purpose, has increased the profits of the traffic, and prevented numerous evils which must have attended upon a more unrestricted license. Between the 1st of January and the 15th of July, 1826, no less than fifteen vessels touched at Monrovia and purchased the produce of the country, to the amount, according to the best probable estimate, of $ 43,980, African value. The exporters of this produce realize, on the sale of the goods given in barter for it, a profit of $ 21,990, and on the freight, of $8,786, making a total profit of 8 30,786. A gentleman in Portland has commenced a regular trade with the Colony, and for his last cargo landed in Liberia, amounting to $8,000, he received payment in the course of ten days. * The advantages of this trade to the Colony, are manifest from the high price of labour, (that of mechanics being two dollars per day, and that of common labourers from 75 cents to $125 cents,) and from the easy and comfortable circumstances of the setlers. "An interesting family, twelve months in Africa, destitute of the means of furnishing an abundant table, is not known; and an individual, of whatever age or sex, without an ample provision of decent apparel, cannot, it is believed, be found." "Every family," says Mr. Ashmun, "and nearly every single adult person in the Colony, has the means of employing from one to four native labourers, at an expense of from four to six dollars the month; and several of the settlers, when called upon in consequence of sudden emergencies of the public service, have made repeated advances of merchantable produce, to the amount of 300 to 600 dollars each." The Managers are happy to state, that the efforts of the Colonial Agent to enlarge the TERRITORY of Liberia, Note D. and particularly to bring under the government of the Colony a more extended line of coast, have been judicious and energetic, and in nearly every instance resulted in complete success. From Cape Mount to Tradetown, a distance of one hundred and fifty miles, the Co 'lonial government has acquired partial jurisdiction. FOUR of the most important STATIONS on this tract, including Montserado, belong to the Society, either by actual purchase, or by a deed of perpetual lease; and such negotiations have been entered upon with the chiefs of the country, as amount to a preclusion of all Europeans from any possessions within these limits. The fine Territory of the St. Paul's, now occupied by settlers, was described in the last annual report of the Society. The Territory of Young Sesters, recently ceded to the Society, is ninety miles south of Montserado, in the midst of a very productive rice country, affording also large quantities of palm oil, camwood, and ivory. The tract granted to the Colony, includes the bed of the Sesters river, and all the land on each side, to the distance of half a league, and extending longitudinally from the river's mouth to its source. In compliance with the terms of the contract, the Chief of the country has constructed a commodious store house, and put a number of labourers sufficient for the cultivation of a rice plantation of forty acres, under the direction of a respectable Colonist, who takes charge of the establishment. The right of use and occupancy has also been obtained to a region of country on the south branch of the St. John's river, north nine miles from Young Sesters, and the trading factory established there, under the superintendence of a family from Monrovia, has already proved a valuable source of income to the Colony. Rice is also here to be cultivated, and the Chief who cedes the territory, agrees to furnish the labour. The upright and exemplary conduct of the individual at the head of this establishment, has powerfully impressed the natives with the superiority of civilized and christian men, and with the importance of inviting them to settle in their country; and consequently, the offer made by the Colonial Agent, for the purchase of Factory Island, has been accepted by its proprietor. This Island is in the river St. John's, four miles from its mouth, from five to six miles in length, and one third of a mile in breadth, and is among the most beautiful and fertile spots in Africa. A few families are about to take up their residence upon it, and prepare for founding a settlement, "which cannot fail," says Mr. Ashmun, "in a few years, to be second to no other in the Colony, except Monrovia." Negotiations are also in progress with the Chiefs of Cape Mount, which, if successful, will secure to the Colony the whole trade of that station, estimated at $ 50,000 per annum, and may ultimately lead to its annexation to the Territories of Liberia. "The whole country between Cape Mount and Trade Town," observes Mr. Ashmun, " is rich in soil and other natural advantages, and capable of sustaining a numerous and civilized population beyond almost any other country on earth. Leaving the sea-board, the traveller, every where, at the distance of a very few miles, enters upon a uniform upland country, of moderate elevation, intersected by innumerable rivulets, abounding in springs of unfailing water, and covered with a verdure which knows no other changes except those which refresh and renew its beauties. The country directly on the sea, : although verdant and fruitful to a high degree, is found every where to yield, in both respects, to the interiour." Much progress has been made the last year, in the construction of public buildings and works of defence, though, with adequate supplies of lumber, more might doubtless have been accomplished. Two handsome churches, erected solely by the Colonists, now adorn the village of Monrovia. Fort Stockton has been rebuilt in a style of strength and beauty. A receptacle capable of accommodating one hundred and fifty emigrants, is completed. The New Agency House, Market House, Lancasterian School, and Town House in Monrovia, were, some months since, far advanced, and the finishing strokes were about to be given to the Government House on the St. Paul's. The wing of the Old Agency House has been "handsomely fitted up for the Colonial Library, which now consists of 1200 volumes systematically arranged in glazed cases, with appropriate hangings. All the books are substantially covered, and accurately labelled; and files of more than ten newspapers, more or less complete, are preserved. The library is fitted up so as to answer the purpose of a reading room, and it is intended to make it a museum of all the natural curiosities of Africa, which can be procured." No efforts have been spared to place the Colony in a state of adequate defence, and while it is regarded as perfectly secure from the native forces, it is hoped and believed that it may sustain itself against any piratical assaults. "The establishment has fifteen large carriage guns and three small pivot guns, all fit for service." Fort Stockton overlooks the whole town of Monrovia, and a strong double battery is now building on the height of Thompson Town, near the extremity of the Cape, which it is thought will afford protection to vessels anchoring in the roadstead. The militia of the Colony consists of two corps appropriately uniformed, one of Artillery of about fifty men, the other of Infantry of forty men, and on various occasions have they proved themselves deficient neither in discipline or courage.* It is impossible for the Managers to express the regret excited by the reflection that the system of education in the Colony, second as it is to no one of its interests, is extremely defective, and that the best endeavours to improve it have, for the present, been arrested by the ordinations of an all wise but mysterious Providence. Several primary schools continue in operation, but the ability of the teachers is only equal to the communication of the mere rudiments of knowledge. The plan of instruction commenced by the Rev. Mr. Holton, promised inestimable benefits, but his sudden and lamented decease has shaded the prospect which seemed so fairly opening, for the intellectual improvement of the Colony. It is hoped, that men of colour may be found, qualified to act in the capacity of teachers, and thus prevent the recurrence of so sad a disappointment. Regarding this subject as one of vital interest, the Managers will not fail to give to it the most sedulous and unremitted attention. It is a fact, which cannot fail to awaken in this Meeting the deepest concern, that the records of the Colony afford abundant and unequivocal evidence of the undiminished extent and atrocity of the African Slave Trade. From eight to ten, and even fifteen vessels have been engaged at the same time in this odious traffic, almost within * Note E. : |