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The addition at page 29, in the Treasurer's Abstract, has been rendered incorrect in some copies, by the 4 having been accidentally drawn from its place; it should be $ 4,379 89.

Proposals for publishing by subscription, under the direction of the Board of Managers of the American Colonization Society, a monthly periodical work, to be entitled the

African Repository and Colonial Journal.

THE Managers of the American Colonization Society, have resolved to issue the first number of the African Repository, in March next. Unfortunate and unavoidable circumstances have long prevented its appearance, but we trust that its late publication will occasion no want of encouragement.

The deep and increasing interest which is felt in many parts of this country, on the subject of the efforts to colonize the free people of colour of the United States, on the African coast, has induced the Board of Managers of the Colonization Society to propose the establishment of a periodical work, which shall furnish the public with accurate information concerning the plans and prospects of their Institution-give a minute account of its operations, and of the condition and progress of the colony-communicate any new and interesting intelligence which may be received, relating to the geography, natural history, manners, and customs of Africa; and admit into its pages such essays as may be thought calculated to advance the interests of the Colony, or the cause of African improvement, as well as select passages from authors who have already written on this subject; and important extracts from the reports of such foreign associations as are making exertions to suppress the Slave Trade or relieve the African race.


I. The work shall comprise thirty-two pages in each number, and shall be equal in paper, and in the style of execution, to the Christian Observer.

II. The price shall be two dollars a' year, payable on the delivery of the first number.

III. Those who shall become responsible for six copies, shall receive a seventh gratis.

The first number is now ready for distribution. Orders for it, as well as communications to be inserted, should be directed to R. R. Gurley, Washington City.


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