portion thereof, for the payment of which there may be no money in said fund. Sec. 8. In the opinion of the General Assembly an Emergency. emergency exists; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 12th, 1907. CHAPTER 12. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-DOUGLAS COUNTY. (H. B. No. 464, by Mr. Stewart.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A HIGHWAY Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any Appropriation. a money in the State Treasury belonging to the Internal Improvement Permanent Fund or the Internal Improvement Income Fund, or either of them, the sum of Five Thousand dollars ($5,000) to be used to construct wagon bridge across Seller's Creek on the line of Wilcox Bridge. Street in the town of Castle Rock, Douglas County, Colo Location. rado, the exact location to be made by the State Engineer; Provided, That any moneys remaining from an appropriation heretofore made by an act entitled "An Proviso-prior act for an appropriation to construct a cycle path from appropriation. Littleton to Palmer Lake," Approved April 22, 1899, shall be used for the purpose of constructing said bridge, such amount to be deducted from this appropriation of five thousand dollars ($5,000). Board of construction. Plans and specifications. Bids. Bond. Estimatesmonthly payment. Auditor draw warrants. Expenses. Public highway. Sec. 2. The State Engineer and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, shall constitute a board of construction, whose duties will be to carry out the provisions of this act. Sec. 3. As soon as practicable after this act takes effect, the board shall view the site for said bridge and determine as to the kind of bridge to be constructed, after which the State Engineer shall cause the necessary survey to be made, and prepare profile, plans and specifications for the same, and advertise for bids, for the construction of the said bridge, in one weekly paper published in Douglas County, and in a weekly issue of a paper published in the City of Denver, not less than three issues in each, and the board shall award the contract to the lowest bidder who shall give a good and sufficient bond equal to the amount of the contract for the faithful performance thereof. Sec. 4. During the progress of the work, the State Engineer shall cause to be made monthly estimates of the amount of work done during the Calender [Calendar] month just past, and shall draw a voucher for 80 per cent. of the said estimate, in favor of the contractor. Sec. 5. Upon the completion of the work outlined by the profile, plans and specifications, in compliance with the terms of the contract, and its acceptance by the board of construction, the State Engineer shall draw and approve a voucher or vouchers in favor of the contractor or contractors, for whatever amount may be due under the terms of the contract or contracts at that time, and the Auditor of State is hereby authorized to draw warrants for the amounts specified in the various vouchers so drawn by the State Engineer, from time to time. Necessary expenses incurred by the board and State Engineer, for viewing, surveying, locating and superintending the construction are to be paid from the appropriation by vouchers drawn and approved by the State Engineer. Sec. 6. Said wagon bridge when completed, shall be a public highway, free to all vehicles and persons, and shall be kept in repair by the County Commissioners of Douglas County. Sec. 7. In the opinion of the General Assembly an Emergency. emergency exists; therefore, this act shall take effect CHAPTER 13. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-GRAND RIVER. (H. B. No. 55, by Mr. Napier.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN IRON OR STEEL, Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any Appropriation. money in the State treasury belonging to the internal improvement permanent fund, or the internal improvement income fund, and out of any money which may hereafter be credited to said fund or funds, and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000), or so much thereof as may be ecessary, for the purpose of constructing a State bridge and approaches thereto of state bridge. iron or steel, or of part iron or steel and part wood, over and across the Grand river, at or near the station of Silt, Location. in Garfield County, Colorado, the exact location and the material used to be determined by the board mentioned in Section 2 hereof. Sec. 2. The Governor and the State Engineer of Board of this State, with the chairman of the board of county construction. commissioners of Garfield County, shall be and hereby are made a board for the location and construction of said Plans and specifications. Bids. Proviso bridge; and it is made the duty of said board, as soon as this act takes effect, to advertise for plans and specifications for the construction of said bridge. Sec. 3. Upon the adoption of the plans and specifi cations for the construction of a wagon bridge, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said board to advertise for bids in accordance therewith and thereupon let the contract to the lowest bidder; Provided that the Board may reject any and all bids; and may, in like manner readvertise for other bids; and Provided, That if the board shall determine, after due examination and survey, that the bridge provided for in this act can not be constructed with the amount of money herein appropriated, then no insufficiency of part of said appropriation shall be expended, unless the funds. Public highway. Auditor draw warrants. Other paid first. board of county commissioners of Garfield County, or other responsible parties, shall agree to furnish the amount required in excess of this appropriation, and shall furnish to said board satisfactory evidence that such excess money will be forthcoming on demand by said board at the completion and acceptance of the work. Sec. 4. Such bridge, when constructed, shall be a public highway, and free to the use of all persons; and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of said county to maintain and keep the same in repair. Sec. 5. Upon the completion of said bridge it shall be the duty of the Auditor of State, upon the presentation of a voucher, or vouchers duly issued by said board, to draw warrants for the amount appropriated by Section 1 of this act, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of paying the amount due on said contract. Sec. 6. That the sum herein appropriated shall not appropriations be paid until all other sums appropriated from said funds by the Sixteenth General Assembly shall have been paid. Sec. 7. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists; therefore, this act shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage. Emergency. Approved April 12th 1907. CHAPTER 14. APPROPRIATION. BRIDGE-GRAND RIVER. (S. B. No. 50, by Senator Jefferson.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WAGON BRIDGE Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any Appropriation. money in the state treasury belonging to the internal improvement fund, or the internal improvement permanent fund, the sum of three thousand ($3000.00) dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of constructing a State Wagon Bridge of wood or steel across the Grande [Grand] River, in Eagle County, at Wilmot Ranch. The exact location of such bridge shall be determined by the commission mentioned in section 2 of this act. Sec. 2. The Governor and State Engineer of this Board of State, and chairman of the board of county commissioners construction. of Eagle County, shall be and are hereby constituted a board for the purpose of locating and constructing said bridge. Sec. 3. It is hereby made the duty of said board, as soon as this act takes effect to advertise for and secure plans and specifications for the construction of said bridge. Sec. 4. Upon the adoption of proper plans and Let contract. specifications for the construction of said bridge, it shall be the duty of said board to advertise for the construction of the same according to the plans and specifications |