HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 11. (By Mr. Watson.) Resolved, by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring therein, that, Whereas, Various changes in the laws made from time to time, and the increase of business in the various departments of the State government during recent years, have made necessary the employment of much additional clerical assistance in such departments; and Whereas, No provision exists properly defining the number of such employes, their duties and compensation in such form permitting appropriations therefor under department heads; and Whereas, No provision exists under which general departmental appropriations can be made under proper departmental heads or classifications; and Whereas, This necessitates seperate [separate] and detailed items of appropriation being prepared and embraced in the long and short appropriation bills at each session of the Legislature, covering each item in each department of the State government; therefore, be it Resolved, that a committee of three persons be appointed, consisting of the Auditor of State, and two holdover Senators to be chosen by the Senate, to prepare and report to the next General Assembly, a salary bill, embracing all executive departments of the State government, specifying the number of employes therein employed, defining their duties and fixing their compensation, and specifying the maximum appropriation to be made for each such department. Approved March 23rd, 1907. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 18. (By Mr. Fetzer.) "Whereas, The earthquake and fire that occured [oсcurred] in San Francisco, California, in April, 1906, caused the complete destruction of the files of the Daily San Francisco Call; and "Whereas, The said San Francisco Daily Call had, for about ten years prior to the said fire, furnished, gratis, to the State Historical and Natural History Society of Colorado daily copies of the said "Call", which are still preserved in the form of files in the custody of the said Historical Society, and it appearing from correspondence that the San Francisco Call has expressed an earnest desire to become possessed of the files of their paper now in the possession of the State, to the extent even of paying a reasonable price therefor, and it appearing further that the Historical Society have no authority to grant the request to give or sell the said files; therefore, "Be It Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the Directors of the State Historical and Natural History Society, be and are hereby authorized to forward to the San Francisco Daily Call such files as they may have of the said publication prior to the great fire in San Francisco in 1906." Approved April 2nd 1907. ROBERT G. BRECKENRIDGE, Speaker of the House. President of the Senate. HENRY A. BUCHTEL, Governor. |