The Formation of the Union: A Documentary History Based Upon an Exhibit in the National Archives Building

National Archives Trust Fund Board, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, 1970 - 80 páginas

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Página 10 - British parliament, they are entitled to a free and exclusive power of legislation in their several provincial legislatures, where their right of representation can alone be preserved, in all cases of taxation and internal polity, subject only to the negative of their sovereign, in such manner as has been heretofore used and accustomed...
Página 54 - Committee, that a national Government ought to be established, consisting of a supreme Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.
Página 20 - And whereas it appears absolutely irreconcilable to reason and good conscience, for the people of these Colonies now to take the oaths and affirmations necessary for the support of any Government under the Crown of Great Britain, and it is necessary that the exercise of every kind of authority under the said Crown should be totally suppressed...
Página 18 - But, lest some unlucky event should happen, unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room, that I, this day, declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with.
Página 60 - That the first Wednesday in January next be the day for appointing electors in the several states, which, before the said day, shall have ratified the said constitution; that the first Wednesday in February next be the day for the electors to assemble In their respective states, and vote for a president; and that the first Wednesday in March next be the time, and the present seat of congress the place, for commencing proceedings under the said constitution.
Página 45 - That they shall be subject to pay a part of the federal debts contracted or to be contracted to be apportioned on them by Congress according to the same common rule and measure, by which apportionments thereof shall be made on the other States.
Página 20 - WHEREAS his Britannic Majesty, in conjunction with the lords and commons of Great Britain, has by a late act of parliament, excluded the inhabitants of these united colonies from the protection of his crown...
Página 20 - ... and whereas no answer whatever, to the humble petitions of the colonies, for redress of grievances and reconciliation with Great Britain, has been or is likely to be given, but the whole force of that kingdom, aided by foreign mercenaries, is to be exerted for the destruction of the good people of these colonies...
Página 49 - And, in the just preservation of rights and property, it is understood and declared that no law ought ever to be made or have force in the said Territory that shall, in any manner whatever, interfere with or affect private contracts, or engagements, bona fide, and without fraud previously formed.
Página 10 - That the foundation of English liberty, and of all free government, is, a right in the People to participate in their legislative council...

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