gentlemen of different denominations, a Society has been organized at Rawdon in that province, as large as ours was at its formation. By a letter from one of its officers, recently received, we are assured that considerable effect has been produced on the minds of many people; that articles have been admitted into newspapers to excite attention to the subject, and that gentlemen high in office and truly respectable, have approved the Peace Tracts, and the exertions to render war the abhorrence of man. The progress of the Society in Great Britain for promoting permanent and universal Peace is truly animating. Their Report for 1822 has not been received; but their Fifth Report contains facts worthy of grateful notice. They had then 300 new subscribers and two new Auxiliary Societies. They had printed 219,250 Tracts; and their sales and distributions in the preceding year had amounted to 22,000 copies. Two Tracts and one Report had then been translated into Spanish; and since that time six Tracts have been translated into French. Their subscriptions and donations in one year had amounted to nearly 1800 dollars-a much larger sum than has ever been received in one year by our Society. Yet how small was this sum when compared with what the same subscribers and donors have had to pay annually in support of the military system. There is scarcely any thing which the people of a warring nation eat, or drink, or wear, for which they do not, in one form or another, pay something of "the price of blood!" With great pleasure the Committee observe that a correspondence has recently been opened with the "Society of Christian Morals" in France, by a letter from Baron Turckheim, one of its Vice Presidents-which letter has been answered. The Society in France has been sanctioned by the government. One of its avowed objects is the promotion of peace. From a Society thus sanctioned, embracing men of high rank, renowned for talents, integrity and benevolence, much good may be expected. A Duke of the kingdom is President of the Society, and several of the Nobility are among its officers and members. A few men near a throne, who are imbued with pacific senti, ments, may cause a great change in the policy of a nation, celebrated for its exploits in war. Since the Seventh Annual Report was formed, intelligence has been received both from Warwick and from Philadelphia. The Branch Society in Warwick, of 31 members, has been organized. In Philadelphia a long wished for event has occurred... A son ciety, styled the Pennsylvania Peace Society, of about 100 New Series-vol. IV. 60 1 members, has been organized, and their constitution has been published in Poulson's American Daily Advertiser. The meetings of the Society are to be held on the 25th of December and the 4th of July annually. Happy it would be for our country if these two days should be observed for the same benevolent object in every part of the United States. Donations to the Evangelical Missionary Society. Contribution in Rev. Mr. Clarke's Church, Princeton, $10,00 Female Society in Northborough, 16,00 Rev. James Flint, Salem, 5,00 A Lady in Dedham, 1,00 A member of the Society, 50,00 From Concord, 2,00 Contribution in Federal-Street, 69,37 Dr. Bancroft's Society, Worcester, 48,00 Ladies of the West Church, Boston, 75,75 Contribution at Brookline, on thanksgiving day, 50,86 $328,48 As mistakes have sometimes been made in publishing the donations from Brookline, we give here the subscriptions and con At Harvard, on Wednesday, Jan. 1st, the Rev. Ira Henry Thomas Blanchard, over the Congregational Society in that place. Rev. Mr. Allen, of Bolton, made the Introductory Prayer; Rev. President Kirkland preached the Sermon; Rev. Mr. Foster, of Littleton, made the Ordaining Prayer; Rev. Mr. Norton, of Weymouth, gave the Charge; Rev. Dr. Thayer, of Lancaster, addressed the Society; Rev. Mr. Osgood, of Sterling, gave the Right Hand of Fellowship; and the Rev. Mr. Damon, of Lunenburg, made the Concluding Prayer. TO READERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. Our distant Subscribers, from whom we hear complaints of the delay of our work in reaching them, are informed that from various causes it is not usually published in Boston, until ten or fifteen days after the date. The present number is issued on the 20th day of January 1823. They will perceive therefore, that they have no greater cause of complaint than those who live in our immediate neighbourhood. We hope the delay may be prevented in future; but as all past attempts to remove the causes have failed, we dare not promise. |