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er in Chief on the Subject-Expedition against the
Indians under General Sullivan-He destroys their
Towns-The American Army posted for the de-
fence of the High Lands on the North River, and
for the protection of the Country against the incur-
sions of the British-Sir Henry Clinton moves up
the Hudson, takes possession of Stony and Verplank
Points, and fortifies them-Arrangements made for
Assaulting these posts-General Wayne carries
Stony Point by Storm-The Attact upon Verplank
fails-Congress vote their thanks to General WASH
INGTON and to the brave Troops employed in this
service-They vote General Wayne a Medal-
Evils of short Enlistments-Plan of the General's to
remedy them-The Army in two Divisions erect huts
for winter quarters, one near West Point, and the oth-
er at Morristown in New-Jersey-The troops suffer
through the scarcity of Provisions-Colonel Wads-
worth resigns his Office-Confusion in the Commis
sary's department--The Commander in Chief is ne
cessitated to apportion supplies of Meat and Flour
upon the Counties of New-Jersey-The winter ex
cessively cold, and the waters around New-York
frozen over; but the Commander in Chief is too
weak to avail himself of this opportunity to Assail
the British Posts Expedition to Staten Island


Amount of Emission-Congress destitute of Means to
support the War-Supplies apportioned upon the
States-Exertions of the Commander in Chief-
Mutiny in a part of the Army-The British make
an Excursion into New-Jersey-The American
Troops bravely resist them-The Court of France
promises a Naval and Land Armament to act in
America-Preparation to Co-operate with it-A
French Squadron arrives on the American Coast
-Count Rochambeau lands at Newport with five
thousand Men -The American and French Com-
manders meet at Hartford to settle the Plan of the
Campaign-The Second Division of the French
Troops fails-General Arnold becomes a Traitor-
He Corresponds with Major André-André comes
on Shore at West Point-Attempts to return to
New-York by land-He is taken into Custody by
three Militia Men-A Board of General Officers
condemn him-He is Executed-Letter of General
WASHINGTON On the State of the Army-Congress
adopts a Military Establishment for the War-The
Army goes into Winter Quarters





His Birth-Education-Appointed an Adjutant General of the militia-His embassy to the Ohio-Commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel of a regular regiment-Surprises a detachment of French troops Capitulation of Fort Necessity-He is appointed a volunteer Aid de camp to General Braddock-His bravery in the action in which that General fell-He is appointed the Colonel of a regiment, and commander in chief of the Virginia troops-His efforts to defend the frontiers-ilis exertions in the expedition under General Forbes to gain possession of Fort du Quesno-Resigns his commission.

GEORGE WASHINGTON was born in the county of Westmoreland, Virginia, on the 22d day of February, 1732. He was the third son of Mr. Augustine Washington, and the great grandson of Mr. John Washington, a gentleman of a family of some distinction in the north of England, who emigrated about the year 1657, and took up the estate on which the subject of these memoirs was born.

At the age of ten years. by the death of his father, he was left in the sole care of a solicitous mother. She gave him a private education. A grammatical knowledge of the English language, mathematicks, geography, history, natural and moral philosophy, to the exclusion of the learned languages, formed the course of his youthful studies.

The candour and manliness of his disposition were early displayed among his young companions, and the commanding influence of his character was first dis covered by his ascendency over them.

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