The Sixth Annual Meeting of the AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY, was held in the Capitol, Washington City, on Thursday, February 20th, 1823. In the Absence of the President and Vice-Pre sidents, General Charles F. Mercer was called to the Chair. The Annual Report was then read by the Agent; and, on motion of George Washington Parke Custis, Esq. Resolved Unanimously, That the thanks of this Society are due to the Managers and Officers of the Society, for the faithful discharge of their duties during the past year, On the motion of General R. G. Harper, Resolved Unanimously, That the thanks of this Society be presented to the President and Officers of the Massachusetts Society, to aid in the suppression of the Slave Trade; for the kind assistance lent by them to the Agent of the Board in his recent visit to New-England; and that they be assured that this Society entertain for them sentiments of high con sideration and esteem. On the motion of Gen. W. Jones, That this Society gratefully acknowledge their obligations to Governor sir Charles M'Carthy, sir Charles Grant, the Hon. K.Macauley, the Rev. Mr, Flood, Dr. Shower, and the Rev. Mr. Johnson of Sierra Leone, for their kind attention to the Society's Agent, and to the Colonists during their residence at Fourah Bay. On the motion of the Hon. Wm. D. Williamson, Resolved Unanimously, That the thanks of this Society be given to Dr. Eli Ayres, for his important services, while acting as Agent on the coast of Africa. On the motion of Mr. Gurley, That this Society cherish a grateful remembrance of the pious exertions of the late Mrs. Ashmun. OFFICERS. + The Hon. BUSHROD WASHINGTON, President. Vice Presidents. Hon. William H. Crawford, of Georgia. Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky. ☑ Isaac M-Kim, Esq. of Maryland. General John Hartwell Cocke, of Virginia. General John Mason, of the District of Columbia. William H. Fitzhugh, Esq. of Virginia. Managers. Francis S. Key, Esq. Rev. William Hawley, ELIAS B. CALDWELL, Esq. Secretary. RALPH RANDOLPH GURLEY, Agent. 1 |