Imágenes de páginas
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XXXVI. The Effect of Paul's Preaching at Ephesus.

Acts xix. 23-41. 101

XXXVII. The Coronach.

...Sir Walter Scott. 104

XXXVIII. How to render Sad Ideas.

..Mark Bailey. 106

XXXIX. The Pauper's Death-bed.... ....Caroline A. B. Southey. 108

XL. Mrs. Caudle urging the Need of Spring Clothing.

Donglas W. Jerrold. 110

XLI. Under the Greenwood Tree... ....William Shakespeare. 114

XLII. Mexico as first seen by the Spaniards.. William H. Prescott.

XLIII. Marmion and Douglas..

XLIV. Ascent of Mount Ktaadn...

XLV. Virtue..

XLVI. Rules of Behavior..

XLVII. Morning Sounds..

XLVIII. Dialogue with the Gout..

XLIX. Absalom.....

L. The Blind Preacher..

LI. America


.Sir Walter Scott. 118

Henry D. Thoreau. 121

George Herbert. 127.

George Washington. 128

James Beattie. 134

Benjamin Franklin. 136

.N. P. Willis. 139

William Wirt. 144

Bishop Berkeley. 147

..John Wilson. 148

LII. The Ascent to the Eagle's Nest..

LIII. The Descent from the Eagle's Nest..John Wilson. 153

LIV. The Hot Season........

. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 157

LV. How to render Scornful and Sarcastic Ideas. Mark Bailey. 159

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