preciate the objects of the Society, and that they are almost unanimously disposed to countenance and sustain them. They have this day received intelligence of the organization of a State Society in Ohio, under circumstances so cheering, as to justify the prediction, that it will prove among the most important Auxiliaries in the Union. In conclusion, may not the Managers be permitted to express the hope, that this work, so auspiciously commenced, but for the completion of which, private charity must prove inadequate, appealing, as it does, equally to our duty and interest-to the Christian, who recognizes in man, wherever he is found, an heir of immortality-to the Statesman, who would build up his country's glory on her justice and magnanimity, may be regarded as strictly national, worthy of the most earnest attention and liberal patronage of the Legislatures of the several States, and of the Federal Government. 7 1826. Supra CR. Jan. 26, By Balance on hand, including $ 44 of counterfeits, " 3,392 46 2,429 94 395 73 3,000 4,361 48、 Amount of contributions as published in Deduct this sum, for the difference be- Proceeds of loan from Bank, Deduct this sum, retained as commission, Jan. 31, Amount of contributions, as published in the Repository, 63 3,298 48 395 73 3,430 17 36 93 3,393 24 1,658 59 $18,963 87 1827. Feb. 3, By balance, including 66 dollars in counterfeits, $1,246 93 |