not only to Cortes and but even to the private men, as proved the libe monarch, and the opulence of the kingdom. A long conference ensued, in which Cortes 1 was the opinion of Montezuma, with respect niards. He told him, that it was an establish among the Mexicans, handed down to them L that their ancestors came originally from a rem and conquered the provinces that were now su dominion; that after they were settled there, th tain who conducted them, returned to his ow and promised, that at some future period his should visit them, assume the government, their constitution and laws; and that from w seen of Cortes and his followers, he was con |