Imágenes de páginas

published, were received immediately from confidential friends of General Washington, or from gentlemen who in respectable official situations, were members of his family during his military command.

It has been the endeavour of the author to display the character of the man who is the subject of the work, ⚫ by exhibiting in a connected view his actions and his writings; and he lias, as far as possible, made this exhibition in the person of General Washington.

He has not conceived that he was writing for men of erudition, but for the unlettered portion of the community; and he has for their benefit more particularly studied simplicity of style. Should he be so happy as to obtain their approbation, he will receive an ample reward of his labour.

He entertains no expectation of acquiring literary fame by this publication, but he hopes to escape the dis grace of having written an useless book.

Worcester, Massachusetts,
October, 1807.

vasion of Canada and Nova Scotia-General Washington's

objections to it Delinquency of the United States to pre-

pare for the approaching campaign-The exertions of the

General His Letter on the State of the Nation-The Re-

monstrances of Officers belonging to the New Jersey Bri-

gade to the Legislature of that State-Letters of the Com-

mander in Chief on the Subject-Expedition against the

Indians under General Sullivan-He destroys their Towns

-The American Army posted for the defence of the High

Lands on the North River, and for the protection of the

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