| Thomas Bennet - 1715 - 228 páginas
...and the Merits of our Savior Chrijt only, and by no Virtue and good Works of our own, that is in as, or that we can be able to have, or to do, for to deferve the fame : Chrilt him felf only being the Caufe meritorious thereof. From whence it follows, that when... | |
| George Stanley Faber - 1801 - 374 páginas
...juftified by Km. only, that we be juftified by Gofs fret " mercy, and the merits of our Saviour Cbrift only, and by no " -virtue or good works of our own that is in us, or that tve can " be able to have, or to do, for to deferve the fame. Cbrifl bim~ "felfonly being the caufe... | |
| 1802 - 628 páginas
...faying, We be juftitied by faith in Chrift only (according to the meaning of the old ancient authors) is this : We put our faith in Chrift, that we be juftified...can be able to have, or to do, for to deferve the fame ; Chrift himlelf only being the caufe meritorious thereof. Here you perceive many words to be... | |
| John Overton - 1802 - 436 páginas
...juftified by him only, that we be juftified by God's free mercy, and the merits of our Saviour Clirift only, and by no virtue or good works of our own that...can be able to have, or to do, for to deferve the fume : Chrift himfelf only being the caufe meritorious thereof11." And again, *' This faying that we... | |
| 1812 - 954 páginas
...mercy, and the merits of our Saviour Christ only, und by no virtue or good toork nf our own that i> in us, or that we can be able to have, or to do, for to deserve (lie same; Christ himself only being the meritorious cause thereof." Sernun of the Salvation... | |
| George Pretyman - 1811 - 614 páginas
...justified by him only, that we be justified by God's free mercy and the merits of our Saviour Christ only, and by no virtue or Good Works of our own, that...us, or that we can be able to have, or to do, for to deserve the same ; Christ himself only being the cause meritorious thereof . , . And because all this... | |
| Church of England homilies - 1811 - 716 páginas
...justified by him only, that \ve be justified by God's free mercy, and the merits of our vSaviour Christ only, and by no virtue or good works of our own that is in us, or that we ran be able to have, or to do, for to deserve the same ; Christ himself only being the cause meritorious... | |
| Thomas Scott - 1811 - 408 páginas
...justified by him ' only, that we be justified by God's fiee mercy and the merits ' of our Saviour Christ only, and by no virtue or good works of ' .our own, that is in us, or that \\& can be able to have, or 10 ' do, for to deserve the same; Christ himself only being the ' eause... | |
| Richard Mant - 1812 - 572 páginas
...as our Church goes on to expound the do&rine according to the meaning of the old ancient authors, " we put our " faith in Chrift, that we be juftified...can be " able to have, or to do, for to deferve the " fame; Chrift himfelf only being the caufe " meritorious thereof." " We therefore plead " the meritorious... | |
| John Brewster - 1813 - 404 páginas
...of the Christian World, •{• Baxter's Saint's Everlasting Rest. Part 3. C. 3. L. Saviour Christ only, and by no virtue or good works of our own that...us, or that we can be able to have, or to do, for to deserve the same ; Christ Himself only being the cause meritorious thereof" " The right and true Christian... | |
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