ADDRESS OF 24842 HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN A. ANDREW, TO THE TWO BRANCHES OF THE Legislature of Massachusetts, JANUARY 5, 1861. BOSTON: WILLIAM WHITE, PRINTER TO THE STATE. ADDRESS. GENTLEMEN OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: The responsible positions to which we have been respectively called by the suffrages of the People of Massachusetts, demand of us a pause, on the threshold of the year, for a brief survey of the field of our labors and a summary review of the duties before us. Surrounded by all the evidences of plenty gathered from the workshop, the mart, the field and the fold ; representing a people prospered in all the undertakings of industry, and graciously defended during the year which has closed, against wasting disease or public calamity; we ought with grateful hearts to pay our vows of obedience to the Great Lawgiver of the Universe, and to adore His bountiful goodness. And whatever shadows may cloud for the time our National horizon; walking in the faith which becomes men,-rational, immortal and believing, who perceive in difficulties only obstacles to be overcome,-let us meet the duties and, if need be, the dangers of the future, with lofty and triumphant cheer. In a spirit and with the purpose of justice towards all other peoples and States, our immediate and official |