United States...45-46, 60, 68, 118, 119, 122-123, 135-136, 157-158, 163-173 United States Weather Bureau.. Vermont Weather, Crops and Markets... and Epidemics.. Weidman, R. H. West Indies.. Why the Weather?. Wells, E. L.. Wind. Winters World Meteorological Foundation. World Weather.. Wyatt, B. H. 17-18, 19-22, 65-66, 115, 159-160 ..58-59 .29 48 .56-57 .79-80, 115-116, 119-120, 140 .19-20, 73-76, 86-87 .139-141 .3-7 .170-172 .93-95 .79-80 .157-158 .41-44, 157-158 ...60 .22-23 19-22, 49-50, 73-76, 148-150 .154-156 Membership: Charles F. Brooks, Clark University, Worcester, Mass., Chairman. Cola W. Shepard, U. S. Commissioner. Colony, Wyo., Vice-Chairman. E. II. Bowie, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. R. E. Horton, Voorheesville, N. Y. A. H. Palmer, Weather Bureau, San Francisco, Calif. Aeronautical Meteorology: C. C. Culver, Air Service, Washington, D. C., Chairman. C. LeRoy Meisinger, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., ViceChairman. W. R. Blair, Met'l Serv., Signal Corps. Washington, D. C. Ford A. Carpenter, Dept. of Meteorology and Aeronautics, Los Angeles J. C. Edgerton, Supt. of Radio, Post Office Dept., Washington, D. C. Alexander McAdie, Harvard Univ., Director, Blue Hill Observatory, Agricultural Meteorology: J. Warren Smith, Division of Agricultural Meteorology, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., Chairman. A. J. Connor, Meteorological Office, Toronto, Canada. A. W. Douglas, Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo. A. D. Hopkins, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. E. S. Johnston, University of Maryland, College Station, Md. G. L. Peltier, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. W. G. Reed, Geo. McFadden & Bro., 121 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cola W. Shepard, U. S. Commissioner, Colony, Wyoming. Engineering Meteorology and Hydrology: Robert E. Horton, Consulting Hydraulic Engineer, Voorheesville, N. Y., Chairman. W. F. V. Atkinson, Consulting Hydraulic Engineer, Toronto, Ont. X. II. Goodnough, Commission on Water Supply. State House, Boston, Mass. A. J. Henry, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. H. R. Leach, Voorheesville, N. Y. C. H. Lee, 1738 San Lorenzo Ave., Berkeley, Calif. J. Warren Smith, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Industrial and Commercial Meteorology: H. J. Cox, Meteorologist and District Forecaster, U. S. Weather Bureau, Chicago, Ill., Chairman. A. W. Douglas, Vice-President, Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo., Vice-Chairman. J. Cecil Alter, U. S. Weather Bureau, Salt Lake City, Utah. F. A. Carpenter, Consulting Meteorologist, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles, Calif. W. C. Devereaux, U. S. Weather Bureau. Cincinnati. O, J. P. Finley, Mgr. National Storm Insurance Bureau, 511-513 E. 164th St., New York City. H. C. Frankenfield, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. M. W. Hayes, U. S. Weather Bureau. St. Louis, Mo. H. B. Newhall, 90 Cedar St., New York City. H. W. Richardson, U. S. Weather Bureau, Duluth, Minn. J. A. Sutherland, Taylor Instrument Cos., 29 E. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. A. H. Thiessen, Signal Corps School of Meteorology, Camp Alfred Vail, New Jersey. H. E. Williams, 1330 Belmont St., Washington, D. C. Walter Wood, 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Information and Research: C. Fitzhugh Talman, Librarian, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., Chairman. W. B. Kaempffert, Editor, Popular Science Monthly, New York City. F. G. Tingley, Marine Division, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, E. A. Beals, U. S. Weather Bureau, San Francisco, Calif. I. M. Cline, U. S. Weather Bureau, New Orleans, La. E. Lester Jones, Director, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, G. W. Littlehales, Hydrographic Office, Navy Dept., Washington, D. F. A. Young, Marine Div., U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Meteorological Instruction: W. I. Milham, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., Chairman. Howard E. Simpson, University of North Dakota, University, N. Dak. Frank L. West, Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. Wilford M. Wilson, Cornell Univ., Ithica, N. Y. Physiological Meteorology: Ellsworth Huntington, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Chairman. S. S. Visher, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Ind., Vice-Chairman. H. G. Cornthwaite, Rockville, Ind. Carroll E. Edson, M.D., Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo. Guy Hinsdale, M.D., Hot Springs, Va. G. T. Palmer, M.D., Board of Health, Detroit, Mich. John R. Weeks, U. S. Weather Bureau, Binghamton, N. Y. Co-operation with American Climatological and Clinical Association Carroll E. Edson, M.D., Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo., Chairman. Guy Hinsdale, M.D., Hot Springs, Va. Back numbers of the Bulletin may be obtained at 10c a copy or $1.0 a volume (unbound) upon application to the Secretary-Treasurer. NOTICE TO MEMBERS Those annual members who have not already paid dues for 1922 are urged to use the loose slip enclosed in this Bulletin and send their checks to the Secretary-Treasurer at once. A member wishing to receive any of the fol lowing U. S. publications may order them simply by naming them on the back of his slip. Except in the case of the Monthly Weather Review for a contributing or sustaining member or patron, the money sent in should include the cost of these publications in addition to dues: Monthly Weather Review, $1.50 a year, 15c a copy. Weather, Crops and Markets, 25c a year; Snow and Ice Bulletin, 25c a year. Weather maps (small) from nearest issuing office (daily except Sundays and holidays), $2.00 a year, 20c a month. Weather maps (large) from Washington, D. C. (daily except Sundays and holidays; $2.50 a year, 25c a month; (daily), $3.00 a year, 30c a month. The BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY is entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Worcester, Massachusetts, under the Act of August 24, 1912 |