Auditor draw warrants. Emergency. Sec. 4. The auditor of the state is hereby authorized to draw warrants upon the State Fair Fund for the payment of vouchers, certified by the president of the State Fair board and attested by the secretary thereof, for the amount of money hereby appropriated to said board; and the auditor of the state is hereby authorized to draw warrants on the State Fair Fund for the payment of vouchers, certified by the president of the state board of agriculture and attested by the secretary thereof, for the amount of money hereby appropriated to said board: Provided, that said vouchers shall be attested by the president and secretary of the State Fair Board. Sec. 5. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists; therefore, this act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Approved April 17th, 1907. CHAPTER 4. APPROPRIATION. BOULEVARD-DENVER. Appropriation. (S. B. No. 288, by Senator Burger.) AN ACT APPROPRIATING FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM THE Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury belonging to the Internal Improvement Fund, or out of any moneys that may come into said fund, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15000) for the purpose of construction, or aiding in the construction of a driveway or boulevard from the south side of the limits of the City and County of Denver to the mouth of the Platte Canon, as the same may be located, surveyed and constructed under the supervision, control and management of the Board hereinafter created in Section 2 of this Act. Sec. 2. That the Governor of Colorado, the Engi-Board of neer of the State of Colorado, the Mayor of the City and construction. County of Denver, and the City Engineer of the City and County of Denver, be and hereby are made a Board for the purpose of constructing such driveway or boulevard, and are hereby authorized to let any and all necessary contracts and to do any and all things that may be necessary thereunto. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Board as soon as survey. may be after this Act takes effect, to view the route of said proposed driveway or boulevard, and to cause a survey thereof to be made, and determine the grade and location of the same. After which they shall advertise Advertise for for bids for the construction of the same, in at least three bids. different newspapers, published in the City and County of Denver for the period of not less than thirty days. Sec. 4. Contract or contracts for said construction Letting of shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, and bond contract. satisfactory to said Board shall be required conditioned to complete said work according to said contract. Sec. 5. Such driveway or boulevard, when com-Public highway. pleted, shall be a public highway, free to the use of all pedestrians, equestrians, bicycles, wagons, automobiles, carriages and other vehicles. Sec. 6. Upon the commencement of construction of Auditor draw said driveway or boulevard, as herein specified, and that warrants. fact being certified to by the Board hereby created in Section 2 hereof, the Auditor of State is directed to draw warrants upon the State Treasurer from time to time as the work progresses, upon the order of said Board and in such amounts and in such sums as may be necessary to carry on said work, not to exceed in amount the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15000), by this act appropriated; and the Treasurer of the State of Colorado is here Power to act. Emergency. by authorized to pay the same out of the fund herein named. Sec. 7. A majority of said Board shall have power to act hereunder in any respect. Sec. 8. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 8th, 1907. CHAPTER 5. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-ARKANSAS RIVER. Appropriation. State bridgelocation. (S. B. No. 122, by Senator Ehrhart.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STATE BRIDGE Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury belonging to the Internal Improvement PERMANENT FUND, OR THE INTERNAL Improvement Income Fund, or which may hereafter be accredited to either of said funds, the sum of four thousand dollars ($4000) or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing a State bridge across the Arkansas River, in Chaffee County, where the Pueblo, Salida and Leadville Wagon Road crosses said river at Brown's Canon. The exact location of such bridge shall be determined by the commission mentioned in section two (2) of this act. Sec. 2. The State Engineer and the Chairman of the Board of Board of County Commissioners of the County of Chaffee construction. shall be and are hereby made a board for the purpose of locating and constructing such bridge. Sec. 3. It is hereby made the duty of said board as Plans and soon as this act takes effect to advertise for and secure specifications. plans and specifications for the construction of such bridge. Sec. 4. Upon the adoption of proper plans and Bids. specifications for the construction of a wagon bridge as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of such board to advertise for bids in accordance therewith and thereupon they shall let the contract thereof to the lowest responsible bidder. Sec. 5. Such State bridge when constructed shall Public highway. be a public highway and free to the use of all persons and when so constructed it shall be the duty of the County of Chaffee to keep such bridge in repair at its own expense. Sec. 6. Upon the completion of said bridge accord-Auditor draw ing to contract the Auditor of State is hereby authorized warrants. and directed to draw warrants for the amount appropriated by section one (1) of this act or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of paying the amount due on said contract. Sec. 7. In case there be no money in said fund or No money in funds to meet the said appropriation or any part thereof proper fund. at the time of payment for said work or any part thereof, the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the warrants drawn by the Auditor of State for the amount herein appropriated, with valid State warrants invested in said fund or funds and said warrants so invested shall be received by any and all contractors of said work at par, with accrued interest thereon, in full payment of the contract price of said work or any portion thereof, for the payment of which there may be no money in said fund or funds. Sec. 8. In the opinion of the General Assembly an Emergency. emergency exists; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 12th 1907. CHAPTER 6. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-ARKANSAS RIVER. Appropriation. State bridgelocation. Provisodeficiency of funds. Board of construction. (S. B. No. 146, by Senator Lewis.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STEEL BRIDGE Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury belonging to the Internal Improvement Fund or Income Fund, and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of constructing a State bridge of steel and cement across the Arkansas River, near the town of Portland, in the County of Fremont, and the State of Colorado, the exact location to be determined by the Commissioners mentioned in section two hereof; provided, in case there shall be no money in said funds to meet said appropriations, or any part thereof, at the time of payment for said work, the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay warrants drawn by the Auditor of State for the amount therein in either or both of said funds, said warrants to be received by the contractor of said work at par, with accrued interest thereon, in full payment of contract price of said work when there may be no moneys in said funds, or any of them. Sec. 2. The State Engineer of this State, with the board of County Commissioners of Fremont County, shall be, and hereby are, made a board for the location |