| George Washington - 1800 - 240 páginas
...duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another, disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of...policy. The government sometimes participates in the na* tional propensity, and adopts, through passion, what reason would reject ; at other times, it makes... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1800 - 786 páginas
...againlt another difpofes each more readily to offer infult jjnd injury, to lay hold of flight caufes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of difpute occur. Hence frequent eollifious, obftinate, envenomed, and bloody contelts. The nation, prompted... | |
 | 1800 - 776 páginas
...againfi another dilpoi'es each more readily to offer inJult and injury, to lay hold of flight caufes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occafions of difpute occur. Hence frequent «ollifions, obftinate, envenomed, and bloody contetts.... | |
 | William Cobbett - 1801 - 586 páginas
...duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of...trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence frequent quent collisions, obstinate, envenomed and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill will and resentment,... | |
 | 1802 - 440 páginas
...and its interest. — Antipathy in one nation against another, disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of...envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to «rar the government, contrary to the best calculations... | |
 | United States. President - 1805 - 276 páginas
...duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, where accidental or trifling occasions/ of dispute occur. Hence frequent collisions, obstinate, evenomed... | |
 | Richard Snowden - 1805 - 398 páginas
...duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another, disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and untractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence, frequent collisions, obstinate,... | |
 | Richard Snowden - 1806 - 392 páginas
...offer insult and injury, to lay nold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and untractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur....obstinate, envenomed and bloody contests... .The nation, promted by ill-will and reseojment, sometimes im[vcls to war the government, contrary ;0 the best calculations... | |
 | Aaron Bancroft - 1807 - 576 páginas
...duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation, against anothfer, disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of...ill will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the ppf government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates... | |
 | David Ramsay - 1807 - 486 páginas
...duty and its interest. Antipathy 114 pne nation against another disposes each moro readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of...and to be haughty and intractable when accidental or trilling occasions of dispute occur. Hence, frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and blood v... | |
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