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prisoner by a detachment of British dragoons. General WASHINGTON also renewed his letters to Congress, and to the Executives of the neighbouring States, urging them to bring the whole strength of the militia into the field, to enable him to check the progress of the invading foe. To back these requests, he directed General Mifflin to repair to Philadelphia, General Armstrong to the interiour of Pennsylvania, and Colonel Reed, his Adjutant General, to the distant counties of New-Jersey. The known influence of these gentlemen in those places, united to the exertions of the constituted authorities, would, the General hoped, bring a powerful reinforcement to his armv All these efforts were for the present time ineffectual.

As General Howe advanced, the American army retreated towards the Delaware. It frequently happened, that the front guard of the British entered one end of a village, as the rear of the Americans quitted the other. Whenever it could be done with safety, General Washington made a stand, to show the semblance of an army, and to retard the progress of the enemy.

At Brunswick, Lord and General Howe, Comınissioners, issued a proclamation, commanding all persons in arms against the King, peaceably to return to their homes, and all civil officers to desist from their treasonable practices; and offering a full pardon to all persons, who should in sixty days appear before appointed officers of the crown, and subscribe a declaration of their submission to royal authority.

This was the most gloomy period of the revoDEC. lutionary war. It was the crisis of the struggle

of the United States for Independence. The American army, reduced in numbers, depressed by de feat, and exhausted by fatigue, naked, barefoot, and destitute of tents, and even of utensils, with which to dress their scanty provisions, was fleeing before a triumphant army, well appointed and abundantly sup

plied. A general spirit of despondency through New Jersey was the consequence of this disastrous state of publick affairs. No city or town indeed, in its corporate capacity submitted to the British government. A few characters of distinction maintained their political integrity; and nearly a thousand of the militia of the state bravely kept the field in defence of their country. But most of the families of fortune and influence, discovered an inclination to return to their allegiance to the king. Many of the yeomanry claimed the benefits of the Commissioners' proclamation; and the great body of them were too much taken up with the security of their families and their property, to make any exertion in the publick cause.

In this worst of times Congress stood unmoved. Their measures exhibited no symptoms of confusion or dismay, the publick danger only roused them to more vigorous exertions, that they might give a firmer tone to the publick mind, and animate the citizens of United America to a manly defence of their Independence.

Beneath this cloud of adversity, General WASHINGTON shone, perhaps with a brighter lustre, than in the day of his highest prosperity. Not dismayed by all the difficulties which encompassed him, he accommodated his measures to his situation, and still made the good of his country the object of his unwearied pursuit. He ever wore the countenance of composure and confidence; by his own example inspiring his little band with firmness to struggle with adverse for


As the British advanced upon him, he retreated, and having previously broken down the bridges on the Jersey shore, he crossed the Delaware, and se DEC. 8. cured the boats upon the river for a distance of seventy miles. The van of the enemy appeared upon the left bank of the Delaware, while the rear of the American army was upon its passage


After an unsuccessful attempt to procure boats to

pass the Delaware, General Howe cantoned his army in New-Jersey, intending to wait until the frost of winter should furnish him with an easy passage upon the ice to Philadelphia. He stationed four thousand men along the Delaware at Trenton, Bordentown, the White Horse, and Burlington. And the residue of his force, he posted between the Delaware and the Hack ensack.

General WASHINGTON ordered the American galleys to keep the river, narrowly to watch the enemy, and to give the earliest notice of their movements. He posted his troops upon the south side of the Delaware, in situations the most favourable to guard the fords and ferries; and he gave written instructions to the commanding officer of each detachment, directing what passes he should defend, if driven from his post, on his retreat to the heights of Germantown. While waiting for reinforcements he kept a steady eye on the enemy, and used every means in his power to gain correct information of their plans. This moment of inaction he also embraced, to lay before Congress his reiterated remonstrances against the fatal system of short enlistments. He hoped that experience, by its severe chastisement, would produce the conviction upon that body, which his arguments and persuasions had not fully effected.

He urged Congress to establish corps DEC 20. of cavalry, artillerists, and engineers, and pressed upon them the necessity of estaolishing additional regiments of infantry. He knew that objections to these measures would arise, on account of the expense, and from the consideration, that the old battalions were not yet filled; these he obviated by observing, that "more men would in this way on the whole be raised, and that our funds were not the only object now to be taken into consideration. We find," he added, "that the enemy are daily gatherVOL. I 10

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