CHAPTER 35. APPROPRIATION. CAPITOL BUILDING. (H. B. No. 281, by Mr. Cannon.) AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND SUP- Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. For the maintenance and support of the Appropriation. State Capitol Building, and grounds, of the State of Colorado, for the furnishing of fuel, light, water, telephone service, necessary supplies for the legislature and State officers, for engine, boilers, elevator, and electrical supplies, repairs, office expenses, pay of Secretary and Clerk, electrician, guides, watchmen, engineers, firemen, elevator pilots, janitors and janitors' supplies, foremen and laborers on grounds, etc., for the years 1907 and 1908, there is hereby appropriated out of the Capitol Building Fund the sum of sixty-eight thousand dollars ($68,000.) or so much as may be necessary. Sec. 2. For the purpose of replacing old furniture Replacing and carpets, and supplying new furniture when required furniture. in the various departments, there is hereby appropriated. out of the Capitol Building Fund the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000) for [or] as much thereof as may be necessary, and for which no funds have been appropriated since 1905. Sec. 3. The Auditor of State is hereby authorized. Auditor draw and directed, to issue certificates of indebtedness for all warrants. Payable from fund. claims duly audited and certified by the Board of Capitol Managers for material furnished and labor performed when there are no funds in the Treasury, at the time of the issuance thereof to meet the same. Said certificates of indebtedness to be payable out of the Capitol Building Fund, and out of the moneys appropriated for the maintenance and support of said Capitol Building and capitol building grounds. The faith and credit of the State of Colorado are hereby pledged for the payment of interest and principal of this indebtedness; and it is further provided that the said certificates of indebtedness shall be presented to the State Treasurer, who shall, thereupon, countersign and indorse the same, as bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually from the date of presentation to the date of payment thereof; but in no event shall the certificates be in excess of the appropriations made for the maintenance. Interest at 5 per cent. per annum. Emergency. Sec. 4. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists; therefore, this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Approved April 9th 1907. CHAPTER 36. APPROPRIATION. CAPITOL BUILDING. Appropriation. (H. B. No. 282, by Mr. Cannon.) AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATION FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado. Section 1. There is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury, being funds collected by levy or otherwise for the completion of the State Capitol; and from such other funds as make part of what is known as the "Capitol Building Fund", and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Seventy three thousand, nine hundred and seventy and thirty-seven one hundredths dollars ($73,970.37) or so much thereof as may be necessary, as follows: For a statue for the dome. Objects of For painting all metal, from roof line to dome, and appropriation. for metal floor for upper story of dome. For paving walks adjoining Capitol grounds, viz: on Colfax Ave., Broadway, 14th Ave. and Grant Ave., with cement paving, 181,500 superficial feet. ing. For shields for all radiators throughout the Build ment. For freight Elevator, from basement to sub-base For repairing the roof valleys and putting the entire roof in good and safe condition. For renewing the electric wires in the grounds of the Capitol. For an artesian well to irrigate the lawns and furnish water for the Capitol Building. For replacing the Red Sandstone steps on the grounds of the Capitol, with granite steps to match the other entrances. For balance due the City and County of Denver for street paving. For making such other improvements as may be deemed advisable by the Board of Capitol managers. Sec. 2. The Auditor of State is hereby authorized Auditor issue and directed to issue certificates of indebtedness for all certificates of claims duly audited and certified by the Board of Capitol indebtedness. Managers, for material furnished and labor performed in and about the completion and improvements of said Building; when there are no funds in the Treasury at the time of the issuance thereof, to meet the same, said certificates of indebtedness to be payable out of the Capitol Building Fund, and out of the moneys appro priated for the completion and improvements of said Capitol Building. The faith and credit of the State of Colorado are hereby pledged for the payment of interest and principal of this indebtedness; and it is further pro Payment of certificatesorder of, etc. Repeal, Emergency. vided that the said certificates of indebtedness shall be presented to the State Treasurer, who shall thereupon countersign and indorse the same as bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per anum, [annum] from the date of presentation to the date of payment thereof, but in no event shall the certificates be in excess of the appropriations made for the completion and improvements of said building. Sec. 3. On the tenth day of each and every month, if there be funds in the Treasury to pay any certificates of indebtedness provided for in the foregoing section, the Treasurer of State is hereby required and directed to give notice, by advertisement in a newspaper published in the City of Denver, designating the certificates by number, in order of their presentation to the State Treasurer, and indorse thereon which the funds in the Treasury will pay. At the end of thirty days from the date of the last insertion, interest on the certificate so named, as being payable shall cease. Sec. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists with regard to the matters provided for in this bill, and therefore this act shall take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage. Approved April 15th 1907. TO PROVIDE FOR THE COMPILATION, PUBLICATION AND DIS- Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. The Supreme Court of the State of Colo-state Supreme rado shall, on the passage of this act, appoint a Commis-Court appoint sioner who, with the Secretary of State, shall be author-commissioner. ized and required to revise, compile, edit and prepare for publication and shall cause to be printed in one Duties of volume the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Colorado, with an index, the code of Civil Procedure, with an index, and all the gen. eral laws of Colorado now in force and not repealed by the Sixteenth General Assembly, and all general laws passed by the Sixteenth General Assembly and not by it repealed, together with a complete index. The Secre- Secretary of tary of State shall copyright the publication and shall state copyright prepare a certificate under seal to the effect that the publication. volume contains all the general laws of the State, the Constitution of the State of Colorado and the Code of Civil Procedure, that he has carefully compared the same with the original manuscripts and that the compilation and revision is complete, true and correct. This |